Tag Archive: Flo Rida

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 135

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    Joe is called out by G for not doing a RAW review this week.  We get the explanation for it not appearing, and the partial review is read.  We talk the rest of the WWE programming for the week, and the first NYC episode of TNA is discussed in depth.  The crew give their Battleground picks.  In the news, we find out why Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat was released from his WWE contract.  Is the Big Gold Belt now officially retired?  Bray Wyatt gets praise for his reaction to taking a stiff shot from Ric Flair.  Vince Russo “accidentally” reveals he’s working for TNA.  What will Flo Rida be doing at RAW tomorrow?  What inspires Bray Wyatt’s character?  All these questions and more will be answered on this episode of BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 135 (MP3, 2:02:00)


    This week’s break song was “Hooray for Me” by Bad Religion.  Buy it here!

  2. Smackdown 03/08/13


    Long week, and kind of a sad one. But no need to divulge in that crap, since Smackdown is on… and frankly, I’m tired and thereby, lazy. So grab some industrial sized springs, yeah those ones with the sharp ends. Jam them into the soles of your feet and proceed to turn them into your foot until they come out of the top because it’s hopping time!

    …or flippy floppy time?



  3. Smackdown 03/20/12: Expect Lots of Video Packages…

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    This puppy was probably taped so the guys giver, and get themselves to Flo Rida. Translation: “This is the last ditch attempt to get random casual viewers to throw down a bunch of money and watch WrestleMania 28.”

    Look, this will likely be the easiest review I do all year. It will have some Monday pre-taped matches that I didn’t pre-research, so Daniel Bryan could Brie-Slam and get his Twin Magic girlfriend on TV to earn some money to go watch the Hunger Games movie. Anyways, regardless of this episode, I will watch The $1000 Paternity Of Them All! Let’s just get to the jump, so we can all get to possibly having buyer’s remorse on Sunday!

    Seriously, I’m sure I will enjoy the PPV.

    Click below immediately or CM Punk DIES!
