Tag Archive: Conspiracy

  1. Smackdown 1/11/13: WWE Once Again Spoils Their Own Show

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    What could happen on Smackdown tonight? Best to keep everyone in the dark, right? I mean, god forbit the outcome of a title match would be leaked on the dirt sheets, let alone on the WWE.com website itself. Seriously, right? That would be completely self-defeating and retarded. So clearly Alberto Del Rio didn’t win the title,. there’s no way! So grab your favorite burlap sack, ’cause it’s hoppin’ time!

    Let’s see if the WWE can suspend my disbelief.


  2. Smackdown 08/24/12

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    So, apparently I’m supposed to write some kind of intro paragraph for these things. A paragraph usually is constituted with a few sentences that correlate to an idea and supports the content within. Furthermore, including this sentence, I count three strings of words. Done. Let’s hop to it, shall we?

  3. RAW: 06/06/11


    Oh no! It’s that G guy again, reviewing RAW! BOO!!!! BOO!!!!! Yep, back for another week with me. Talking to Pintnoir about covering iMPACT again this week (he did awesome last week, no?) so you get more flavors of stylization on the site during the BWF summer vacations. I don’t mind visiting the ‘E again for a bit. Hope you like the animated gifs and the Charles Barkley, folks! We kick off our show with the overrun of the Tough Enough finale. Looks like it’s down to Luke and Andy. Vince and Stone Cold have some competitive banter back and forth about who will announce the winner. SCSA notes it’s his show, and declares Andy the winner. Vince goes to welcome Andy to the WWE and…

  4. Random Randomness


    Well when it comes down to it there’s nothing like a good stiff drink with some good friends and some good food.  But what isn’t fun is when you have the worst sinus infection and allergies at the same time.  I was fortunate to experience all this in the same week, yay me.  But lots of drugs are helping me so I can give what I can this week: (more…)

  5. WWE Over The Limit 2011 – predictions & results


    I’ve always said that BoredWrestlingFan.com is a site created by wrestling fans for wrestling fans. That’s absolutely true. We’re not “insiders.” We don’t work for any wrestling organization. We are normal people with jobs just like all of you, and sometimes real life gets in the way of our ability to meet deadlines here on BWF. Hence why you haven’t seen a RAW or SmackDown review for the last couple of weeks. That’s also the explanation for this article, for you see, we decided at the last minute to throw together a roundtable discussion for the WWE Over The Limit 2011 Pay Per View event, and I was supposed to post it. The problem is, I was busy all weekend, and at the point that I was going to post it, crazy stuff happened that prevented me from doing so. That’s irrelevant, anyhow, so let’s get started!
