Tag Archive: First Chance

  1. WSU-An Ultraviolent Affair

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    This is episode 2 in the new era of WSU, which can be found here. I remember that nature did not smile on this show as it faced a horrible blizzard. We headed right into the action. It would have been nice to get a little bit of characterization to prepare ourselves for the night.

    Jessie Brooks w/Sammy Geodollno vs. Nevaeh

    The last WSU show found Jessie Brooks teaming up with Sammy Geodollno. I think they are a good pair on paper. I am intrigued how they will mesh as a team. And I’m not sure how this has never happened before, but this is my first chance to see Nevaeh wrestle. Sammy provides a lot of energy which counteracted with Brooks’ slow, methodical entrance. It reminds me a lot of Mark Henry in that an inevitable beating is about to arrive. (And there is no comparison between body types there so please do not kill me.) Brooks just looks mad and pissed-off, which I think is a great place for a leading heel to be. As the match started, the crowd was a little dead, and Nevaeh listened to the crowd and tried to get them moving. I’m not sure that these two have worked together very often. There were some awkward moments in the match. Nevaeh wrestled a heel style so I really wasn’t sure who I was supposed to go for. The ending came out of nowhere for me, so that’s pretty positive. I’m not really sure about the booking of the first match. The crowd was quite dead during this match, so that might have affected me enjoying this match as much as I could have.

    Kimber Lee vs. Christina Von Eerie

    Kimber Lee is the quintessential “girl next door” and Von Eerie is the antithesis of everything Kimber Lee is. This would be a very interesting feud should it ever happen. Kimber was wearing her Moolah tights. We started off with some exciting mat wrestling. We got to see a good showcase for Von Eerie. I think she really shined here. Von Eerie is one of the best athletes in women’s wrestling (with respects to Athena). I would have liked to see more offense from Kimber.

    Niya vs. Veda Scott

    I really like Niya, and Scott is one of my favorites to watch in the ring. One would have to call Scott one of the best all-around workers in wrestling. She is such a good heel. Niya had a lot of sassiness in her entrance. I liked it. We started out with an “at-the-bell” attack by Scott. We had Jana as ref, which was great to see. Niya really got the chance to fly around. Veda got the chance to bump and do her thing as only as she can. She plays the despicable heel role so well. This was easily the best of the first 3 matches. This match had a story and a reason to care.

    Cherry Bomb vs. Kalamity

    So we have my very favorite vs. one of the most unique wrestlers in the indy scene. Kalamity didn’t do a lot to get the crowd on her side. Cherry Bomb is a very over heel in CZW so she fit right in. If you like Grumpy Cherry, there were plenty of great facials. There was some good entertainment to start off the match including the greatest insult of all time-“You look like an Oompa Loompa.” Cherry Bomb kept the crowd hating her. Watching her during the opening minutes is a clinic on how to get the crowd to hate you. If you like a stiff SHIMMER-style match, this is your match. Cherry Bomb also kept the crowd engaged, never giving up on heckling them or yelling at them. This crowd was as dead as can be. However if there was any life up to this point, it awakened during the Cherry match. I found this to be a really good match, my favorite up to this point. (Pretend I’m not the biggest Cherry Bomb fan but) I would definitely recommend this DVD for this match.

    Addy Starr vs. Chris Dickinson

    I love Addy Starr, but why is there a guy here? I’ve never seen Dickinson so I will be happy to see him, but why is he wrestling in Women Superstars Uncensored? Dickinson took the mic and cut a really good heel promo. I love Addy’s energy. She brings so much to a crowd. This wasn’t my favorite intergender match, but Addy flopped around like a rag doll. She took a powerbomb that I wowed out loud for. The near-fall portion was really good.

    Spoiler alert: I hated the finish. Why is this on Women Superstars Uncensored? It just seemed out of place. Dickinson won and got the pin. How does that help out THIS company? I just don’t see where it’s going yet.

    Athena vs. Jessicka Havok

    Would I be out of place to say my expectations for this are sky high? You have two of the top female wrestlers on the planet going at it here. This match got the time it needed. Up to this point, I didn’t feel the matches had gotten the time they needed to tell their stories, other than Cherry-Kalamity. There isn’t a lot to say. It was nearly twenty minutes of two of the top talents in wrestling doing their thing. This match alone would have been worth the price of purchasing it.

    LuFisto vs. Mercedes Martinez

    This first meeting between these two was my choice for 2012 Match of the Year. So you can imagine my expectations for this are pretty high too. Plus, this was Falls Count Anywhere. If I’m correct, this was in a hockey arena. This match took place in an ice skating rink. This was a match where you bumped on ice. I played broomball once in high school. I fell smack dab on the back of my head and haven’t been on the ice since. These women fought on the ice on purpose. There were some snap suplexes that made me hurt watching them. What an epic follow-up. I dare say this match topped the first. This match alone is worth the price of the DVD.

    All in all… I know that circumstances were way against WSU when trying to put forth this show, and no one would have blamed them for cancelling. But they put forth a really good show. Not every match was epic, but I’m not sure they were given the time they needed. I would like to have seen more character development. Just give me a minute for Havok to tell me why she chose Athena, postmatch of Mercedes explaining her actions, why the Dickinson-Starr feud.

