Tag Archive: Chosen One

  1. Raw is Back 2-20-12

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    There are so many things I can talk about. I just wanted to take a few moments to discuss a few things. First of all, one of Texas’ finest indy talents was in a horrible wreck and is now going through some major surgeries. Please take a moment to wish him well as he goes through this time. His Twitter can be found here.

    Also, I had the opportunity to see a really awesome match between “Headbanger” Gregory James and “The Chosen One” Barrett Brown. I decided to share that match here. If you do not, go find a local indy wrestling company and support them. This was the best I had seen either do (that didn’t involve a ladder).

    We open up with the Bellas defending Zack Ryder to Eve. Then Raw officially opens to the entrance of the Confederate Warrior. Then he trashes Eve. Eve is on her knees crying. I deplored this whole segment. Thanks for reminding me that all women are sexually depraved.

    The first match was Sheamus vs. Mark Henry. It was a nice match to start everything. It was a nice build towards Wrestlemania.

    Are Johnny Ace and Teddy Long going to feud? Can I pay NOT to see that?

    R-Truth is coming to the ring. Following him is Kofi. They are facing The Colons. The Colons got NO crowd reaction. The match was really good. Kofi pinned a Colon. Now Kofi & Truth are a tag team?

    David Otunga gets Ezekiel Jackson which I guess means we all lose. Otunga wins. Zeke, rent, don’t buy.

    Undertaker comes out bald on-screen for the first time since before 1990. He and HHH have a really good exchange. There just isn’t a single person who wants this match other than Mark & Paul. They agree to the match. It’s going to be Hell in a Cell.

    Daniel Bryan squashed Santino. Way to capitalize on your momentum, WWE.

    Aksana and Kelly Kelly got the Bella Twins. The Bellas won. Sigh.

    John Cena had a really good honest promo.

    The Battle Royal was something that legends are made of. This was really good. But it was so brutal. At least 2 wrestlers were legit injured. And Jericho won and the build-up began.

    I LOVED the Battle Royal, Cena’s promo & the Taker-HHH. The Eve stuff was awful and the rest was just there. I’ll call it decent.

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