Tag Archive: Right Place At The Right Time

  1. RYTMANS RAW REVIEW 07/17/2012

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    We open up with CM Punk opening the show as Cole/King recap his match w/Daniel Bryan @ MiTB.

    “This may sound a little strange coming from someone who’s straight edge, but… I LOVE LAS VEGAS!” – CM Punk

    Punk takes us back to the “pipe bomb” promo of last year and talks about how a guy who looks/talks/acts like him would never have been on the first RAW, let alone champion for eight months. He plans on holding that title next week on the 1000th episode.

  2. RAW: 05/30/11. Little Jimmy’s Dad Should Not Eat Milk Duds.


    Hey hey! Turns out Alykat couldn’t make it tonight, and ThinkSoJoE has had a fun, but long week getting married and whatnot. And it turns out that I was at the right place at the right time to put up a RAW review for you fine people. I have to note in advance, I wasn’t planning on doing this and prepared to go live. Good thing the WWE was not either, as our opening segment was kind of screwed up. At the end of the article, I’ll post the latest Power Poll results which I’ve neglected due to Savage’s passing just making me sad.