Tag Archive: Game Franchise

  1. BWF Radio 54

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    AJ Loves All The Boys

    Even within the madness of the holidays, the BWF Radio crew returned on Sunday to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. The WWE offered up a sleigh-full of content including the stellar TLC PPV and a Tribute to the Troops within their regularly scheduled programming. We saw the returns of people like Ric Flair, Tommy Dreamer, and The Boogeyman to name a few. We also tackle the news including what is happening with THQ and how that affects the future of the WWE video game franchise, how filthy the character of AJ has become, The Iron Sheik on Twitter, Tommy Dreamer’s head injury, and much much more. So kick up your feet, toss your chestnuts on an open fire, and begin thinking how you are going to explain that injury to the…. ahh, just listen to the show and have a great holiday!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 54 (MP3, 2:01:20)

  2. Random Randomness


    As the wind blows and the snow falls down, I have to wonder, it was 60 degrees here yesterday, wtf?  Well I guess thats weather in JTland.  But as the race-car drivers get ready to drive in circles for hours on end and the NBA prepares for it’s all-star game, let us not forget that there is still a lot going on in this world we have here plus Screamfest is tonight: (more…)