Tag Archive: Lie Detector

  1. WWE Superstars Results

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    Hola!  Como estas?  That’s the extent of my Spanish.  Let’s delve into this thing.

    Match 1:  JTG vs Caylen Croft of Dudebuster fame w/Trent Baretta

    I hate JTG’s straight hair.  It’s time for him to go back to the braids.  Speaking of JTG, has anyone seen Shad Gaspard lately?  The Dudebusters suck…plain and simple.  They won’t last long.  Speaking of not lasting long, has anyone seen Shad Gaspard lately?  JTG hits the Shout Out for the victory.  He grabs some kiddies and celebrates in the ring with them. 

    Match 2:  Luke Gallows w/ Serena vs Chris Masters

    I like Masters, but he will never rise above being a lower mid-card performer.  It’s rather unfortunate, because he is better than what most people think.  Gallows should be further along than he is.  Wrestling at house shows and every so often on Superstars is not indicative of progress.  It’s almost time to break up the S.E.S if the only one getting over is CM Punk.  He can do what he’s doing on his own.  I digress.  Luke Gallows gets the win with the Gallows Pole. 

    Match 3:  Jillian vs Brie Bella

    I HATE Diva’s wrestling!  I will say that the Bella’s are smoking hot though.  Nikki and Brie switch places at the end of the match when the referee was distracted.  Nikki rolls up Jillian for the win.  The official winner of the match is Brie Bella.

    Main Event:  R-Truth vs William Regal

    The WWE really dropped the ball with R-Truth.  He held the US Title for about 3 weeks and then drops it and is sent directly to Superstars duty.  The guy is super over and super talented, but he just can’t catch a break.  Regal should find a tag team partner (Kozlov doesn’t count) and go after the Unified Tag Titles.  RTruth gets the win with the Lie Detector.

    That’s it for this week.  Catch ya later.

  2. WWE Superstars Turkey Day Edition

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    Gobble Gobble Gobble.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

    Match 1:  The Miz vs Santino Marella

    On this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the comedic hi-jinx provided by Santino as well as the awesomeness of The Miz.  Santino chants echo throughout the arena as this one gets started.  These two  guys are great.  If you don’t like Santino, then something is definitely wrong with you.  He is absolutely hilarious.  How guys keep from busting out laughing while in the ring with him is beyond me.  He is one of the very few “entertainers” I actually watch.  Most others I just fast foward the DVR through.  As for The Miz, I can’t watch Real Word/Road World challenges without wishing for a surprise appearance from Mike Mizanin.  Anyways, The Miz wins this match with the Skull Crushing Finale.

    Ask the Divas segment…I am not thankful for this….BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    Match 2:  Vladimir Kozlov w/Willaim Regal minus Ezekiel Jackson vs Goldust

    I am thankful that Kozlov has quit wearing those plain white trunks and has opted for the red shorts.  I was always afraid I would see a big brown stain on the back of those white ones.  I am also thankful that the Bizarre One is on ECW enhancing the younger talent and not lost on RAW or Smackdown.  Kozlov wins this with the Iron Curtain.  After the match, Regal lands a running knee to an already downed Goldust. 

    Main Event:  R-Truth vs Dolph Ziggler

    I am thankful that R-Truth is finally being used on a weekly basis in meaningful matches.  I am also thankful that Dolph Ziggler was given a chance on Smackdown and not discarded after his lackluster introductions on RAW.  If these two are main eventers by this time next year, then I will have something else to be thankful for.  Truth hits the Lie Detector for the victory to end the show.  What’s Up?!

    Thank you for reading and I’ll see you again next week.  Be safe!!!

  3. WWE Superstars Review

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    Ok.  Let’s get wet and wild…

    Match 1:  Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix

    I hate Diva wrestling.  Beth Phoenix wins.  This match got way too much time. 

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Tyler Reks

    Is Shelton a babyface or heel right now?  They need to make up their mind with that.  Tyler Reks blows choad.  He walks like he just took it up the butt right before coming to the ring.  Shelton hits Paydirt for the win.

    Match 3:  Charlie Haas vs R-Truth

    Holy Crap!  There’s been an R-Truth sighting!!!  Where has this guy been?  He must have been skippin’ and jumpin’ to the wrong cities and arenas.  I think Haas will be future endeavored soon.  Truth wins with the Lie Detector.

    Main Event:  Mizzark Henry vs The Masterpiece Chris Masters

    Masters seems to have used his hiatus from WWE to get back on the roids to beef up a little more.  I like the Masterpiece.  He’s a guy that could be the next Batista ( in terms of popularity) if they use him right.  Big Mark looks like Koolaid in that red.  Mark Henry gets the win via countout, as Masters walks away from the ring. 

    Ok.  It looks like Superstars has finally become what it was intended to be, as all the time went to the midcarders.  Check me out again next week, as more midcarders get TV exposure without getting crapped on by HHH or John Cena…maybe.

  4. WWE Superstar Review

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    Hey everybody…I’m back this week for another review of WWE Superstars.  Special thanks goes out to Joe for filling in for me last week while I was away.  My DVR says Vince McMahon forces Chavo Guerrero to wrestle on his knees against Hornswoggle, so lets find out what happens with that.

    Match 1:  Wassup?!  R-Truth be skippin and jumpin against Ricky Ortiz. 

    Ricky O comes out with a mic and says everybody needs to rally up their personal lives.   I wish they would really get deep into the motivational speaker persona with Ortiz…that would be great.  R-Truth hits the Lie Detector for the win against Ricky Ortiz, who seemingly dominated the match.

    Mr. McMahon is seen in his office and Hornswoggle and Chavo enter.  Chavo says the midget bit him and Vince says Chavo will compete on his knees.  That should be a normal position for Chavo…I mean how else does he keep his job???

    Match 2:  Woo Woo Woo…You know it!  Zack Ryder vs Tyler Reks

    Tyler Reks walks like he has a surfboard up his butt.  Matt Stryker and Josh Matthews have some witty banter about Zack Ryder being a tool and that clearly exemplifies how absolutely boring this match is.  Tyler Reks is the master of the armbar and Ryder just sucks.  I smell two future endeavores coming soon…hopefully.  Anyway, Ryder hits the Zack Attack for the win.

    Match 3:  Chavito against the troll

    This match is entertaining because its funny.  Horny kicks Chavo’s ass for a little bit at the beginning and Chavo scurries out of the ring.  Upon walking up the stairs on his knees and reentering the ring, Chavo dominates the “little person.”  Hornswoggle bites Chavo and hits the Tadpole Splash for the win.  This is getting rediculous!!! 

    Alrighty then.  Join me again next week for another riveting episode of WWE Superstars.  PEACE!!!