Tag Archive: Heath Slater

  1. WWE RAW 4/14/14 – RAW is WAR(RIOR)


    No wisecracks or jokes to start this week’s RAW review.  WWE has dedicated tonight to honoring the memory of Warrior, and out of respect for Warrior, I will save such nonsense for the performers on the show.  For what it’s worth, the autopsy results are in, Warrior died of heart disease.  While the investigation is still ongoing, it should be noted that the initial reports say natural causes, so no matter what some TV talking head would have you believe, Warrior’s death did not involve drugs or alcohol.



  2. WWE RAW 2/17/14 – Go Home, Chamber, You’re Drunk

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    It’s the last stop on the road to the last ever Pay Per View us folks in the US will ever have to spend $54.95 on.  The WWE Network premieres next Monday, but let’s see what the WWE have in store for us before we get there, shall we?  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes.  I leave.  Then I have to sit through this show a week later.  Maybe next week I won’t have to watch it by nefarious means once I get to work.  Time will tell.


  3. WWE RAW 1/6/13 – OLD SCHOOL!

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    So, you guys know the deal – I usually watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and review the rest of this show in real time as I watch it.  Well, due to inclement weather here in Buffalo, I find myself sitting at home right now, having watched all but 30 minutes of RAW.  I went out to catch my bus to work, but although the local bus company insists that their buses were all running on time today, mine never showed up.  At the time I left, it was 11 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -20.  As I type this, it’s 1 with a wind chill of -32.  So, if you can’t tell, IT’S FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE!  So, I called my boss, told him I couldn’t make it in, then came home and watched the rest of Old School RAW.  Afterward, I did some DDP Yoga, so I’m here now to actually review the whole show.  Let’s go!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, freeze my ass off waiting for a bus that never shows up, and then come home and watch the rest of RAW.  That’s how this particular RAW review works.   It’s only getting colder!


  4. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 106

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    Jorge returns and… the show goes less than two hours?!?  Yes folks, Joe, JT, G, Jorge, and Mark return to tell you all about the wonderful week that was in professional wrestling, including RAW, IMPACT, and SmackDown reviews and all the latest professional wrestling news.  Will Brock Lesnar return for one more UFC fight?  Cowboy James Storm talks about Wildcat Chris Harris’ run in WWE as Braden Walker.  Mark Henry talks about Kizarny – the gimmick, anyway.  Samoa Joe may or may not be welcome back to ROH if he chose to return.  Ricardo Rodriguez is the new Heath Slater?  All this, and much more on BWF Radio Episode 106!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 106 (MP3, 1:57:42)

    This week’s break song was “Somber” by Jeff Burgess, which, as usual when Mark picks the song, I can’t find a link to buy.

  5. Smackdown 07/20/12


    It seems the last couple of months have been building up to this Monday. Meanwhile back in Smackdown Land, I’m sure most viewers are going into this just waiting for RAW. It’s kind of a bit of a joke though, because after next week’s Monday does the three hour tour… they are going to be scrambling for things to do to fill that extra hour. And let’s be frank for a moment here, they are having problems filling two hours. So what are we in store for tonight? A holding pattern? Two hours of vanilla tout videos? Ryback squashing someone? Momma’s being called? The answer to all of these questions is likely, “Yes,” but since it’s backstage dance time, let’s hop to it shall we?


  6. Smackdown: 08/26/11 Seat Filler Diary 3


    On Tuesday, the WWE trucks pulled into Calgary to tape Smackdown. Once again, I had the privilege to be a seat filler and temporary WWE staff member. I will break down the episode as it appears on TV, and live in person. I will also comment on my third consecutive opportunity to be a seat filler.

    A special thanks to pintnoir who covered Impact Wrestling for our sites this week! Let’s get to it, shall we?