Tag Archive: Punctuality

  1. WWE RAW results 3/15/10


    What?  I was supposed to review this at 9?  What?  I was supposed to use tweets?  What?  I should be publishing this right now instead of just starting on it?  What?  Deadline?  What?  Schedule?  What?  Punctuality?  What?  What?  What?  Truth be told, I was unable to catch the beginning of RAW or iMPACT for reasons beyond my control, so I opted to wait until after the shows were over to start writing about them.  So I found a copy of RAW first – and fast! – so we’re going to start with the WWE’s show tonight.  Too bad today’s only 3/15, because with our guest host tonight, 3/16 may have been more appropriate – That’s right, Stone Cold Steve Austin is our host tonight, and he’ll be moderating the contract signing between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon for their WrestleMania match.  Speaking of WrestleMania, it’s WrestleMania rewind night tonight!  We’ll get a rematch from WrestleMania XIX, which I happened to have attended, when Shawn Michaels faces the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.  We’ll see a rematch of WrestleMania XX’s opening contest when John Cena faces The Big Show.  WrestleMania 25’s main event will also see a rematch tonight, as Randy Orton takes on Triple H.

    Alright, I don’t want to talk too much (this is the RAW review, not the iMPACT review, y’know!), so let’s get started!
