Tag Archive: Fatt

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Welcome, my friends to the show that never ends.  I’m so glad you could attend.  Come inside, come inside.  The Circus that is WWE Superstars is here.

    Match 1:  Jack Swagger and William Regal vs Santino Marella and Chris Masters w/ Eve

    Santino is absolutely hilarious! He hit a cartwheel and the drop-down splits and then attempted to unleash the cobra.  Swagger and Masters need to compete for the US Title.  The end of the match came when Masters put the Masterlock on Swagger, but Regal interrupted and Swagger hit the gutwrench powerbomb for the win.

    Match 2:  Zack Ryder w/ Rosa Mendez vs Primo Colon

    This was a highly entertaining match.  Primo is quick and exciting and Ryder is definitely a rising star in the WWE.  Woo Woo Woo…You know it!  Primo got in his fast offense, highlighted by his cartwheel.  Ryder hit the Rough Ryder and eventually the Zack Attack for the win.  Ryder is another guy who should be thrown into the US Title mix.  The problem with RAW right now is there are too many guys who should be involved in the US Title hunt. 

    Match 3:  Luke Gallows w/ Serena vs Sylas Young

    Its about time they give Gallows some time on his own without Punk.  He cut a promo saying Serena and him would like to dedicate the match to their Straight Edge savior, CM Punk.  This was a quick squash for Gallows to exhibit his power and dominance since most people don’t recognize him as the former Festus.  He has some unique offense and hit the 12th Step for the win.  Serena then gets in the ring and kicks Young in the ribs and out of the ring.

    Main Event:  Great Khali, Matt Hardy, and Maria vs The Hart Dynasty

    What is the point of Khali and Fatt Lardy being partners?  Surely they could have found a better partner that isn’t doing anything at the time for each of these two.  They both suck, so I don’t understand why people want to see them.  Khali can’t move and Hardy apparently is living off past glory.  It’s good he went back to the pants and got away from the baby pajama bottoms he was wearing.  The Hart Dynasty should be working more meaningful matches than this.  They are probably the best tag team in the WWE and should be shown as such.  Tyson Kidd hit the Hart Attack on Matt Hardy for the win. 

    See ya next week for another arousing episode of WWE Superstars.

  2. WWE Superstars

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    I am back from my one week absence.  Sorry about that, my loyal readers, but my family was in town last weekend and I couldn’t find the time to sit down and write my thoughts on last weeks episode.  With that said…let’s get retarted in here.

    Match 1:  Fatt Lardy er…Matt Hardy vs David Hart Smith

    I’m not sure if Matt can slap a tornado, but by the looks of things lately, he can probably belly bump one.  This match is very technical at the beginning.  Not to offend anybody…and I sure as hell don’t need GLAAD on my ass…but David Hart Smith looks extremely gay in the pink camo…Matt kinda does too in his purple footie pajamas.  I will say this about DH, however…he is really good with his move set, but he seems to get lost out there at times and doesn’t quite know what to do.   Matt Hardy actually lands a Moonsault, that didn’t quite land, but at least he did it.  Tyson Kidd jumps on the mat to distract Matt and DH lands a big boot.  The ref attempts to send Natalya and Tyson Kidd to the back, and Matt rolls Smith up for the 3-count.  This match was pretty good.  It got a little slow at times, as David Hart Smith seemed to be searching for moves. 

    Ask the Divas segment…who cares?!

    Match 2:  Zack Ryder w/Rosa Mendes vs Shelton Benjamin

    This match is very athletic.  Shelton has the exact opposite problem of DH Smith.  He seems to go to fast at times, which causes him to botch some of his moves.  I think they could have found someone hotter to accompany Zack Ryder to the ring, but that’s not a big deal I guess.  Ryder’s Flying Leg Larriot is awesome.  He will be a future midcard title holder…I don’t see much else from him at this point and time, but maybe.  As the action spills to the outside, Rosa goes to check on Zack.  Ryder doesn’t pay attention to the count and loses by countout.  Shelton hits Pay Dirt when Ryder re-enters the ring for good measure.

    Video package for Sheamus.  I definitely like that guy!  He’s gonna be a STAR!!!!

    Josh Matthews interviews Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.  They talk some smack about MVP and Mark Henry.  It was a good carryover from Monday. 

    Main Event:  MVP vs Ted DiBiase

    It’s time to give the ball to MVP and DiBiase.  I think everybody is tired of seeing Cena, Orton, and HHH in the title hunt every month.  I guess the creative team on RAW just doesn’t get it though.  That’s why Smackdown and ECW are the shows to watch right now.  This match was dominated by TD2 for the most part, but MVP gets the comeback victory with a rollup.  This match was nice and physical as both guys have mean streaks. 

    That’s it for this week.  Check me out next week for another review of WWE Superstars.  Remember to check back in for the Smackdown review tonight.