Tag Archive: Prime Examples

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  Sorry I’m late this week, but I’m here now and ready to kick off on Super Bowl weekend. 

    Match 1:  Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres vs Katie Lea Burchill and Alicia Fox

    Diva wrestling…BOOOOOOO!!!!  Alicia Fox rolls through a Kelly Kelly lateral press for the win.  Anybody care about Diva matches???  I don’t and its my review, so no time for the Divas here.

    Match 2:  Evan Bourne vs Carlito

    I really like both of these guys.  I find them both extremely entertaining and full of ability.  I know, I know.  There are a lot of people that say Carlito is lazy and doesn’t work hard, but I don’t agree with that.  The guy just makes things look effortless.  He’s graceful in the ring.  As for Evan Bourne, I really wish they would push him in the US title race.  He is absolutely, 100% amazing.  RAW has so many talented guys that they refuse to give substantial pushes to.  These two are prime examples.  This was a fantastic match with a ton of false finishes!!!  Bourne wins with the Shooting Star Press after a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the top rope.  This match gets two thumbs way way way up!

    Main Event:  John Morrison, Matt Hardy and The Great Khali vs The Hart Dynasty and Drew McIntyre

    Anytime you get John Morrison, Drew McIntyre, and The Hart Dynasty, you get a good match.  Fatt Lardy sucks now and Khali can’t move, but there is always something negative to every positive.  It’s just how the world works.  The Punjabi Playboy needs to hang it up and Hardy needs to be released…and soon.  How are those two supposed to be a credible tag team when they can’t do anything???  Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge on David Hart Smith for the win.  Matt Hardy does some type of dance to finish the show.  Very weird!

    See ya next week, my peeps!

  2. WWE Superstars Review

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    Let’s get crazy and see what happens.

    Match 1:  John Morrison vs Tyson Kidd

    I’m looking forward to seeing Morrison/Hardy for the World Heavyweight title on Smackdown!  The craftiness of Kidd and Morrison make for a great match.  These two guys are prime examples for why Smackdown is so much better than Raw right now.  Kidd hit a sick neckbreaker at the edge of the apron on Morrison during the middle of the match.  Morrison exhibited his usual greatness.  David Hart Smith and Natalya were ejected from ringside, which ulitimately spelled doom for Tyson Kidd in this match.  John Morrison is one of my favorite superstars and his explosiveness is second to none.  The Shaman of Sexy hit Starship Pain for the win. 

    Match 2:  William Regal vs the Japanese Sensation Yoshi Tatsu

    Yoshi Tatsu gets some of the biggest pops when he comes out to the ring.  The fans love this guy.  He kicks and karate chops guys to death.  However, William Regal gets the win with a running knee.  Regal gets his win back with that one.

    Josh Matthews interviews Randy Orton in the locker room.  He asks Orton’s impressions on John Cena winning the beat the clock challenge.  He said Cena has won pain and agony with his beat the clock victory.

    Main Event:  WWE Champion Randy Orton vs the cartwheeling Primo Colon

    Here is the random match of the night…but I like it.  Primo is exciting and its always nice to see the CHAMPION get a chance at a real victory.  Primo starts like an A.D.D. kid without his meds.  He bounces all over the place and gets his offense in until the commercial break.  During the break, Orton regains control and starts his methodical beatdown of Primo.  Primo hits the ropes and nails a flying elbow and then his cartwheel.  Missile dropkick hits but the springboard splash misses and Orton hits the RKO for the win.  Refreshing match for the both of them. 

    This was a good, entertaining show.  I like how they mixed good matches with the randomness this week.  I guess thats what Superstars is for.  Anywho…come back and check me out next week.