Tag Archive: Pure Gold

  1. WWE Superstars Review

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    What’s up, my Peeps?!  Hope all is well in your world.  I’m back following an absence last week…sorry.  While I may be a tad tardy to the party this week, this review is getting done.  And here…we…go!

    Match 1:  Kelly Kelly vs Gail Kim

    I think everybody knows how I feel about diva wrestling by now.  Thus, you just get the results here.  Kelly Kelly defeats Gail Kim.  I think Gail turns on Sunday.  Raw needs another heel diva.

    Match 2:  Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov vs Tommy Dreamer and Golddust

    I like Big Zeke and Golddust, but could care less about the other two.  The finish sees Dreamer hit Kozlov from behind and Golddust hits the Flatline for the win.  After the match, Jackson and Kozlov attack Tommy and the Bizzarre One.  Zeke is a future World Champ IMO!

    Main Event:  Matt Hardy and R-Truth vs Drew McIntyre and Eric Escobar

    Matt looks really fat in those tights that he insists on wearing to the ring every week.  R-Truth should be an IC title contender.  Drew McIntyre is pure gold.  Eric Escobar IS fat.  McIntyre hits Hardy with his DDT for the win.  They are intent on pushing their young talent on Smackdown…catch a hint RAW!

    That’s it for this week everybody.  Peace!!!

  2. WWE Superstars

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    Oh yeah…Superstars time!

    Match 1:  Chris Masters vs Santino

    Santino got a huge pop when he came out.  Masters gets the win with the Masterlock.  Santino is pure gold though. 

    Match 2:  Christian vs Paul Burchill

    Christian is the man!  Respect the champ, Peeps!!!!  Zack Ryder is doing guest commentary.  Apparently Ryder has tanned everyday this week.  He also sent out a shoutout to his girlfriend…xoxo.  Captain Charisma gets the win via the Unprettier.  I know its called the Killswitch now, but it will always be the Unprettier to me.

    Josh Matthews interviews Randy Orton.  He says he will make John Cena suffer at HIAC and become WWE Champ yet again.

    Main Event:  Dolph Ziggler vs Finlay

    Mr. Ziggles gets the win after an eye rake and his Zig Zag. 

    Thats it for this week.  Check out next week.  PEACE OUT!!