Tag Archive: Bret Hart

  1. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Davey Boy Smith VS Bret Hart.

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     Its that time again people, its time for some classic wrestling action. Welcome to another journey back in time as we explore Stampede Wrestlings great historic past. This time around lets watch a very good match between 2 former wrestlers from the Calgary promotion who were actually WWF employees at the time battling it out for the world tag team titles on the biggest stage of them all. However, in between their feud in the WWF, both men took time to return to their roots and lace up the boots in a Stampede Wrestling ring once again. Those 2 men were one half of the Hart foundation, Bret Hart, and his brother in law Davey Boy Smith who was of course one half of the British Bulldogs. Bret played the “Heel” in this classic encounter as Davey boy played the “Face” but lets face it, the crowd in Calgary loved both of these alumni. Worth noting is the appearance of the Dynamite Kid near the end of the video and of course and as always the classic commentary of Ed Whalen. Enjoy this great match and I will see you on the next episode of PatMan picks next time!

    [youtube QoMNOFjZp9I]


  2. Smackdown: 08/26/11 Seat Filler Diary 3


    On Tuesday, the WWE trucks pulled into Calgary to tape Smackdown. Once again, I had the privilege to be a seat filler and temporary WWE staff member. I will break down the episode as it appears on TV, and live in person. I will also comment on my third consecutive opportunity to be a seat filler.

    A special thanks to pintnoir who covered Impact Wrestling for our sites this week! Let’s get to it, shall we?

  3. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Chris Benoit vs Great Gama Title Match!

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    Its time once again for another old school classic Stampede Wrestling moment from the PatMan. This time around I am including one of Stampede Wrestlings most talented wrestlers who, like many others, went on to enjoy great Success in the WCW ,WWE and Japan.  Unfortunately, his story did not end with success but rather with horror and shocking acts of brutal crime that I need not remind any of you about. Yes, of course, I am referring to Chris Benoit. Lets look away from his horrific end to life and temporarily concentrate on him at a much younger age where his wrestling was all that mattered. Chris Benoits in ring abilities were very impressive right from the get go, and his obsession with emulating his icon The Dynamite Kid are visible in many of his earlier matches. I have for you today what could very well be Chris Benoits first chance at the taste of a championship belt. His opponent was a very talented grappler by the name of The Great Gama, the mid heavyweight champion and a much more experienced wrestler than young Chris was at the time.  Worth noting in the video is the appearance of Davey Boy Smiths “evil cousin” Jonny Smith who is up to his usual heel antics. Also worth noting later in the video is an in ring interview where another young wrestler destined for success, Flying Brian Pillman , can be quickly seen several times to the left of Chris Benoit. Our very own Audio Master G ,who was actually body slammed by Chris Benoit onto a couch in his childhood back in Calgary may be interested in this classic match as he is the only person I know who took some bumps form him. Maybe he could have given the Great Gama a few tips? If you don’t know that G had encounters with Chris Benoit & Bad News Brown while I took an accidental hit from The British Bulldog & encountered an angry Bret Hart at Safeway, you clearly must download our Stampede Wrestling podcast, found at both Wonderpodonline.com and right here at  BoredWrestlingFan.com ! You can check out my Classic PC Game Picks & Wonderpod video game podcast episode 70 over at Wonderpodonline.com also, if your interested! See you all next time.


    [youtube TlNjFZLlaDA]

  4. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Bret Hart VS Bad News Allen(Brown)

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    One of my favorite battle royals in Pro Wrestling history must be the classic at WM4. And as mentioned in our Stampede Wrestling podcast, as kids growing up in Calgary that match was extra special for the likes of G and myself. There were several Stampede Wrestling alumni in that big match including Junk Yard Dog, Danny Davis and Jim“The Anvil” Neidhart.  The final two competitors in this famous WWF battle royal ended up being Bret Hart & Bad News Brown. The chemistry they displayed in the ring as they teamed up to eliminate their other opponents was no fluke, however. They had, of course, worked together many times before in the past back in the days of Stamped Wrestling. I can recall many great matches between the two back in the day, including ladder matches and no disqualification matches which aired on TV and entertained fans in countries all over the world well before  both men ended up in the WWF. I bring you today one such classic match between Bret Hart and Bad News Allen in Stampedes famous past. Its for the North American heavyweight title, held by a young Bret Hart facing his challenger, one mean looking Bad News Allen. Worth noting is, as always, the heels in Stampede wrestling getting away with all sorts of mischief, which also as always, is driving the crowd absolutely nuts. Also worth noting are the post interviews by both Bret with his brother Bruce and the hilarious ending of Bad News Allen’s post interview with his entourage of heels as they insult Ed’s tie? Its both interesting and entertaining to watch these future wrestling superstars in their younger years. Bret truly is in the learning stages of how to become the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. And what better place to hone his skills than right in his home city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. See you all next time for another edition of PatMan Picks ,Stamped Wrestling classics! Oh and for those who dont know who I am, I am on Wonderpod Videogame podcast over at www.wonderpodonline.com and have other PatMan picks and Patman plays articles over there, if you want to check them out!

