Tag Archive: Florida

  1. NXT 06/20/12: Full Sail University Season Debut!


    NXT has been relaunched, albeit not on television in the US. But I’m Canadian, so why should I care? I’m like Bret Hart, after all, a Calgarian… a heel in the States and a face EVERYWHERE else. But this isn’t about me, it’s about this new version of NXT, after all. I’m not even supposed to be here today, so let’s hop to it… shall we?

    Love it! It’s a reboot!


  2. Smackdown 06/01/12

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    Unlike last week, I am coming into this episode with a better attitude. Perhaps this is a result of a vastly improved RAW (well, at least by comparison) and a mildly entertaining live Impact on Thursday. I’m not sure why my mindset is linked to other grappling content I partake, but it is. Let’s see if the WWE can continue this trend as Sin Cara returns tonight! Let’s have at it, shall we?

  3. WWE WrestleMania 28 Press Conference

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    The WWE held a press conference to hype up this Sunday’s WrestleMania 28. It just ended minutes ago, and can be watched in full on YouTube. Of course, if you’re not feeling like clicking links, just hit it up below. Fast forward to the 17:28 minute mark, smark. Up to that point, all you’ll get is a graphic.

    [youtube mqNTxBZNAfc]