I’d hate to have to do this, especially since I skipped out on ECW and SmackDown last week (and, in fact, have not seen either of them), but something came up when I was getting set to review RAW that led to me having to leave and miss most of the show.  Sure, it’s on my DVR, but still, this is a special night of RAW, and it can’t be cast aside to be watched tomorrow and reviewed then.  Indeed, folks, tonight was Draft night.  I was going to post predictions earlier in the day but decided against it.  The only person I really felt was definitely moving was Triple H, and “my predictions:  Triple H to RAW” is not exactly a compelling article.  I also was going to predict that something absolutely insane would happen to Vince McMahon, since that’s been the case at the draft shows for the last two years.

Who’s going where?  RAW results and my thoughts after the jump!

Batista, Shane McMahon, and Triple H all argue about who gets to beat up Orton.  Somehow this ends up leading to a match later on tonight with the three of them taking on Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.  Apparently, if I heard right when I finally ended up getting home, if DiBiase and Rhodes won, whoever they pinned would be in a 3-0n-1 handicapped match against Legacy, but if Batista, Shane, and Triple H won, whoever scored the pinfall would get Orton next week.

In a match I’m sure I’m going to enjoy when I fire up the DVR tomorrow, RAW’s Rey Mysterio went for a draft pick against ECW’s Evan Bourne.   The WWE Intercontinental Champion picks up the win and the draft pick.

DRAFT PICK:  WWE United States Champion MVP to RAW

Remember a couple years ago when Bobby Lashley was forced to give up the ECW Championship when he got drafted to RAW?  Yeah, me neither.

Next up, SmackDown looks for redemption as the blue brand’s The Brian Kendrick takes on RAW’s  Big Red Machine Kane!  I’m sure you can guess how this one went.  The Big Red Monster picks up a draft pick for the red brand.


Two for RAW, none for anybody else.  It’s almost like a Kit-Kat commercial!

Time to give the Divas something to do.  Another six Diva tag team match sees WWE Divas Champion Maryse, Michelle McCool, and Natalya representing SmackDown to take on RAW’s WWE Women’s Champion Melina, Mickie James, and Kelly Kelly.  The SmackDown Divas finally pick up a draft pick for their show with their victory here.


For many years, the secondary and Women’s Championships have stayed on their respective brands through the drafts, but now we’ve seen two of those change hands in the course of one night.  More to come?

It’s Champion vs. Champion for two draft picks!  Normally, that would mean the WWE Champion taking on the World Heavyweight Champion, but since Triple H is busy tonight, the WWE will actually acknowledge the ECW Championship and it’s current holder, Jack Swagger, as he shoots for two picks for ECW against RAW’s World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.  Of course, Cena can’t be seen losing to a guy on the C show, so chalk up two more picks for the flagship show, Monday Night RAW!



My one actual prediction turned out to be a good one, as the WWE Championship is coming back to the Red brand.  If I was forced to make a prediction earlier I probably would have said “one of the Hardys to RAW,” but I’d actually have been leaning more towards Jeff.

With a little urging from Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez, there’s more on the line in the next match than a draft pick.  If RAW’s Santino Marella can’t score a draft pick from SmackDown’s The Great Khali, then Khali will score not only a draft pick, but a kiss from Santino’s twin sister Santina on an episode of Khali’s Kiss Cam.  Needless to say, Santino couldn’t secure the victory and SmackDown gets another pick.


With both World Champions (no offense, Jack Swagger) on RAW, it looks like Mr. Money in the Bank will have to save a brand from being without a World Champion for the second straight year if Cena doesn’t get drafted and Edge doesn’t take the title from him.

Looking to get ECW it’s first draft pick of the night, The Miz takes on RAW’s Kofi Kingston. Unfortunately for The Miz, John Morrison inadvertantly got him disqualified, earning RAW yet another pick.


Just like that, the Bro-mance is over.  The duo embraced in the ring one last time before Miz decided to prove that it’s over by dropping Morrison with the Reality Check.  It may be the end of The Dirt Sheet era, but perhaps it’s the start of something bigger for the former Real World star?

Last year, Edge won two draft picks for SmackDown in a 15 man tri-branded battle royal.  This year, he’s once again a part of team SmackDown, along with Chavo Guerrero, Primo, Carlito, and R-Truth.  The RAW team is showing off some new acquisitions, with The Big Show and MVP joining Mike Knox and Cryme Tyme.  ECW is represented by Finlay, Mark Henry, Tyson Kidd, Paul Burchill, and Ricky Ortiz.  It came down to Edge, Big Show, and Henry in the ring.  Show eliminated Henry, but Edge managed to cause the giant to eliminate himself, earning, for the second straight year, two picks for SmackDown.



Wow, they’re not sure what they want to do with Kane.  Nevertheless, he and Jericho will both find new opponents to work with on Friday Nights, which will do both of them some good.

ECW has another chance to finally score a pick for their brand, and it rests on te shoulders of Christian, who faces SmackDown’s Shelton Benjamin.  A pretty decent match for what little time they had to work with, but in the end Christian brings home a draft pick!


I certainly didn’t see that one coming, but to be honest, it should have been expected.  Kozlov hasn’t been seen much on SmackDown, but he’ll be a dominant force on Tuesday nights.

Newly appointed RAW Superstar Matt Hardy looks to bring another superstar with him to the red brand, but standing in his way is one of SmackDown’s latest acquisition, CM Punk.  A pretty decent match between these guys gave RAW another pick when Jeff Hardy attacked brother Matt in mid match.

DRAFT PICK:  WWE Diva’s Champion MARYSE to RAW

The Women’s Championships both switched brands tonight, as did the United States Championship and the WWE Championship.  Perhaps another belt will change hands later on in the show?

Chris Jericho looks to help out his new brand by scoring them a draft pick, but to do so, he’ll have to get through ECW’s Tommy Dreamer, which he does, earning RAW one more pick.

WWE DRAFT:  WWE Intercontinental Champion REY MYSTERIO to SMACKDOWN

With his victory here, Chris Jericho brings with him to SmackDown not only the WWE Intercontinental Championshp and it’s holder, Rey Mysterio, bu t also a large part of the Hispanic audience.

In a match with absolutely zero Draft implications, Triple H picked up the pinfall as he, Batista, and Shane McMahon took on Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.  The Game will face Randy Orton one on one in a non title match next week on RAW!

Sounds like I didn’t really miss a whole lot by missing the show, but still, being the Draft episode for the year, it was probably worth watching.  There wil lb e a supplemental draft on Wednesday at noon EDT, and I’ll be here covering it, right here on BoredWrestlingFan!

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of BoredWrestlingFan.com and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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