Tag Archive: American Dragon

  1. Celebration of Professional Wrestling (2012 Archive)


    Wow, what a whirlwind of activity we’ve had over the last week plus… It’s been a great ride for all involved at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online! I’d like to thank all involved with this great project, and on behalf of all involved, a special thanks to you the wrestling fans who took the time to check out our work. We do appreciate it! After the link, a complete archive of all the content that came out is available. Just in case you missed something…



  2. An American Dragon Moment: Daniel Bryan heel champion

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    An American Dragon moment is brought to you by Matt B. Wrestle.

    What we have witnessed since this December is Daniel Bryan breaking through the glass ceiling and becoming a main eventer. This has to be a proud moment. Even as a heel how do you stop the train that is Bryan? Sadly this Sunday that might be Sheamus. Why is this sad?

    We watched through tie-gate as Daniel Bryan was released and returned to the independent scene but was so valuable that he was brought back to the fold in no time. This has to mean he was meant for better things.

    We have already seen Sheamus as a heel champion no less and their wasn’t much to be impressed by. He a muscle factory churned out by HHH/MacMahon that has  improved but still doesn’t excuse putting him over Daniel Bryan. Who by far is the better “wrestler’

    Uh oh I’ve said the naughty word that no one in the Universe should say. What I should of said was “entertainer” Daniel Bryan entertains me. He could give the WWE better mileage out of him then say a Sheamus run which would be Hoganesque. Which in this time period is just not worth its salt like it was in the 80’s and 90’s. We like the heels and tweeners of the ring they add to the excitement of the sport.

    I would compare Daniels to Rick Rude and Curt Hennig, when you would watch thier matches you wanted them to lose because they were heel but they wore so “entertaining” that when they went over you were upset but not for their lack of ability in comparison to the faces. With Bryan you have that. He can “entertain” and leaving the belt on him post Wrestlemania would be a better choice.

    He has pulled the best out of Mark Henry, the Miz and has fought Sheamus previously for the United States title. Which by the way he lost while a bland face. And when the rematch was pushed back into a dark match it ended in a no contest due to outside fighting from the lumberjacks around the ring. And to add further insult his resulting rematch on Raw he lost and had to be saved by Sin Cara. So yeah Daniel Bryan the heel needs to be pushed to win in similar fashion to Cody Rhodes who just makes the show more fun.

    King and Queen of the Ring

    And let’s not forget his storyline with AJ Lee and what could quite possibly turn into one of the most entertaining slow burning heel turns in the recent memory. Right now AJ is the video game playing every women that guys wish was more common. Daniel Bryan is slowly molding her into his queen. And seeing as how the Diva division could use a good Glamazon versus SexyNerd feud just to make it interesting I’m all for it. But if Daniel Bryan loses the championship what would be the point of a king and queen of Smackdown when one is titleless.

    I believe like Mark Henry before him he’s a champion that makes the show more fun to watch and could quite possibly be the key to an entertaining Wrestlemania and many others for years to come.

    Bryan! Bryan! Go Bryan, Go.

    This has been an American Dragon moment


  3. Smackdown 01/28/12: Royal Rumblings…


    Oh man… so stoked… The Royal Rumble is this Sunday, and tonight’s Smackdown is the last show before the best event of the year. Let’s just skip the crap, and see what the WWE has in store to build on their final show towards this magnificent event, shall we?

    One more thing… 1993, January 27… we lost one of the most notable professional wrestlers of all time. I’m going to grab a cold one in his honour, and hope you do too…


    RIP Andre.


  4. Power Poll 11/17/10

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    The Power Poll has been taken over by Don Owens of Future-Endeavors.com, and we here at BoredWrestlingFan would like to welcome him here in his first week…

    1. Wade Barrett  (last week:  1)

    The leader of the Nexus proved he can win matches on his own with a victory over R-Truth, and proved he’s in control of The Nexus by forcing John Cena to don the black and yellow t-shirt this past Monday on RAW.  (My vote: 1)

    2. Randy Orton (3)

    The WWE Champion RKO’d anything that moved on Monday Night, but failed to take out John Cena, perhaps his biggest threat this Sunday at Survivor Series.  (My vote: 2)

    3. Edge (2)

    The Rated R Superstar failed to exile David Otunga from The Nexus thanks to interference from Kane.  However, Edge had the last laugh when he kidnapped Paul Bearer and caused enough of a distraction for The Big Show to pick up a victory over the World Heavyweight Champion.  (My vote: 3)

    4. John Cena  (6)

    After easily defeating Alex Riley in a match, Cena not only avoided being punted in the head by Randy Orton, he managed to hit him with an Attitude Adjustment – followed by one for Wade Barrett.  (My vote: N/A)

    5. Kane  (5)

    A loss for the World Heavyweight Champion, even if it was because of a distraction from Edge, leaves him at number 5.  (My vote: 4)

    6. Daniel Bryan  (9)

    The American Dragon impressed voters this week by holding off SmackDown’s All American American, Jack Swagger on RAW.  (My vote:  9)

    7. Alberto Del Rio  (7)

    His name is Alberto Del Rio, but of course, you already knew that.  A victory over Sergeant Slaughter on RAW capped off a good week for Alberto, who defeated Kofi Kingston on SmackDown, was announced by Tito Santana, and was driven into the arena by Chavo Classic.  (My vote:  7)

    8. Dolph Ziggler (NR)

    Apparently, appearing on both shows and winning helps big time in the Power Poll, because Dolph Ziggler retained his Intercontinental Championship against MVP on Friday and put Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry to sleep on Monday.  (My vote: N/A)

    9. Jeff Hardy (8)

    TNA’s World Champion is the only thing that keeps them on this poll sometimes.  And here, Jeff Hardy is hanging out near the bottom with his ugly new Immortal Championship.  (My vote: 5)

    10. Santino  (10)

    Two weeks running for Santino?   Holy crap!  Hanging out with The Iron Sheik and defeating the Usos through use of The Cobra(!!!!) will definitely get you votes here on the Power Poll! (My vote:  6)

    Dropped Out: The Miz

    I also voted for: Ezekiel Jackson (8) and Jim Ross (10)

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wonderful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comFuture EndeavorsHit the RopesNoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project WonderboyRingside RantsSmark Out MomentSmarks Anonymous, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestling Nuggets and Wrestlespective. Follow the Power Poll voters on Twitter.