Tag Archive: Gary Coleman

  1. WrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins Again

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    This is it!  WrestleMania week is kicking off in a big way today with the BWF Radio WrestleMania 28 special earlier today, and this – the first of EIGHT days of WrestleMania reviews, starting right now with WrestleMania XX, and ending a week from today with WrestleMania XXVII, just prior to our WrestleMania pregame podcast.  In 2004, WrestleMania returned to it’s roots, emanating from Madison Square Garden in New York, New York.  This show sold out in a matter of seconds.  Believe me, I tried to get tickets and couldn’t.  Let’s roll!


  2. Smackdown 05/29/10: We lost a great Little Big Man today…

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    The first thing I notice as the camera pans through the crowd, is a guy with a “Bring Back Heat!” sign. I miss Stevie Night Heat… plus some of the fantastic matches that were allowed to occur on that program. Jimmy Yang and Paul London had some stellar bouts…. probably my favorites of all. And, the pregame show to PPV’s were great too…. ahh, but we can’t live in the past Mr. Guy in the Crowd, can we? We need to live in the present, as in tonight’s rendition of Smackdown!