WrestleMania week is in full swing here at BoredWrestlingFan.com, and this is part two of an eight part series. Throughout this week I will relive the past 8 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleMania XX (which was posted yesterday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted on Sunday). So we’re heading to the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California as WrestleMania Goes Hollywood in it’s 21st edition!
The six sided ring has returned, along with Tenay and Borash on the announce team. Instead of doing a match by match review I would like to point out what worked (for me) what was okay and what didn’t.
First what did work.
The match of the night. Bar none. The contract signing 4 way. Watching these men rip each other apart for a chance at a iMPACT wrestling contract was amazing, it went so fast and so furiously with all the near falls and counters that I felt that my brain melted from all the excitement. And you know its good when the crowd is hyped. The feeling was a warm one to say the least. Even the interviews leading up to the match throughout the show got me hyped. Seeing snippets of their personalities against the interviewer So Cal Val was just icing on the cake. When it was all over and the winner was announced I know along with the audience that Impact should of signed all four competitors.
Winner Austin Aries.
The Ultimate X: Number #1 contenders match.
With the Motor city Machine Guns and Ink Inc on the shelves for the time being, we have both Shannon Moore and Alex Shelley going solo for a chance at the X division championship. The other two contenders Amazing Red and (sigh) Robbie E also came in to make an almost well rounded match. Innovative on the part of Shannon Moore toward the end on finding a way to reach the X. Amazing Red pulled a sick spot where he was tossed out the ring, corkscrewing onto Moore and Shelley on the outside. Even though I will mention him in the bad category, Robbie E pulled some decent maneuvers to keep the others away from the prize. Nothing fancy but it was better than his match against Kaz and Gen Me. But in the end Alex Shelley fulfilled his dream and won. This of course lead to Chris Sabin walking out to congratulate him to applause from the crowd.
winner Alex Shelley
*The return of Shark Boy
*Brian Kendrick winning the X championship
*Cameos by Curry Man and Suicide
Now time for the okay.
AJ Styles vs Daniels/ Jerry Lynn vs RVD
I know some fans may argue but sorry these matches reminded me of Jarrett vs Angle at Slammiversary, their earlier matches were ten times better and it just seemed to planned out ring wise. Everything seemed to paint by numbers I’m trying to say. Especially when you look at RVD vs Lynn, its as if they watched videos of their earlier ECW bouts and paste and copied it into their match. All that was missing was Bill Alphonso and a Philadelphia arena. As for the Daniels/Styles match it just seemed to plodding and not innovative enough to best their earlier encounters, specifically the Iron man match. For Nostalgia purposes and to help the buy rate of the PPV this just seemed forced and lackluster.
winner Styles/RVD
Kazarian vs Samoa Joe
This match seemed good on paper with the hopes of seeing past moves/finishers I was cheated out of the Reverse Flux Compassitor?! Joe put on some good spots with the suicide dive but everything was on his end was expected. Kaz who should of brought it for me to be convinced just seemed to do average work which resulted in a lame roll up pin after reversing the Samoan chokeout. Even the fans were chanting B.S. It was short and felt rushed.
winner Kaz
Now comes the bad. And boy was it bad.
Douglas Williams vs Matt Haskins (who?)
This was so out of place it was sickening watching Williams trying to hype up Haskins as a fellow Brit to which the crowd chanted (Who are You) was hysterically bad. The kid was nervous albeit he had some good spots but it didn’t excuse his slip up on the turnbuckle delaying the finish. This was essentially a dark match inserted into the PPV. No one cared to see it and the finish which came after the Kaz vs Joe match was an insult. Another roll up pin following a botched finisher?
winner Douglas Williams
Generation Me vs Shark boy/Eric Young
Shark Boy’s return aside everyone could tell that due to the sidelining of MCMG this was just thrown together to give Gen Me an opponent. Failed opportunities all around. EY was still EY even though he did put his talented all in the ring. Gen Me shown brightly even though every time I watched the match (excitement of Shark Boy withstanding) I really wanted to see a rematch with the Guns. In the end EY and Shark Boy win with a double chummer/wheelbarrow.
winner EY and Shark boy
Oh wait I forgot, why is Eric Young looking like a rip off of Ring of Honor gimmick wrestler Grizzly Redwood? Championship beard my ass. I just thought about it why not just have the television title defended where Eric Young took on Douglas Williams saving us sans Shark Boy of two unnecessary matches?
The over booking of the Kendrick vs Abyss Championship match.