    [youtube Hm6tlFWuyTk]

  5. An Open Letter to Smarks

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    A smark is defined according to Wikipedia as “a phrase coined by Internet wrestling fans to describe a fan who enjoys pro wrestling despite or because they know that it is scripted, as well as generally knowing the “ins-and-outs” of the company and knowing many things about the industry or wrestlers collected by sources and are posted online. “Smarks” are generally looked down on by wrestlers as well as other wrestling fans for supposed inability to suspend their disbelief. Smarks may also be criticized for believing they know more than they do in reality about the workings of the wrestling industry.”

    First of all, my confession. I am a smark. I know wrestling is predetermined. I also have been a subscriber of www.pwinsider.com for well over 10 years. (Well, going back to their days at 1Wrestling) I’ve read books by Mick Foley, Terry Funk & Jerry Lawler. I know some insider terms but just what has leaked to the world via the Internet. I know some wrestlers’ real names, but that only comes from being a fan for a long time. Yes, I know that wrestling is predetermined. This may not be an exact quote, but I believe Lance Storm once said “Predetermined does not necessarily mean fake.” This should not be a newsflash for anybody. Yet I still go, and I still respect it for the art form that it can be. Contrary to popular belief, I do not live in mother’s basement. I have a beautiful wife and daughter.

    Second of all, this part is for the smarks. Wrestling has given us a lot. Remember Kurt Angle-HBK at Wrestlemania 22? Stone Cold-Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13? Savage-Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3? What about “The Night the Line Was Crossed” in ECW? Eddie Guerrero-Rey Misterio Jr. at Halloween Havoc ’97? All the TLC matches? Sabu-Terry Funk in the barb wire match at Hard Wired? The cage match in TNA where Elix Skipper ran off the top of the cage? Or the first Ultimate X match? Or the Low Ki-Danielson-Daniels 3-way match at the first Ring of Honor show?

    And those are just the matches. Think of the wrestlers. Eddie Guerrero, AJ Styles, Curt Hennig, Dean Malenko, Terry Funk, Ricky Steamboat, Edge, Christian, Pre-drug Jeff Hardy, Pre-Hostess Twinkies Matt Hardy, The Dudley Boys, Sabu, Taz, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Low Ki, Homicide, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuiness, Doug Williams,Tyler Black, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Kings of Wrestling, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Mike Awesome, Masato Tanaka, the nation of Japan.

    And we’ve had our villains. Anybody with the last name of McMahon, WWE Creative, Kevin Dunn, Triple-H, Chyna, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Test, Katie Vick, the Dusty finish, Eric Bischoff, the contents of Baby Doll’s envelope, the driver of the Hummer, Robocop, Hulk Hogan, David Arquette, the Great Khali (even though I still love him), John Cena, Mark Madden and our ultimate anti-Christ-Vince Russo.

    These people here have given everything for us (except for maybe Mark Madden). We owe them everything. When you go to a local independent wrestling show, you should see it as an opportunity to give back. The Bible says “To whom much is given, much will be expected.” Remember, just because you go to a local indy show, you’re not going to see Flair-Steamboat every time. What you are going to watch are two guys who are getting to do the thing they love before a group of people. You’ll see some good matches, and you might see some “works-in-progress” (my nice way of saying sucky matches). Some of you sit there with your arms crossed waiting for somebody to do Teddy Hart moonsaults off the top of the building onto shards of glass in a vat of alcohol. (I’m sure we’d all like to see Teddy Hart do that, btw.)

    When you go a wrestling show, you need to get into it. You know who the faces and the heels are. Cheer them. Boo them. (An exception is the “Heel Section.” Those guys crack me up, and they get the fans more into it.) Heckle the heels. When the referee asks you if the guy cheated, tell them. Buy a t-shirt. Get your polaroid taken at the intermission. This is your chance to go out and stimulate the economy.

