Tag Archive: Booker T

  1. Smackdown 11/02/12


    Coming off a stinker of a PPV, the WWE has decided to try to salvage the product. In all fairness, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it would appear that almost every single member of the IWC is visually challenged. That’s the P.C. way to say fucking blind, right? Just kidding, most of that PPV sucked. Let’s see if Smackdown gets the same treatment. It doesn’t cost $45-55 either! Hopping time…

    Best Cubito Aequet ever.


  2. Smackdown 10/26/12: Hell in the/a Cell Go Away Show

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    Sweet Jeebus, there is a PPV on Sunday and this is the WWE’s last ditch effort to convince you to pay for it. After battling the ratings challenge of this month, including going up against the NFL, MLB playoffs, infomercials, and the Presidential debates, you’d think they’d treat this show like it meant something. But you’d be wrong. So, let’s just get down to hopping into Ryback’s water tank and swim like a dolphin not violating the wellness policy, shall we?

    Happy Halloween! Remember when choosing your costume, sometimes it’s just for the best to be yourself.


  3. Smackdown 10/05/12: Turkey Day Weekend (unless you’re wrong)

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    As the world turns it’s attention to Big Bird, and MLB playoffs, or the accurate celebration of Thanksgiving, the WWE is a busy beaver. RAW went head to head with a huge NFL game. The debuting Main Event program in the US market would contend with Presidential Debates and Triple Crown feats. What a great idea! But, Smackdown continues to dwell in it’s miserable timeslot on Friday although now up against two wildcard MLB playoff games, and that means it’s time to hop to it, shall we?


  4. Smackdown 09/28/12


    Since I tend to grab the non-spoiler match card before writing this, it gives me an idea of what type of suffering I am about to enter into. And dear lord, this one looks redundant and bad. Let’s see if the actual show delivers regardless, shall we?

    Resident ThinkSoJoE was at this event, he might get involved.

    Oh, bye bye Kelly Kelly Kelly! No one will miss you!

  5. Smackdown 09/21/12

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    Sigh. What can I say? Night of Champions was actually really good. Nobody had a near-death experience on RAW, you would think all is right in the world. But sadly no, see the NHL is locked out. Yes, this is a wrestling site, true. But, man I share the sentiments of many fans who have disdain for both the owners and the players stealing the NHL from us over greed. Terrible. Perhaps Smackdown will lift my spirits? Perhaps some one might show up on the program we haven’t seen in a while? Let’s hop to it, shall we?

  6. BWF WrestleMania 28 Pregame Show Podcast

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    That’s right folks! We’re on the cusp of the culmination of the Celebration of Professional Wrestling Week here at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod Online… and the Grand Daddy of them all, WrestleMania 28, is only a few hours away! Needless to say, we’re all excited and pumped to watch the PPV tonight. ThinkSoJoE, JT, and myself gathered around our microphones to talk about what to expect on tonight’s show in relation to RAW, Smackdown, and various news and rumors that have occurred since last Sunday’s official prediction podcast. There’s a couple particular notable ex-WWE stars in Miami over the weekend, and the WWE has announced that one of next years WrestleMania matches will be announced on Monday… or perhaps even teased tonight. What might happen? So as you count the hours down, what better a way to get even MORE pumped up than to check out our pregame show?


  7. Smackdown 02/17/12: Orton’s been replaced, “Oh You Didn’t Know?”


    Let’s skip the intro crap, and we begin with clips of the Big Show/Orton match from RAW. Orton was concussed and is being pulled from this Sunday’s Elimination Chamber match up. So our go home Smackdown will serve to find his replacement in a Battle Royal. Teddy Long confirms the stoic faced Orton kayfabe, but it’s all legit too. So sell me on the PPV WWE, I wouldn’t have shilled out the money for Orton anyways. BTW, if you somehow didn’t hear the announcement WWE made themselves on their own website, I’ll save the spoiler for after the jump as I run down this episode of Smackdown…