I knew something was up when this match preempted the Styles/Daniels. Again like Slammiversary when the championship match is before a non title match you know overbooking is looming. That aside the match was the definition of ignominious, Kendrick bounced around off Abyss like a bird hitting a sliding glass door. And when the match finally went from degrading to interesting what happens, a ref bump! And who should come out but Eric Bischoff. The man who the spotlight can never dodge, even Hogan missed it. One dress down later, Kendrick blasts Bischoff only to be attacked by Immortal, who are then attacked by the X division roster, Immortal after clearing the ring go to finish Kendrick only to be met with more X division wrestlers making them clear the ring. Then I’m treated to a repeat of the notoriously horrid Knockouts tag match finish from Victory Road where Rosita some how sat on Winter and held her down for 3 count. We see again this time with Kendrick playing the part of Rosita with Abyss as Winter just lying there while a little man pins him. This chimerical display of booking took me completely out of the match. Follow that with carnations? roses? falling from the rafters was the movie equivalent of a sappy teen romance ending.
winner Brian Kendrick
*Robbie E needs to stop selling like he’s having an epileptic seizure. It was distracting and you could even tell Amazing Red was bothered by it when he looked at him with a “are you serious” look after dropping him with a kick.
There is no scintilla of a doubt that the X division will continue, with the additions of Haskins,Aries and Shelley now the number one contender we should see where this botched opportunity leads iMPACT Wrestling. Hopefully this is the sign that Dixie and Co have plans to furnish the Division with well rounded competitors who will wow us with their personalities and dare I say mic skills non gimmicky talk withstanding-looking at you, Kendrick-But we will have to wait. Until then I have to say Destination X was a “C” effort at best and C- at worst. Just average. Considering all the misused talent we could of seen better.
*And the commentary was average, we needed Don West. West and Tenay would have elevated this to a B. Just saying.
Another week, another Smackdown. Yep, the suffrage continues. Much like last night, no flashy intro comments… no animated gif either. Let’s just get to it dammit. (more…)
Well arter a few weeks of doing the podcast thingy, I figured I’d return to the old format and the article thingy this week. Plus the allergies are pretty bad again this week so I’d save you from hearing me sneeze 20 times in 20 minutes. So without further ado, I say we get this ship sailing: (more…)
Darren Young, CM Punk’s rookie, defeated Jennifer Hudson’s fiancee and R-Truth’s rookie, David Otunga in the opening contest. Luke Gallows and Truth got into a discussion outside of the ring, and as the referee was distracted, Punk tripped up Otunga, allowing Young to pick up the victory.
After the match, Otunga shoved Truth.
Promo: Daniel Bryan says he’ll headline WrestleMania some day.
Video: Bryan taking a huge bump courtesy of Chris Jericho.
Backstage: Bryan is getting looked at by the trainers, and Miz informs him that he’ll be facing Jericho’s rookie, Wade Barrett, next!
During the break, David Otunga and R-Truth got into a bit of a brawl before officials broke it up.
Chris Jericho is introduced, and he comes to the stage to introduce Wade Barrett
Video: Wade Barrett will dominate you, because that’s what will put money into his bank account.
Daniel Bryan’s ribs are taped up as he makes his way to the ring, sans The Miz.
Wade Barrett def. Daniel Bryan
The Miz and Carlito watch from a monitor backstage, as Barrett dominates early on. Barrett hits a spinebuster and it’s too much for Bryan to overcome.
Chris Jericho attacks Bryan after the match and locks him in the old school Lion Tamer style Walls of Jericho.
Later on tonight, Justin Gabriel teams with his pro Matt Hardy to face Skip Sheffield and his pro, William Regal.
Backstage: Heath Slater is bragging about his and Christian’s win last week. Christian tells him that he shouldn’t be overconfident, and that David Otunga won his match too.
Backstage: Justin Gabriel is excited to work with Matt Hardy. Hardy says Gabriel will bring a lot of high flying maneuvers, kind of like a young Matt Hardy. Here’s hoping he doesn’t get fat and wear tights that are too small for him.
Regal and Skip Sheffield make their way to the ring.
Video: Skip Sheffield is a Corn fed Meathead. He’s an entertainer, and he’s good at it.
Hardy and Gabriel make their way to the ring and we’ve got our main event.
Matt Hardy & Justin Gabriel def. William Regal & Skip Sheffield
Gabriel picked up the win for his team. Matt Hardy dropped Regal with a Twist of Fate, and Gabriel nailed a 450 splash, picking up the victory.
Backstage: Matt Striker is with the rest of the rookies. Carlito comes in and spits in the face of Heath Slater. He says that’s cool. Slater doesn’t think so, but Striker says, “That’s NXT.”