    You can still be a “smart” fan. I tried the El Generico “Ole!” chant for my local luchador. The fans never joined me. I’ll also heckle my local wrestlers. Like, Local Wrestler #1 says they don’t have a match tonight. I’ll cheer. Don’t get in the way of the match. It’s disrespectful and not funny. Don’t call a wrestler by their real name. I know some outside of my local promotion, and when I see them live at the show, I always repeat to myself “His name is [name].  His name is [name].”

    Let’s face it. Some of you are jealous. Some of you would love to step in the ring, but either don’t have the size or the courage. You’ll never be happy with what goes on in the ring because you wish you could be in it. You think you’re the cat’s whacker because you know who Kenta Kobashi is. There were a group of fans at a local indy that got in the way of the show because they wanted a job. If you truly love wrestling, you want to make it succeed. Your attitude creates whether you will enjoy it or not.

    I, of course, wanted to be involved in the wrestling industry. I went so far as to call a few schools about information about being things like a referee/manager. But I had a lot of different roads to travel, and as much as I wish wrestling was on my road, it wasn’t. But I still like to help in the business. My way of doing that now is to pay, be an unofficial crowd plant and then to give my opinion afterwards.

    It doesn’t mean you can’t have an opinion. A lot of you have a lot of experience as wrestling fans. You know what you enjoy and what you don’t. Just remember that the wrestlers are people with feelings and emotions and families. I write a review for my local promotion. While I was terrified at first, they seemed to appreciate it. I also don’t rip them a new one because they don’t do a 1260 splash off a 3rd story building onto a bed of thumbtacks. I just go into it knowing that I’m not a wrestler, and I just have one opinion.

    We have been given so much, and it’s time we give back.

    For my site, click here.

    To follow me on Twitter, click here. For Facebook, click here.

  6. Top 5 Wrestlemania Moments

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    Ahhhhhhh Wrestlemania. The very name conjures up countless images which have both thrilled and entertained millions upon millions of people, never failing to lose its appeal in almost 30 years. It’s actually scary for yours truly to think that the very fist ‘Mania I can recall was way, way back in 1990 – when the “Immortal” Hulk Hogan was set to square off with the lunacy that was The Ultimate Warrior. Title for title, muscle-bound behemoth versus muscle-bound behemoth. It’s surely an iconic moment in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment and serves as a welcome reminder of just how much excitement Wrestlemania can cause.


  7. Seat Filler Diary 2: RAW 10/18/10


    Well folks, it’s Monday Night RAW in Calgary! And once again, I reprised my role as a “seat filler” to ensure that the on air product appears to be full and energized (or at least what you good people saw on television). We’ll see if I can hack a wifi connection and get this up tonight. I won’t be recapping everything, just pointing out some stuff I saw that you at home did not.

  8. Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never


    Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never edition

    1. The Miz (5)

    The United States Champion nearly took Evan Bourne’s head off, then convinced John Cena and Bret Hart to tell him that they need him.  Mr. Money In The Bank returns to the number one slot on the Power Poll because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!

    2. John Cena (4)

    John Cena managed to even out the playing field with The Nexus this week with the return of Edge and Chris Jericho to Team WWE.

    3. Rob Van Dam (8)

    Mr. Pay Per View proved it in a hell of a match with longtime ECW rival Sabu at HardCORE Justice.  Rob Van Dam carries the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back up the rankings with him this week.

    4. Sheamus (3)

    The Fellabration continues, although the WWE Champion slips to number 4 in this week’s Power Poll after being shown up by Randy Orton.  Destroying the NXT Rookies probably prevented him from slipping further.

    5. Randy Orton (1)

    Meanwhile, the number one contender drops from the number one spot in our poll.  Running Sheamus off doesn’t help The Viper stay at the top.

    6. Kane (2)

    The lowest ranked World Champion this week is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Kane.  Does Rey Mysterio’s accusation that Kane is behind The Undertaker’s attack have anything to do with The Big Red Monster’s dramatic drop this week?

    7. Rey Mysterio (7)

    Rey Mysterio may or may not be behind the attack on The Undertaker, but one thing’s for sure, he’s behind number 7 for a second straight week here in the Power Poll.

    8. Chris Jericho (6)

    After a run-in with The Nexus during RAW’s main event, Chris Jericho re-joined Team WWE.  He also dropped two spots in the Power Poll.   I’d say you’re either Nexus or you’re against us, but I don’t see Wade Barrett and Co. anywhere on this list.

