Tag Archive: Celebration

  1. BWF WrestleMania 28 Pregame Show Podcast

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    That’s right folks! We’re on the cusp of the culmination of the Celebration of Professional Wrestling Week here at Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod Online… and the Grand Daddy of them all, WrestleMania 28, is only a few hours away! Needless to say, we’re all excited and pumped to watch the PPV tonight. ThinkSoJoE, JT, and myself gathered around our microphones to talk about what to expect on tonight’s show in relation to RAW, Smackdown, and various news and rumors that have occurred since last Sunday’s official prediction podcast. There’s a couple particular notable ex-WWE stars in Miami over the weekend, and the WWE has announced that one of next years WrestleMania matches will be announced on Monday… or perhaps even teased tonight. What might happen? So as you count the hours down, what better a way to get even MORE pumped up than to check out our pregame show?


  2. Wonderpod Episode CIII

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    Even the gents at Wonderpod are on board for our Celebration of Professional Wrestling Week!

    The following comes to us from Bruce McGee at Wonderpod-Online

    Wonderpod has risen from the ashes one more time. Good thing it only takes a week or so to get over the fire damage. Getting the insurance to pay for a rodent caused fire is another thing. We got a little side tracked by wrestling this week. Which isn’t a bad thing given the time of year. There is still plenty of gaming goodness to be had. Now if you’ll excuse me I have demo of Lone Survivor to maul.

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  3. WrestleMania XXVII results

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    First of all, before I get any further into this, I want to thank everybody that’s joined us and our friends at Wonderpod Online this past week for our Celebration of Professional Wrestling.  Anyways, I, like always, watched WrestleMania amongst friends, and as such, I didn’t want to sit there with a computer on my lap writing about what I’m watching on television.  So as such, this will be a quick recap with my thoughts on this year’s Granddaddy of ’em All!


  4. WrestleMania X-Seven


    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues!

    This weekend is very special for Professional Wrestling.  See, friends, we’re approaching a very special WrestleMania.  What makes this one so special, you ask?  Well, on its own merit, it’s a fantastically-booked card, one of the best WrestleManias, on paper, in YEARS.  A decade, in fact.  A decade since WrestleMania X-Seven, the closest rival WrestleMania III has had to date, for the crown of “Best WrestleMania of all time.”  A decade since WrestleMania X-Seven, the Last Hurrah of the Attitude Era, and the last great wrestling boom.

    The following comes to us courtesy of Al Creed from Wonderpod-Online.com AND The Cultural Revolution

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  5. Discount Bin Review: Wrestlemania 25 (DVD)


    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues!

    I always enjoy watching wrestling with a good, chatty crowd.  When I saw this Wrestlemania, the running commentary was pretty enjoyable. The show was a little less so; with the exception of a few matches the show felt a little “meh” – nothing downright terrible,  just not terribly exciting. Won’t go into a lot of detail on each match, just some thoughts on each.

    The following comes to us courtesy of Jonkind from Wonderpod-Online.com

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  6. PatMan Picks : Best Wrestling Video Game !

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    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! This comes to the BWF courtesy of PatMan over at Wonderpod-Online

    What is going on people?  With the Biggest weekend in wrestling upon us, I thought that I should give my thoughts on what game I consider to be my favorite Wrestling video game, of all time. I have to admit that I am not that big of a fan of the newer games and heck not that that big a fan of the newer wrestling product either, so its not going to be any of the new titles that have come out in the last decade.

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  7. Nasty Undertaka

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    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! This comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

    Since last Monday’s episode of RAW, I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out who Undertaker reminds me of now. He’s got that sort of new cocky/confident vibe going on now, bordering on a touch of heeldom.

    The good news is, I’ve got it.

    The following comes to us courtesy of Jonkind from Wonderpod-Online.com

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  8. Discount Bin Review: Wrestlemania 9 (DVD)

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    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! This comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

    Everyone knows of my passion for all things professional wrestling. I’ve watched the good, the bad, and I can put a positive spin on pretty much anything. Wrestlemania is of course, the biggest WWF/E show of the year; the grandest stage of them all, the showcase of the immortals, blah, blah, blah. Well back in April of 1993, the WWF was in the middle of a pretty low period in terms of popularity. Hulkamania was fading fast and there was a severe lack of popular, established talent to fill that void. Bret Hart had been inserted as the top face champion and while popular, I don’t think he was the muscle bound, high intensity, all-American super-hero that Vince thought they needed at the top. Personally I loved Bret Hart – the hardworking ring-technician, a victorious underdog in a roster full of puffed up giants and grunts. Proving everyone who thought you had to be a brick shithouse to be successful wrong. At least that’s what I thought.

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  9. Discount Bin Reviews: Wrestlemania 18 (Live Show/DVD)


    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues!

    In the annals of Wrestlemania history, Wrestlemania 18 in particular holds a very dear place in my heart. The reason is simple: I WAS THERE. Among the 68,237 people that packed the Skydome I experienced Rock vs Hogan first hand, helpless against a wave of mass nostalgia. But I’ll get to that match later. We had floor seats, just left of the main hard camera view toward the back. Good seats but maybe not great seats. But that didn’t matter; I was in attendance at the Showcase of the Immortals, the Granddaddy of them all, Wrestlemania!

    The following comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

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  10. WrestleMania 27 Audio Roundtable

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    Our week-long celebration of professional wrestling continues with a BWF first – this is the first ever BoredWrestlingFan.com Audio Roundtable!  ThinkSoJoE, Drowgoddess, G, and Wonderpod Online’s Jonkind give their predictions and thoughts on the WWE’s biggest show of the year, WrestleMania XXVII!  Click the link below to listen!

    BoredWrestlingFan.com WrestleMania 27 Audio Roundtable