Tag Archive: RAW General Manager

  1. WWE RAW 3/3/14 – We Want Punk.

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    That Damn Double C’s Dallas Stars beat my Sabres and ended their winning streak tonight.  But that’s hockey talk.  You’re here for wrestling.  You guys want to know what happened on Monday Night RAW.  Did CM Punk show up?  The hell if I know.  I’m still waiting to get RAW to review for you.  I watched most of the show, and I actually didn’t want to leave when I had to because there was a good segment going on.  So, let’s see what I can do from memory before I actually get a copy of the show. I watch until I have to leave.  Then I forget what happened and have to relay it to you as I watch it again.  So yes, I suffer through most of this show TWICE for you.  You’re welcome.  Now go run along to the SmackDown review and tell G how great he is. (more…)