Tag Archive: Pro Wrestling

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 73


    Antonio Cesaro puts the W in WWE. Brock takes the W out of WWE.

    This week on BWF Radio, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling returns to BoredWrestlingFan to give us a status update on the promotion, and to answer some frequently asked questions regarding OSW, his health, and other topics as relates to Calgary pro wrestling and pro wrestling in general.  Jorge leaves early to see Iron Man 3, and Brian tells him it’s not that great.  Rytman wonders whether he’s tuned into a German porn video as things are constantly “shit on.”  In the news we hear about Paul London and Dolph Ziggler’s concussions, Jay Briscoe’s anti-gay twitter remarks, and Hulk Hogan’s lawsuits.  We also get a status update on Saturday Morning Slam.  Don’t miss the reaction when we find out that Michael Cole is going to climb Mt. Whitney with JBL.  All this, and much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 73 (MP3, 2:22:54)

    This week’s break song was “Sin and Bones” by Fozzy.  Buy it here.

  2. WrestleMania V: The Mega Powers Explode

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    This is it!  BoredWrestlingFan’s WrestleMania week is in full swing, which kicked off with the WrestleMania 29 prediction podcast.  My contribution to WrestleMania week this year will be reviews of the first six WrestleMania events, which started Monday with 1985′s WrestleMania, and will finish up Saturday with a review of WrestleMania VI.  And don’t forget to tune in to BoredWrestlingFan Radio this Sunday at 2PM Eastern as I will be reporting LIVE from Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, the site of WrestleMania XXIX!

    WrestleMania V, the Mega Powers Explode!  I’d just started to really get in to pro wrestling around this time.  In fact, the Saturday Night’s Main Event where Hogan and Savage split up over the tag team match they had against the Twin Towers may be one of the first wrestling shows I really remember watching.  We didn’t order this one on PPV, but I rented it on VHS as soon as it came out.  I distinctly remember a lot of this show, which is surprising, since I can barely remember any of last year’s WrestleMania.  Oh well, let’s roll!


  3. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 66

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    You’re as cold as ice. You’re willing to sacrifice our love…

    In what they’re calling the “Super Mario” edition of the show, Joe, JT, Jorge, and G discuss the week in pro wrestling.  We talk wrestling television of course, celebrate Bully Ray’s title victory at LockDown, appreciate Punk’s heeldom, and debate on whether the Highlight Reel was the worst segment in WWE history or not.  We catch That Damn Double C being WRONG about this week’s WWE trivia, and have to research the actual answer online.  We also catch him trying to sneak in the lyrics to Toto’s “Africa.”  That sneaky Aussie bastard.  In the news, we talk about health insurance for wrestlers as Daffney’s lawsuit with TNA has come to an end. We get updates on Jake Roberts from DDP’s Accountability Crib.  We find out which Divas has been contacted for a WWE return, and find out that TNA has been rejected by every single former knockout they reached out to for one of their one night only PPVs.  All this, and much, much more on BWF Radio 66!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 66 (MP3, 2:06:54)

    This week’s break song was “Put Up Your Dukes” by Race.  Buy the album here!

  4. BWF Radio Episode 53: BWF Awards

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    This week on BWF Radio, it’s the 2012 BWF Awards!  Joe, Jorge, JT, and Jee (Screw you and your one letter, G!) discuss the week in pro wrestling, and then give out a number of awards for this year in professional wrestling!  Awards include PPV of the Year, Entrance of the Year, Surprise of the Year, Match of the Year, and Wrestler of the Year, and much, much more.  Who ran away with the awards this year?  Were there any big surprises in this year’s awards?  Only one way to find out!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 53 (MP3, 2:26:45)

    In honor of the world ending next Friday, our break song this week was “The End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M.  Buy it here!

  5. BWF Radio Episode 49: Anniversary Spectacular!

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    It was a festive mood in the BoredWrestlingFan studio this afternoon as the crew celebrates 1 year on the air!  ThinkSoJoE, JT,

    Tom Lawlor shocks the world!

    Tom Lawlor shocks the world!