    9. Dolph Ziggler (NR)

    To further prove that all you have to do to get yourself on the Power Poll is win a championship, Dolph Ziggler won the Intercontinental Championship on Friday Night, now finding himself ranked at number 9.

    10. Edge (NR)

    Returning to the list this week is another man who re-joined Team WWE after a brawl with The Nexus, The Rated R Superstar, Edge.

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comHit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcastOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.

  9. RAW 8.9.10

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    I didn’t post this last night because I really wasn’t that excited about RAW.  Anyway, I won’t be posting on next week until Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.  I’m not going to be watching RAW.  I’m joining my mother and grandmother to go see a show.  I’m excited.  Anyway, here’s the review!

    The Main Event is Cena & Bret Hart vs Jericho & Edge with Nexus as Lumerjacks!

    Bret Hart comes out in a Batman shirt and says that he’s upset that Jericho and Edge left and talks about Team WWE.  He asks Jericho and Edge to join him in the ring, and says that if Nexus wins at SummerSlam, then everyone loses.  Jericho makes his way to the ring, and Bret asks him to rejoin Team WWE, because this is Jericho’s time to make things right.  Jericho still refuses, and tells Bret that Bret’s worried about losing tonight, and is frightened. Once again, Bret is screwed.  Chris doesn’t want to team with either Cena or Bret, he just wants to dismantle Bret.

    You think you know me…

    Edge comes out and asks Jericho what’s wrong with him, they grew up idolizing him.  Edge says he’s in, goes to attack Hart, Hart goes for Sharpshooter, Jericho pokes him in the eye.  Jericho and Edge make their way out of the ring, and Natalya joins Bret in the ring.  Nexus is backstage beating up Tyson and David Hart Smith.  Wade says it’s not Bret’s day.  Bret and Nat leave the rign and run backstage.


    @KeepItFiveStar “That’s what you get for not being a Hart, Tyson!” – Nexus

    @dasharpshooters Michael Keaton looks like shit. #wwe #raw #bwf

    @Niki_Sushi I want Bret to say ‘nut up or shut up’ so Chris can shove the mic in his mouth. #BWF

    Medics are backstage with Hart Dynasty, Bret says he’s going to take things under his own hands. Cena stops him and tells him to stay with his family.


    United States Champion and Mister Money in the Bank The Miz vs Evan Bourne
    Miz wins with a Skull Crushing Finale, but Evan had some great offense going, and a pretty sweet looking hurricanrana.
    United States Champion The Miz wins via pinfall!

    Miz gets mic and says he doesn’t care who has the WWE Championship after SummerSlam, when he’s ready to cash in, he will be the WWE Champion, because he’s the Miz and he’s AWESOME.  Backstage, Cena is talking to Khali backstage.


    @kickoutblog Yeah, The Miz just murdered Evan Bourne.

    @_MFS_ Bourne does shit like that and yet they still make him job… #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @JCenadotcom Cole talking about The Miz requires me to mute the channel…

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Melina’s return.>

    Melina vs. Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox
    Not a horrible match, but I wasn’t all that impressed.
    Melina wins via pinfall.

    Khali is backstage with Josh and says that Ranjin Singh’s not here.  Josh asks is Khali with WWE or Nexus?  Khali says WWE, then jacks the mic and grumbles and mumbles a lot.  He then challenges Wade Barrett to a match, said Josh… thankfully


    @RAWMysteryGM I know what Khali said and he will be punished accordingly for that outburst #WWE #bwf

    @ KeepItFiveStar So The Great Khali vs. Glade Berry…?

    @ _MFS_ what the fuck was that move supposed to be Alicia cause it looked like absolute shit #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @redsandman99 I’m hoping that since Melina won tonight, Alicia wins at Summerslam. I love Melina but there should be proper feud for the title.

    @dasharpshooters Dammit Khali you have been in this company for like 4 years and you cant speak english? #wwe #raw #BWF

    As a result of Melina’s victory, Alicia will defend against Melina at SummerSlam.

    Later tonight, Eve & Gail v Bellas v Maryse and Jillain in some bathing suit match thing, and Sheamus has called out Orton.

    Chris Jericho and Edge are backstage complaining about Bret.  They say if Nexus loses, it’s because they’re not on Team WWE, and they may have bitten off more than they can chew.   Edge says they’ll survive whatever Nexus does, and Jericho says they’re architects and they make things happen.  If they take out Cena and Hart, there’s no SummerSlam match, and they’re in the clear.

