Tag Archive: Matt Sydal Bourne again

  1. The Adamle Hour on Sci-Fi for 6/10/08

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    Call me crazy (or, if you prefer, “Jamaican Me Crazy”), but I actually enjoy ECW on Sci-Fi, even in this post-Joey Styles era.  As long as Kelly Kelly and Layla aren’t having some stupid dance-off.  I’m watching an hour long wrestling program, not Fox’s “So You Think You Can Dance?”  Anyhow, tonight’s edition was pretty good.  One thing that absolutely bugs me though, and TNA did this with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky when they debuted, is when a wrestler debuts on a program then shows up next week with a different name.  Goodbye, Matt Sydal, hello Evan Bourne.  My theory is that the WWE wanted to avoid what they got with CM Punk – a well known indy star with a built-in fan base.  That might sound crazy, but WWE creative want their big stars to be homegrown.  Somebody like CM Punk wasn’t supposed to climb the ladder of success so fast.  When he was brought to the company they had a plan for him, and because of his indy success, they had to throw it out the window and push him whether they wanted to or not.  To this day, you can still see by his recent win-loss record that creative is trying to sabotage him.  Matt Sydal is a name familiar to internet wrestling fans who keep up with the major independent promotions through the country, and as such, they’ve changed his name so that the name recognition disappears and they can build his character the way they want to.  It’s also a good excuse for Mike Adamle to make references to the Bourne movie series.  He did just that on tonight’s edition of ECW.

    Other thoughts on tonight’s show, after the jump! (more…)