Tag Archive: Redemption

  1. BWF Interview: Michael Hutter (a/k/a Derrick Bateman)

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    Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnn

    Hold on to your flagpoles, BoredWrestlingFan presents an interview with former WWE NXT star Derrick Bateman, now going by his real name, Michael Hutter.  In the interview, Michael talks about his WWE release, what he’s doing now, and how it all began.  “The USA Guy” gimmick that popped up on YouTube is discussed, as well as his stint on the fourth and redemption seasons of NXT.  Also discussed are LeBron James, tear-away tights, and the new YouTube channel featuring Michael, Trent Baretta, Briley Pierce, and Percy Watson, “Funny Don’t Make Money.”  All this and much, much more.  Tune in!

    BWF Interview: Michael Hutter (MP3, 52:56)

  2. Smackdown 06/29/12: MitB Qualifiers Begin!

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    Well, the description of tonight’s episode is “examining John Cena’s role on next week’s Great American Bash.” That’s right, next week is the GAB PPV converted into what appears to be Smackdown (not RAW? Really?). Whatever, I’m already distracted enough by other stuff tonight, so maybe this will make it easier to digest this show? Let’s get to steppin’ and see what happens, shall we?

    Note from G: Don’t let my sarcastic cynicism fool you, this was a pretty solid episode.


  3. Who’s going where? RAW, 4/13/09


    I’d hate to have to do this, especially since I skipped out on ECW and SmackDown last week (and, in fact, have not seen either of them), but something came up when I was getting set to review RAW that led to me having to leave and miss most of the show.  Sure, it’s on my DVR, but still, this is a special night of RAW, and it can’t be cast aside to be watched tomorrow and reviewed then.  Indeed, folks, tonight was Draft night.  I was going to post predictions earlier in the day but decided against it.  The only person I really felt was definitely moving was Triple H, and “my predictions:  Triple H to RAW” is not exactly a compelling article.  I also was going to predict that something absolutely insane would happen to Vince McMahon, since that’s been the case at the draft shows for the last two years.

    Who’s going where?  RAW results and my thoughts after the jump! (more…)