Tag Archive: March 28

  1. WWE WrestleMania 28 Press Conference

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    The WWE held a press conference to hype up this Sunday’s WrestleMania 28. It just ended minutes ago, and can be watched in full on YouTube. Of course, if you’re not feeling like clicking links, just hit it up below. Fast forward to the 17:28 minute mark, smark. Up to that point, all you’ll get is a graphic.

    [youtube mqNTxBZNAfc]

  2. A Celebration of Professional Wrestling Begins This Saturday!

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    Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages… it’s time for a Celebration of Professional Wrestling. That’s right folks! The showcase of the immortals, WRESTLEMANIA, is just over a week away! In a conjoint assembly of marks, smarks, and fans alike, Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online staff have united to create a week long tribute to the art and performance that is professional wrestling. And while much of the content will be WWE related, this is not limited to the one promotion. It’s an acknowledgement to all federations and organizations, big or small.