Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans! Tonight, to go along with the announcement that our site is compatible with mobile web browsers, we’re going to go with a mini SmackDown review to go along with those little tiny screens on your cell phones!
Match results and quick thoughts on the various segments and matches, after the jump! (more…)
Just a heads up that you can now visit BoredWrestlingFan.com from your mobile web capable device. All you have to do is type “http://boredwrestlingfan.com” into your mobile web browser and you’ll be automatically taken to a mobile specific site design, courtesy of our friends at Mowser.com.
Speaking of site design, I’ll likely be making some tweaks to the design of the site. What I’m going to do, and how much of an overhaul the site will be getting, I haven’t decided yet. And if you’re wondering, I’ll be around with SmackDown coverage later on tonight. Whether that winds up being a full review like we usually do, or a “quick thoughts” review like JT did last week, I’m not sure, but I guess we’ll all find out a little later on tonight.