Well since I’ve already revealed the winner of the ROH World Title tournament on this past week’s edition of bWf radio, there is no real need to do this. But I’m gonna pretend like you don’t know it yet and give you the results of this weeks round 2 matches. Tommaso Ciampa def. Mike Bennett, Kevin Steen def. Roderick Strong, and Michael Elgin def. Karl Anderson. Next week we get the semi and finals of the tournament and a new ROH Champion crowned! Till Sunday folks!
Well, I know that it’s the date of WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per view this year. It’s also Mrs. ThinkSoJoE’s birthday. And it’s also the day that Cleveland Browns TE Gary Barnidge re-joins us for another round of Pay Per View predictions! Gary joins Joe, Jorge, G, and JT to give his picks for tonight’s Extreme Rules event. We then try desperately to remember what happened on the lackluster 3-hour WWE App infomercial that aired on the USA Network Monday Night. In the news, we get the latest on “crotch-gate,” the incident involving Austin Aries and Christie Hemme. We hear which NXT talents were released from their contracts this week. The WWE2K14 release date is announced. We lament the temporary loss of WWE Saturday Morning Slam. We send our well wishes out to former BWF Radio interviewee Zema Ion. We make an announcement on where you can listen to BoredWrestlingFan Radio in the future (and please, stay tuned to BoredWrestlingFan.com for more details in the coming days). All this, and much much more! Tune in!
Big E, Big E, Big E, can’t you see, sometimes your fists accidentally hit me?
Fandangoing spills over into BWF Radio, as our own ThinkSoJoE was in the crowd at the IZOD Center this past Monday. Joe, along with JT, G, and Jorge discuss the poor quality of this year’s WrestleMania, leading Joe to make an interesting offer to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. It’s explained why Mike Chioda got the first chant during the Sheamus/Orton match on RAW. We ponder who was controlling the temperature on Thursday’s IMPACT, and do away with Sign Guy during the reading of G’s SmackDown review, for some reason. Rick is still very much alive and well, as far as we know. Iron Sheik tweets are handled by JT, and we find out why Rock, Brock, and Punk were all missing from RAW in the news. Plus, for episode 69, That Damn Double C brings us some Bloodhound Gang in our musical break. All this and MUCH more, on BWF Radio!
Joe, Jorge, G, JT, and Brian are joined by Carolina Panthers TE Gary Barnidge for the first part of the show. We ask the hard hitting questions, like “Vince McMahon or Vince Lombardi.” We talk about the American Football Without Borders charity, and Gary joins us for Elimination Chamber picks. We get into the news, including Miz accidentally dropping Punk on his head, TNA Lockdown not consisting entirely of cage matches, and Rey Mysterio’s surgeon potentially losing his license. We chime in on the IOC dropping wrestling from the 2020 Olympic games. We update the whereabouts of Steve Blackman. We talk about Scott Hall. We find out who is making the WWE ’14 video game. Is John Cena sleeping with a porn star? All this and more on BWF Radio!
ThinkSoJoE from BoredWrestlingFan.com here. It is my distinct honor to inform all of the great BoredWrestlingFan and Cheap-Heat.com readers that tomorrow morning, my BWF Radio co-host JT, Cassidy from Cheap-Heat, and myself will be conducting an interview with 11-time World Champion, 9 time Intercontinental Champion, and the frontman for the great heavy metal band Fozzy, the one and only Chris Jericho. To say that we have been greatly looking forward to this opportunity is an understatement. I’m proud to announce that this interview will be available tomorrow evening at all the usual places BWF Radio can be found!
For the first time since March 7th of this year, I return with a piece first mentioned in the latest edition of BWF Radio, and that is the subject of Downloadable Content, or DLC for short. As this is a wrestling website (Although it will also be seen at those fine folk over at Wonderpod), I will focus my attention on the WWE games side of DLC. With that said..
Once again we’re back! ThinkSoJoE, JT, G of the Internet, and returning to BWF Radio, our special guest Wrasslor Monkey discuss this week in professional wrestling! Did Triple H retire on RAW? Did the Gut Check Challenge competitor get his contract on IMPACT? Did Damien Sandow avoid a physical confrontation with Sheamus? (Answer: No.) Who is this man in the picture on the right side of this article (It’s a woman that Ken Shamrock beat up)? What does Mark Out Man do outside of going to WWE shows? Why did Kofi Kingston want to be called “Joey?” The Cameron’s job death watch is on! Who will be a part of the new unauthorized ECW DVD? All this stuff and much more here on Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 38! (You can find our guest co-host, Wrasslor Monkey, at Wrestling With Text).
Also, please stick around after the actual BWF Radio podcast and listen as Professor Salmon and Zwan bring us the Slam Jam!
Mark Out Man, as seen on RAW (also known as the Brock Lesnar Superfan) is on Twitter here.
The Video Game Project, Pro Wrestling X: Uprising on can be found here.
Finally, but not least, check out Al Creed’s latest 8-bit wrestling creation:
Last Sunday marked the 1 year anniversary of Super Domino vs Great Power Uti in Nigeria! We didn’t talk about this on the show, but it’s still good to know. G and Pintnoir’s pick for best wrestling story of 2011
The BWF Radio crew have their first LIVE broadcast, as we started airing live on our official Mixlr page! We recap all of the wrestling shows, give our Money In The Bank predictions, and talk wrestling news! Who’s to blame in the DirecTV/Viacom dispute? Does Kharma still have a job? Has WWE really signed Pac? How many matches has John Cena lost this year? Will the BWF Radio crew Tout the WWE? Where’s Charlie Sheen? All this and much, much more, right here on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!