    JoMo and R-Truth talking backstage.  They say they got each other’s backs, but they need to find a replacement.

    Mark Henry comes up and hears them say they need replacements, they just need him instead of two replacements, and to consider this match his audition.  Nexus is watching on a big TV, and Wade nods to them. Everyone but Barrett leaves Nexus locker room.


    @YourBoyDrew Tweets are being swallowed, it’s like the Bella Twins, are operating twitter for me

    @iwcmvp WWEShop.com has an interesting new item. For $35 Michael Tarver will come to your house and make you crap your pants in fear #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Ted DiBiase with Maryse vs. Mark Henry

    Henry’s attacked by Nexus before anything can happen.

    Sheamus makes his way to the ring.


    @KeepItFiveStar Every week, we should place bets to see how long Mark Henry lasts before he gets his ass beat

    @JCenadotcom Henry failed the audition then…

    @Niki_Sushi Nexus is doin’ drive-by’s now!

    @Bruce412 RIP Mark Henry #TeamNexus #WWE #bwf

    @dasharpshooters Wait a minute there was a guy walking next to Maryse? I didnt notice. #wwe #Raw #bwf

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Randy Orton def. United States Champion The Miz>

    It’s a shame that they lost their heads…

    Sheamus to the ring. Mark Henry’s still trying to make it up the ramp, that fatass.  Anyway, Sheamus says Randy is talking out his arse, and shows a video package of how he’s not afraid of Randy Orton.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Sheamus’ destruction>

    Who thinks he’s afraid of Orton? Everyone.  Sheamus says he’s afraid of no one (except Nexus… <.<; ) and that he wants to call out Orton.  Randy comes out and interrupts him. Orton has something to say first – Sheamus didn’t get in the ring because he was afraid last week.  Sheamus blew an opportunity last week, and he’ll do the same at SummerSlam. Sheamus can do whatever he wants, but fact is Sheamus has never beaten Orton. Orton says he’s not Triple H or Cena. Sheamus says he’s not the WWE Champion either, and he won’t be after SummerSlam, and when he beats Orton, Orton will go back to the end of the line, and Orton’ll never get another title chance.  Orton says he will beat Sheamus because Sheamus has never beaten Orton, but if Sheamus wants to redeem himself for not attacking last week, Orton says do something about it.

    Sheamus, your title matches in the past have been marred with outside interference. Therefore, if anyone interferes in the WWE Champ match at SummerSlam, they will be suspended indefinitely. Furthermore, I agree with Sheamus.  If Randy loses at SummerSlam, there will be no rematch, and he will go back to the end of the line. However, I also agree with Orton. If Sheamus is not scared, then I encourage him to do something about it, right now.

    Sheamus goes to walk away, goes to attack Orton, stops, then walks away. Orton attacks instead, Sheamus runs the title into Orton’s face. Sheamus goes for boot, Orton dodges, and delivers a backbreaker to Sheamus. Sheamus is down, Randy backs up, then goes for a punt, but stops short.  Sheamus is freaked. Orton rolls out and picks up the Championship


    @iwcmvp “What the hell, why is that jar of Mayo doing with the WWE title?, MMMMMMM Mayo” – Mark Henry #WWE #BWF

    @dasharpshooters Mystery GM should get 2 minutes in the penalty box for instigating. #wwe #raw #bwf

    @TheViperRKO951 I think Sheamus just craped himself #RAW

    @SinisterAsh What will happen if the GM gets a virus?

    @Niki_Sushi One day, the lights will blink and the power won’t come back on.



    Sheamus is still outside the ring, very pissed off.  The Season Two NXT Rookies are in action, and I don’t care.

    Three NXT Rookies vs Three NXT Rookies
    Uh… The fat one won. O.o  Husky Harris.
    NXT Rookies win via squishing pinfall.

    Sheamus attacks Rookies afterward, hitting the High Cross on Kaval. He then takes a mic and says that it was a message to the GM and Orton, and he promises to still be the WWE Champion next week.

    Truth and Morrison make their way to the ring


    @kickoutblog Hey you know when this would be a good idea? Tomorrow night on NXT, but I guess we have kegs to carry and fat people to kiss then.

    @kickoutblog Sheamus just did to NXT what I wish I could do to whoever is booking this show

    @bojeeB Kool Aid man has died, Miracle Whip has lost his cool….

