Tag Archive: Ken Shamrock

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 150

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    This week on BoredWrestlingFan Radio, we’re joined by Michael Kingston, creator of Headlocked: The Last Territory, a wrestling comic.  Michael talks about his influences, the difficulty of promoting a wrestling themed comic book, and the people who have helped him out along the way, such as Christopher Daniels and Jerry “The King” Lawler.  (Donate to the Headlocked Volume 2 Kickstarter here)

    In the news, the numbers are in for the WWE Network, and they aren’t pretty.  Stevie Ray reveals Hulk Hogan’s reaction to being called the n-word by Booker T in a promo.  CM Punk returns to WWE…. Shop.  Ric Flair and Dennis Rodman film a fitness DVD.  Jim Ross talks about WWE Network’s promotion, or lack thereof.  Ken Shamrock thinks he should be in the Hall of Fame.  All this, and much, much more on this week’s episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 150 (MP3, 2:05:28)


    This week’s break song was “I Fell Asleep On My Arm” by The Aquabats.  Buy it here!

  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 113

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    Mark and Jorge both miss the show, leaving Joe, JT, and G to fill two hours on this week’s show all on their own.  We talk about wrestling television for the week, attempt to STUMP J.T. with Olympic themed questions, and hear the best Sheik Tweets for the week.  In the news, we hear Ric Flair’s thoughts on internet fans.  Ken Shamrock is begging for work on Twitter.  We find out the whereabouts of Kenny King, as well as those of Cesaro’s first name.  What WWE Hall of Famer is scheduled to be in Milwaukee just days before RAW in Green Bay on February 24th?  We discuss the impending launch of the WWE Network next Monday in depth.  All this, and much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 113 (MP3, 2:16:13)

  3. BWF Radio 38

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    Shamrock’s latest victim

    Once again we’re back!  ThinkSoJoE, JT, G of the Internet, and returning to BWF Radio, our special guest Wrasslor Monkey discuss this week in professional wrestling!  Did Triple H retire on RAW?  Did the Gut Check Challenge competitor get his contract on IMPACT?  Did Damien Sandow avoid a physical confrontation with Sheamus?  (Answer:  No.)  Who is this man in the picture on the right side of this article (It’s a woman that Ken Shamrock beat up)?  What does Mark Out Man do outside of going to WWE shows?  Why did Kofi Kingston want to be called “Joey?”  The Cameron’s job death watch is on!  Who will be a part of the new unauthorized ECW DVD?  All this stuff and much more here on Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 38!  (You can find our guest co-host, Wrasslor Monkey, at Wrestling With Text).

    Also, please stick around after the actual BWF Radio podcast and listen as Professor Salmon and Zwan bring us the Slam Jam!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 38 (MP3, 2:30:36)

    Mark Out Man, as seen on RAW (also known as the Brock Lesnar Superfan) is on Twitter here.

    The Video Game Project, Pro Wrestling X: Uprising on can be found here.

    Finally, but not least, check out Al Creed’s latest 8-bit wrestling creation:

    Last Sunday marked the 1 year anniversary of Super Domino vs Great Power Uti in Nigeria! We didn’t talk about this on the show, but it’s still good to know. G and Pintnoir’s pick for best wrestling story of 2011

  4. Stampede Wrestling Classics? Kind of…

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    Oh no! G has invaded again!! BOO!!! BOOOOOO-URNS!!!!!

    This week I return to give PatMan a break and bring you some Stampede Classics… or something related to the Stampede Wrestling professional wrestling promotion from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This week brings a famous Hart brother and an innovator of Mixed Martial Arts to a head… and in of all places…