Monday night after RAW, the WWE Network aired a special “Stone Cold Podcast,” where Steve Austin’s guest was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. At the end of the show, Austin asked Mr. McMahon where people could go to offer suggestions for WWE. Vince claims he listens to his audience, referring to the live audience, but Austin insisted that they could send their thoughts to the WWE and Vince McMahon’s Twitter accounts. I saw a great post from @KellettFilm on Twitter with a list of things he would like to see, and I agreed with a lot of his list, and some of his things, in my own words, may show up here. That said, here is my idea of what I’d personally like to see from World Wrestling Entertainment.
“…the spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run forever…”
Ribera jackets and Destrucity all around! Joe, G, JT, and Mark pay tribute to the late Ultimate Warrior to kick off this week’s show. Talk turns to how the landscape of wrestling on a professional level has changed over the past week with new champions Daniel Bryan, Paige, and Eric Young emerging since the last episode. We talk about the disgrace known as HLN’s Nancy Grace and read tweets and statements from various people in the wrestling industry regarding her insinuation that Owen Hart’s death had anything to do with drugs or steroids. In the second hour, IHWE wrestler Thomas Shire joins us to talk about his career thusfar and the upcoming IHWExperience event on June 8th in Fort Worth, TX. Ribera jackets for all, on this week’s episode of BWF Radio! Tune in!
March 31, 1996! Eleven years from the date of the first WrestleMania, it’s time for the twelfth edition of the greatest spectacle in sports entertainment! Tonight, Shawn Michaels takes on Bret “Hitman” Hart in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship! Whichever man can score the most falls in the span of one hour will be the winner! Let’s go!
April 2, 1995! Are you ready for WrestleMania XI? Tonight we witness the showdown between Shawn Michaels and Diesel for the WWF Championship, and NFL great Lawrence Taylor steps into the squared circle with The Beast From The East, Bam Bam Bigelow! Let’s get to it!
It’s finally here! March 20, 1994! Tonight, the Superstars of the World Wrestling Federation celebrate a decade of the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania! Bret and Owen Hart face off, and then Bret goes on to face the winner of the WWF Championship match between Yokozuna and Lex Luger later on tonight! Plus, the Macho Man faces Crush in a falls count anywhere match! And for the first time, the Intercontinental Championship is defended in a ladder match as Shawn Michaels faces Razor Ramon to prove who is the true Champion! All this, and much, much more! Let’s go!
It’s April 5, 1992! Are you ready for WrestleMania VIII? A huge double main event tonight, as Sid Justice faces Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair defends the WWF Championship against Macho Man Randy Savage! I know I’m ready! Let’s go!
Our dear friend Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling needs your help. As many of you know, Doc has been wheelchair bound for the last several months after suffering a back injury. Last Sunday, two teenage punks tackled Doc and robbed him of his rent money. While we’re glad to report that friends have helped Doc pay his rent, the two suspects are still out there, and Doc wants them caught, “so no one ever has to feel the horrible, useless way this left me feeling.” So here’s where you come in. Doc is selling some one-of-a-kind Hart Family memorabilia. The money taken in by the sale of these items will be split 50/50, with half going to charity, and the other half being used as a reward for the tip that leads to the arrest of these two young punks. The items for sale, and contact info for those interested, are below.
In the ring promo – John Cena cuts his best promo ever on C.M. Punk.
RAW ends with Michael Cole cheering on Jerry Lawler to recover
Here’s the big issue tonight, Jerry Lawler collapses at ringside during the Kane/Bryan-PTP match. At the time of this writing, according to PWInsider/World Wrestling, Lawler is supposedly in stable condition, breathing on his own, and awaiting a cat-scan. No one knows anything else at this time.
This is taking on scary connotations for fans as this happened in Montreal, during a guest appearance by Brett Hart, drawing comparisons to the Owen Hart tragedy of 1997(?)
Earlier in the summer, Joe, J.T. and G of Bored Wrestling Fan Radio issued an open challenge to the crew over at Wonderpod to send their best guys over as a play off of the revealing of the third member of the nWo in WCW during The Bash at the Beach of 1995.
Today, on September 4th, is the anniversary of WCW Nitro going live on Monday also in 1995. And how better to commemorate the start of the Monday Night Wars, than to have the aforementioned open challenge met. And the result is this special broadcast as a form of that receipt.
Bruce McGee and Jonkind invaded our studios to talk Attitude Era and Monday Night Wars wrestling! In this recording we discuss The Montreal Screwjob, the national rivalry of the US and Canada, Mick Foley, Owen Hart, Wrestling With Shadows, Terrible gimmicks and storylines… speaking of which…
How much is Eric’s Bischoff’s “Controversy Creates Cash” actually worth? All this and more, right click and save this special broadcast below:
I’m trying to find a place to start with this and it’s just not happening. So forgive me for being a little disjointed in starting here. I have my favorite promos. Anything that comes out of Mick Foley’s or Ric Flair’s mouth. I remember Al Snow cutting a promo in the ECW days before a big match that was so quiet and to the point and great. There was Roddy Piper at Halloween Havoc in 1996. And of course there was CM Punk’s “The Promo” where I couldn’t sleep that night because I couldn’t decide if it was a work or not. Guys could make you hate them with a short 5-minute promo like Owen Hart, Jerry Lawler or Bubba Ray Dudley. Or the guys who could have you eating out of their hand like Jake “The Snake”, The Rock or Dusty Rhodes.
This week, a great promo joined the ranks of the best ever. Eddie Kingston cut a promo that is probably the best of the year. And that’s on a year where you had CM Punk’s “The Promo,” CM Punk honoring Gregory Iron at AAW and HHH-Taker stare-down when both made their returns at the same time building up Wrestlemania. (I wrote a Facebook status after that where I said “Cut the promo. And if necessary, use words.”)
After Punk’s “The Promo,” a lot of the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) used the phrase “talking people into the building. ” This Eddie Kingston promo does exactly that. Around Money in the Bank, there were so many great promos on Raw, not just from Punk. John Cena also cut some good promos during that time. He didn’t sound like the 10-year-old trying to get the other 10-year-olds on his side at the playground. He sounded legitimate and that he believed what he was saying. But some nights he just sounds like he’s reciting lines.
When I hear that Eddie Kingston promo, I hear something I don’t hear very often on WWE television… passion. And I’m not saying that John Cena doesn’t have any passion. I see that passion when he walks out to the ring every time. But I just don’t hear his passion through his promos. You can only believe somebody’s else’s thoughts so much. Even the great actors-Kevin Spacey, Robert DeNiro, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon-you can tell when they are playing a role and when they are not in character. The problem is that too many times, John Cena sounds like the guy you see on The Marine and not the athlete you go for on your local sports team, which is who he should be.
What I would love is for WWE to bring back the passion. Stop scripting stuff for the boys to say. I’m ok with rehearsing, but let them say what they want. After you watch this Eddie Kingston promo, you can’t live without seeing High Noon. When was the last time we wanted to see a WWE pay-per-view that much?