    R-Truth and John Morrison vs. William Regal and Zack Ryder
    I don’t know what happened… I was tweeting.
    R-Truth and John Morrison win via pinfall.


    @wnwdotcom: Big win? They squashed two of the most irrelevant workers on the Raw roster!

    @ThingsColeSays Since they couldn’t get Will Ferrall, the Bellas walk to the ring with their giant dildos. They will get off one way or another!

    @KeepItFiveStar The fans don’t like you R-Truth. They like rap beats and being asked questions.

    @iwcmvp Was I the only one who thought that red haired woman in the audience during Truth’s entrance was Heath Slater? #WWE #BWF

    @RAWMysteryGM Coming up next The Bikini Contest, featuring surprise entrant Mae Young. Get the lotion ready folks, there will be some tuggin going on #BWF

    Nikki and Brie Bella vs Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs Maryse and Jillian Hall
    Don’t know, don’t care what happened here. Point is, they were all in bathing suits, and that is the only reason that this was even on.  The entrance with the slide was dumb, and Santino and Vladimir couldn’t even save this… Okay, Santino did.  I love that guy.
    The Bellas win via crap ring work.

    Tamina corners, so to speak, Santino, and then let’s him go, but slaps his ass as he walks by.  Santion acts kind of embarrassed.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: The Monty loses to Big Boss Man at SummerSlam>

    Khali on his way to ring, but is attacked by Nexus. Everyone saw this coming.


    @dasharpshooters Whats up with the PG swim wear? Fucking Lame #wwe #raw #bwf

    @iwcmvp Santino and Kozlov look like human bottles of ketchup and mustard #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @SinisterAsh Bella Twins winning matches make me want to punch a dry wall

    @bethsharae Does this mean Khali is out too? I’m crossing my fingers… #Raw

    @kickoutblog Weird how those two second backstage assaults are so much more devastating than an actual wrestling match. >_>

    @TKeep123 Tamina wants a big old slice of Santino pie! Sweet! Must be the Uni-brow! Beware the Cobra! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Wade says that he was just informed that there will be no Khali vs Barrett match. Nexus will write a new chapter in the WWE after SummerSlam, and after they win at SummerSlam, the  balance of power will shift dramatically and permanently. Nexus will beat Team WWE. Skip says they’re going to break Team WWE physically and mentally. Otunga says if anyone in the locker room is considering joining Team WWE, think about what they’ve done tonight, because you’re either Nexus or you’re against us.

    Bret and Cena make their way to the ring and Miz comes up.  Miz says their team’s in trouble, and they need help.  He figures it was just a matter of time before they went looking for him, and he says he wants to hear them ask him to join their team. Bret says fine and asks if he’s in or out. Miz says he wants to hear it from both of them. Cena asks if he’s in or out, and Miz revels in Cena asking him for help before he says he’ll let them know Sunday. Cena says it’s a shame that they may need him.


    @TKeep123 Something tells me that 3/4 of the Nexus … have no idea what a Nexus is! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @kickoutblog Eat_Souls.MichaelTarver

    @kickoutblog Michael Tarver was not given a microphone because if Sacramento heard his true voice, their heads would explode.

    @IAmJHPunk Is Bret gonna wrestle in a Batman shirt? #wwe #raw #bwf

    Next week Justin Long guest hosts RAW.

    John Cena and Bret Hart vs Chris Jericho and Edge with Nexus as Lumberjacks
    Cena tossed out, Nexus goes crazy.  Jericho tossed out, Nexus doesn’t seem to give a shit, until Jericho hits Barrett by accident, and then Edge tries to help, Bret drags Gabriel in, Barrett drags him out. Nexus takes out Edge and Jericho, Morrison and Truth join Bret and Cena, Nexus gets in the ring.  Edge and Jericho back away, then seem to debate whether or not to go back in the ring.  Finally, Jericho and Edge rejoin Team WWE.  Short brawl between Team WWE and Nexus. Nexus flees best they can, and Team WWE chases then out into the stands

    Alright.  I’m going to say it.  Overall, not a great RAW.  The best parts of RAW were the very first match, The Miz vs Evan Bourne, and then Randy Orton and Sheamus’ segment.  I admit, the main event got better at the end, building the hype up by making Jericho and Edge return, but the rest of it? Total shit.  Just sayin’.  See everyone in a week, I hope! If I can’t get to RAW before Tuesday, then it’ll be two weeks! Ciao, darlings!