    G, Jorge, and former regular co-host Drowgoddess are joined by Empire State Wrestling’s Brian DeVille and Frankie Feathers to talk this week in pro wrestling.  We pose the question of who was offended by the CM Punk/Paul Heyman heart attack angle on RAW.  We give our thoughts on the Survivor Series – in 1992 – as well as our predictions for this year’s show.  Hall of Fame candidates are discussed, and our resident RAW reviewer, Rytman, chimes in via the mixlr comments toward the end of the show.  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 49 (MP3, 2:32:12)

  6. BWF Radio 38

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    Shamrock’s latest victim

    Once again we’re back!  ThinkSoJoE, JT, G of the Internet, and returning to BWF Radio, our special guest Wrasslor Monkey discuss this week in professional wrestling!  Did Triple H retire on RAW?  Did the Gut Check Challenge competitor get his contract on IMPACT?  Did Damien Sandow avoid a physical confrontation with Sheamus?  (Answer:  No.)  Who is this man in the picture on the right side of this article (It’s a woman that Ken Shamrock beat up)?  What does Mark Out Man do outside of going to WWE shows?  Why did Kofi Kingston want to be called “Joey?”  The Cameron’s job death watch is on!  Who will be a part of the new unauthorized ECW DVD?  All this stuff and much more here on Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 38!  (You can find our guest co-host, Wrasslor Monkey, at Wrestling With Text).

    Also, please stick around after the actual BWF Radio podcast and listen as Professor Salmon and Zwan bring us the Slam Jam!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 38 (MP3, 2:30:36)

    Mark Out Man, as seen on RAW (also known as the Brock Lesnar Superfan) is on Twitter here.

    The Video Game Project, Pro Wrestling X: Uprising on can be found here.

    Finally, but not least, check out Al Creed’s latest 8-bit wrestling creation:

    Last Sunday marked the 1 year anniversary of Super Domino vs Great Power Uti in Nigeria! We didn’t talk about this on the show, but it’s still good to know. G and Pintnoir’s pick for best wrestling story of 2011

  7. BWF Radio Episode 28

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    ThinkSoJoE and G return for another week of BWF Radio!  Lots to talk about this week including the usual RAW, SmackDown, and Impact broadcasts, plus the debuts of NXT Season 6 and the brand new pro wrestling web show, The Underground.  In the news, TNA’s BaseBrawl events, more on Ken Doane on Cena & Orton, Jericho’s return, WWE’s stock prices, more on TNA and Scott Steiner, Lanny Poffo on his brother’s Hall of Fame status, potential RAW GMs, the whereabouts of Eric Young, John Laurinaitis’ WWE schedule, and more!  All this, plus a quick rundown of this week’s IWC Power Poll!  Tune in via the link below!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 28 (MP3, 2:00:15)

  8. BWF Interview: Ethan Page

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    Independent wrestling star Ethan Page took time out of his Saturday to speak with BoredWrestlingFan.com’s Justin Ruff.  In the 23 minute interview, Page talks about what made him get into wrestling, Val Venis being his favorite Canadian wrestler, his martial arts background, some of his favorite guys to work with, difficulty getting booked in the United States, “Ian (Rotten) is kind of a retard,” being one of the only two males on the AIW “Girls Night Out” card, the effect of illegal downloading on independent pro wrestling, and much more.  Click the link to download!

    BWF Interview: Ethan Page (MP3 Format, 23:01)

  9. BWF Radio: Episode 22

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    ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G are back, and ready to go with another edition of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  We recap the week in pro wrestling including the ROH Border Wars iPPV, run down all of the news for the week including John Cena’s divorce, Marty Jannetty’s response to The Pope, and ROH’s technical woes.  All this, plus a preview of this week’s interview with second generation wrestler Brian Hardy!  Click below to listen!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 22 (MP3, 1:35:49)


  10. BWF Radio Episode 20

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    Wow, what a crazy week in pro wrestling!  ThinkSoJoE, G, and JT run down RAW, IMPACT, and SmackDown for the week and predict Extreme Rules.  Justin Ruff’s controversial interview with Texas women’s wrestler Ruthless Lala (which will be available tomorrow afternoon) is previewed.  Then the crew discuss the insane week of news in this wacky world of sports entertainment, from Rey Mysterio getting sixty days for a wellness policy violation, to Buff Bagwell’s horrific car accident.  Plus, all the craziness surrounding last night’s Extreme Reunion show, including Sabu being found “unresponsive” and Justin Credible being kicked out.  You don’t want to miss this episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  Click the link!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 20 (MP3, 1:53:51)

    UPDATE:  Sabu has checked himself out of the hospital, is telling people he’s “fine;”  Buff Bagwell’s doctors are “shocked” by his recovery.