    I liked Cindy Rogers on the mic. WSU needs a consistent color commentator so I’d like to hear more of her there. You had three really strong matches (And the Starr-Dickinson match was good; I just hated the story.), one of which bordered epic and another was the poster child of epic. I would definitely recommend this DVD.

  2. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Chris Benoit vs Great Gama Title Match!

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    Its time once again for another old school classic Stampede Wrestling moment from the PatMan. This time around I am including one of Stampede Wrestlings most talented wrestlers who, like many others, went on to enjoy great Success in the WCW ,WWE and Japan.  Unfortunately, his story did not end with success but rather with horror and shocking acts of brutal crime that I need not remind any of you about. Yes, of course, I am referring to Chris Benoit. Lets look away from his horrific end to life and temporarily concentrate on him at a much younger age where his wrestling was all that mattered. Chris Benoits in ring abilities were very impressive right from the get go, and his obsession with emulating his icon The Dynamite Kid are visible in many of his earlier matches. I have for you today what could very well be Chris Benoits first chance at the taste of a championship belt. His opponent was a very talented grappler by the name of The Great Gama, the mid heavyweight champion and a much more experienced wrestler than young Chris was at the time.  Worth noting in the video is the appearance of Davey Boy Smiths “evil cousin” Jonny Smith who is up to his usual heel antics. Also worth noting later in the video is an in ring interview where another young wrestler destined for success, Flying Brian Pillman , can be quickly seen several times to the left of Chris Benoit. Our very own Audio Master G ,who was actually body slammed by Chris Benoit onto a couch in his childhood back in Calgary may be interested in this classic match as he is the only person I know who took some bumps form him. Maybe he could have given the Great Gama a few tips? If you don’t know that G had encounters with Chris Benoit & Bad News Brown while I took an accidental hit from The British Bulldog & encountered an angry Bret Hart at Safeway, you clearly must download our Stampede Wrestling podcast, found at both Wonderpodonline.com and right here at  BoredWrestlingFan.com ! You can check out my Classic PC Game Picks & Wonderpod video game podcast episode 70 over at Wonderpodonline.com also, if your interested! See you all next time.


    [youtube TlNjFZLlaDA]

  3. Wrestlemania Weekend: ROH “Supercard of Honor IV”

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    This is the first chance I’ve had at a computer since Thursday. There were no “Impact” Impressions this week, and my apologies for that, but frankly, I was so angry at this past week’s show that, if I had to miss one, that was the one to miss.

    I live just outside of Houston, Texas, and have been partaking of the glorious wrestling goodness of the weekend. Friday night, I attended Ring of Honor’s “Supercard of Honor IV.” A series of words appearing on a screen cannot and will not do justice to the magnificence that was this show. Awesome, in the original sense of inspiring reverence to the point of fear, is the only word that even vaguely approaches what this show was like. The second, the very second, that this dvd comes out, BUY IT!!!!! Everyone must see this show, by any means necessary. If you do not own this dvd the instant that it is made available to the public, or manage to see whatever clips of it show up on a Video Wire, you are not a wrestling fan, you have no soul whatsoever, and are unworthy to draw breath on my planet. This is less of a review and more of a brief impression commentary. When you check out the show for yourselves, you’ll see why it’s pointless to try to capture it in words.

    The show was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center, which is a huge convention hall. Up on the third floor, one felt as if one had accidentally wandered into some industrial action movie. The set-up was great, and the general admission area was done stadium-style, so there really wasn’t a bad seat in the place. I heard estimates of between 1800 and 2000, but I’ll have to get back to you on that. Very much an international audience. I personally talked to people from Spain, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada. Some people had actually come to see Ring of Honor, and weren’t going to Wrestlemania.

    Pre-Show matches:

    Dirty Ernie Osiris and Ninja Brown vs. Alex “Sugarfoot” Payne and Andy Ridge: Ernie panhandled the crowd on his way in. Chants of “Mini Necro” weren’t undeserved. He kind of looks like him. Sugarfoot is so over everywhere! I like the guy, but I don’t see why he’s THAT popular. Interesting. A fun opening match, with Ninja Brown getting pinned by Sugarfoot for the win. Andy Ridge is pretty good too. I suppose Ninja Brown has since been forced to commit seppukku.

    Don Juan and Andy Duncan vs. Grizzly Redwood and Bushwhacker Luke: Grizzly’s partner was a total surprise. They actually meshed pretty well, and it was fun. Lots of people were yelling at Andy Duncan with comments like, “Shannon Moore, you’ve really let yourself go!” He did rather resemble a porky Shannon Moore, so it was fair. Grizzly and Luke get the win.

    Main Show Matches:

    Rhett Titus vs. Erick Stevens: Rhett Titus has the greatest ring entrance ever. He bumps and grinds all the way to the ring, picks out a chick at ringside, puts a plastic card hotel room key in his mouth, makes her take it from him with her mouth, and makes her kiss him on the cheek. It’s truly grand, and I don’t see how anyone doesn’t love to watch this guy perform. Erick Stevens was really over. Stevens gets the win with a nasty-looking lariat.

