Tag Archive: Martin Luther King Jr

  1. WWE RAW review – 1/19/09

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    Oh what a joyous day!  Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. day, and it’s only fitting that tomorrow morning is the inauguration of the first black president in United States history, Barack Obama.  I’m counting down the hours until Dubya is gone, but for our purposes today, that’s pretty irrelevant.

    Today is also joyous for another reason – Mr. McMahon returns to Monday Night RAW!  It’s fitting, perhaps, that the last time Mr. McMahon was on WWE television was also the last time I had to write a review of RAW the way I’m doing tonight – I’ll be writing most of it here at home, then finishing it once I get to work.  For you early adopters of the BoredWrestlingFan brand of Sports Entertainment coverage, no, the power was never turned back on at my job – in fact, the place is now out of business.  I started a new job doing exactly what I was doing before – sadly for less money.

    Anyways, you’re not here to read about my life (I’ve got ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts for that!), you’re here to read about Monday Night RAW!  Fear not, loyal readers, the results are after the jump! (more…)