Tag Archive: Debut

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 86

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    This week, the war between Joe’s RAW review and G’s SmackDown review intensifies.  JT and Jorge duke it out in a battle of 80’s music knowledge supremacy.  Mark returns after a week’s absence.  JT’s multiple personalities are mocked by The Great Khali.  The spinner belt makes it’s BWF return and the TNA Brown Bag makes it’s show debut.  In the news, Bo Dallas is the victim of Wikipedia hacking, Magnus re-signs with TNA, and Eva Marie is legit hated even when it’s scripted.  Daniel Bryan talks about his beard.  Sheamus gets injured.  Stephanie McMahon sells more stock.  All this and more on BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 86 (MP3, 2:05:21)

    This week’s break song is “Barracuda” by Adrenaline Mob.  Buy it here!

  2. BWF Interview: Kyle Davis

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    Bored Wrestling Fan is proud to present an interview with Kyle Davis of Metroplex Wrestling, and Pro Championship Wrestling. He took some time out of his day while watching a Texas Rangers game (our audio producer had Ghostbusters 2 on his television). Davis recounts his experience starting out volunteering during his high school days into his current role as a creative mind in the modern era of territory/independent wrestling.

    He goes on to tackle a number of controversial topics related to him, as well as the state of wrestling in 2012. From baseball, to Jerry “The King” Lawler… From multiple ring personas, to why the story line aspect of wrestling being essential to garnering attention… From the Walking Dead, to his thoughts on heat he’s generated recently due to his comments, Davis holds nothing back in a candid interview conducted by Bored Wrestling Fan’s own Justin Ruff. This interview is a must-listen! We teased in on Sunday’s BWF Radio #18, and now it’s time to get to the real deal. It’s time to bring legitimacy back the professional wrestling.

    With much less further ado, hit the link below for Kyle Davis’ debut on Bored Wrestling Fan!

    Kyle Davis Interview



    Kyle Davis’ Vlog:


    Davis takes a Lawler piledriver:

    Kyle Davis takes a Jerry Lawler piledriver

  3. RAW on DVR review – 12/1/08


    Ugh.  Another Monday, another RAW.  These have been the bane of my existence since Drowgoddess started doing the iMPACT reviews here on BoredWrestlingFan.com.  The show has just been extremely stale lately.  They need a debut, a huge return, or something.  I know what you’re thinking; “But JoE, John Cena just returned 8 days ago!”  That doesn’t count.  Cena was only gone three months and had a month worth of promos shoved down our gullets three times a week.  He comes back, and he’s the World Heavyweight Champion.  That’s another story, however, and we’ll talk about that later.  We’ve got a show to watch on DVR and review!

    Full review (and in depth analysis of the Superstar of the Year nominees) after the jump! (more…)