Tag Archive: Fist

  1. Super SmackDown 4/10/12 – Where’s the big blue fist?!?


    What do you mean it’s Tuesday and I have to review SmackDown?  I can’t even begin to tell you what’s wrong with that statement.  What’s that?  It’s a special Super SmackDown:  Blast From The Past edition?  And G can’t make it?  Alright, I guess I’ll do it.  Besides, they’ll probably break out the big blue fist for this, won’t they?

    Nope.  Dammit.  Oh well.  Let’s go.


  2. Top 5 Wrestlemania Moments

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    Ahhhhhhh Wrestlemania. The very name conjures up countless images which have both thrilled and entertained millions upon millions of people, never failing to lose its appeal in almost 30 years. It’s actually scary for yours truly to think that the very fist ‘Mania I can recall was way, way back in 1990 – when the “Immortal” Hulk Hogan was set to square off with the lunacy that was The Ultimate Warrior. Title for title, muscle-bound behemoth versus muscle-bound behemoth. It’s surely an iconic moment in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment and serves as a welcome reminder of just how much excitement Wrestlemania can cause.


  3. Sorry for lack of coverage

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    Sorry guys, I had so much going on yesterday that I was home and awake for literally about 20 minutes.  As such, I didn’t get a chance to write the article I promised in lieu of the podcast, nor did I get an opportunity to post your TNA iMPACT Spoilers for the week.

    If you missed iMPACT this week, the results are reposted from F4Wonline.com, after the jump. (more…)