Tag Archive: Raw Divas

  1. WWE RAW & ECW on Sci Fi thoughts

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    Well, like I said yesterday, folks, I was under the weather.  I didn’t tell it to get up and move, like Drowgoddess suggested – it did that on it’s own.  Either that or it saw her comment and decided it didn’t want a Texas sized ass kicking.

    Hey, speaking of Texas sized ass kickings, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker will wrestle at WrestleMania!  They kicked off Monday Night RAW with a killer back and forth promo – probably one of the best promos in years in the WWE.  Undertaker was going to tell HBK to rest in peace, but HBK interrupted, saying he’d rest comfortably knowing that he ended the streak.

    More of RAW, and all of ECW, after the jump! (more…)

  2. Survivor Series predictions

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    Before I start, some quick site news – I’ll be doing quick reviews of all the shows (save for TNA’s program, as our Empress of iMPACT, Drowgoddess will continue providing excellent coverage) in the DVR style, and they should be posted just a couple hours after the show – so no more waiting until the next day for a review!  The change comes about due to a change in shifts at my job (where yes, there is still no power).

    Anyways, Survivor Series picks after the jump! (more…)