    Kevin Steen, Jay Briscoe, & Magno vs. Chris Hero, Eddie Edwards, & Incognito (6-man Tag Team Match): This match hadn’t been going on for very long when the top rope came down. A piece of metal hardware attaching the rope to the top turnbuckle snapped. It sounded like a gunshot. In a beautiful illustration of why you have can’t script every move and word and thought of every wrestler, all six guys kept going and improvised and acted like they didn’t even notice. Some moves came off the second rope instead of the top, the two luchadores actually climbed on top of the ring posts and jumped off, and the match in general wasn’t affected at all. Imagine if such a thing had happened at Wrestlemania. Yeah. The action was tremendous, and both teams worked together extremely well. Chris Hero hits a running elbow strike on Magno to get the win for his team.

    Side note: After the match ended, several crew guys and Grizzly Redwood came running out and made repairs. We had brought a cake to the show. While buying streamers, my real brother asks my brother from another mother, “Should we get a birthday cake too?” My brother from another mother replies, “I can’t think of a reason why not.” So we brought this big sheet cake that said “Happy Birthday” on top. While the ring was being repaired, we thought we’d give the audience something else to do besides listen to the stupid smarky people who were chanting at the ring crew, and the cake was passed around like a joint through the audience. Even the ref came over and acted like he was going to take it away, then took some frosting and walked off. There were chants of “Next World Cake! Next World Cake!” from one side. Even chants of “Let’s go Cake Guy!” started up. A completely random and nonsensical moment, but more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

    Roderick Strong vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima: I know that as a wrestling fan, I am contractually obligated to worship Ric Flair as the master of the chop, but that title has now officially been relinquished to Roderick Strong. Jeebus! Roddy gets the win in a great match.

    Bobby Dempsey came out to fight in a “Sweet and Sour Challenge Match.” His opponent? Kamala, the Ugandan Giant! With Kim Chee! The match never actually happens, though. Bobby tears off his shirt to show the same paintings on his chest and belly that Kamala has, and the two slap their bellies together. Shane Hagadorn has a problem with this, and hits Kim Chee, and Kamala and Dempsey team up to take out Hagadorn, then leave together with Kim Chee. Fun!

    El Generico vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright vs. Blue Demon Jr. (Four Corner Survival Match): Claudio’s new music, robe, and entrance are grand! Albright didn’t wait for his entrance, he rushed the ring and attacked Claudio. Solid action all around, and some fun bits between Generico and Blue Demon. Claudio gets the win by rolling up Brent Albright, then bails before Albright can attack him.

    Bryan Danielson vs. Alex Koslov: Danielson was smiling and laughing and just having a good time the who night. Koslov made a very strong showing, though no one thought he was going to win. Seeing him in ROH would be great. Danielson gets the win when Koslov taps to the Cattle Mutilation.


    Colt Cabana vs. D-Lo Brown: If anyone reading this review knows where I can get a copy of Colt Cabana’s new entrance music (Boom Boom Colt Cabana), please let me know at once. I must have that song. Needless to say, Colt was tremendously over. D-Lo gets the win by using a foreign object to hit Cabana. Good match.

    KENTA vs. Davey Richards (GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title Match): Sweet. Mother. Of. God. This was the match of the night. KENTA was over like mad, and Davey Richards was absolutely on fire. Chants of “This is wrestling!” and “Fuck Wrestlemania!” were heard throughout. Super stiff kicks and strikes from both guys. KENTA finally gets the pin after a GTS and retains his title. Davey Richards grabbed the mic and said, “THAT is what Ring of Honor is all about!” and threw the mic down and left. If this match doesn’t blow your mind when you see it, you didn’t have one to begin with. If this had been the only match, it would have been worth the ticket price.

    Tyler Black & the Necro Butcher vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Austin Aries (Grudge Tag Team Match): Sleazy porn star mustache chickenshit heel Austin Aries is great. I still want to cheer him, but I won’t. He actually covers his ears when people chant his name. Very solid match, with Aries hitting Black with a brainbuster for the win. Aries and Jacobs fought among themselves quite a bit.

    Nigel McGuinness vs. Jerry Lynn (ROH World Title Match): People can claim that they knew that Nigel was dropping the belt to Jerry Lynn tonight due to injury all that they like. It isn’t always about the result, it’s about how you get there. This match was outstanding in the story that it told and the level of raw emotion involved. The false finishes in this match must be seen to be believed. Nigel basically fought without using his arms much at all, and he almost got the pin several times. Lynn used the Cradle Piledriver more than once to finally get the win. When the bell rang, several big, muscular guys sitting behind me jumped up and down and hugged each other, shouting and hurrahing. Huge chants of “Thank you, Nigel” started up almost immediately. Jerry Lynn is the new (and 11th) Ring of Honor World Champion.

    I’ll try to get a write-up of the Saturday night ROH show, the “Take No Prisoners” ppv, before I head out to Wrestlemania itself.

    Peace out,