Tag Archive: Sara Del Rey

  1. My Wrestling Christmas List

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    I don’t do awards shows, so you’ll have to forgive me for the lack of Raw coverage. Instead, I bring you the following Christmas list:

    John Laryngitis-an off-screen role (ONLY)

    John Cena-intensity

    Alberto Del Rio-a promo that does not use the word “destiny”

    WWE Creative Team-creativity

    Divas-real women wrestlers and more than two minutes for matches (must be both; don’t do one or the other)

    Dolph Ziggler-a main event push

    Goldust-likability on Twitter

    Jack Swagger-a role where he never has to talk and where he is pushed like a monster

    Rey Jr.-new knees

    Sin Cara-a new guy behind the mask

    Hunico-a gimmick not currently being used by Impact’s Hernandez

    Jim Ross-never to be humiliated in Oklahoma on TV again

    Kevin Nash-relevance

    Mick Foley-see Kevin Nash

    Hogan & Bischoff-a repeat of Bash at the Beach where he’s given his walking papers

    Impact-stop pushing the old guys at the expense of the new generation & a product that I consider watchable

    All Night Xpress-a tag title run

    Kyle O’Reilly, Tommaso Ciampa, Caprice Coleman, El Generico, Grizzly Redwood, Willie Mack-pushes to the moon

    Matt Palmer, ACH, Athena-a chance on a national stage

    Gregory Iron-a shot in the WWE; there are so many stories to be told there; unlike Eugene, you could have a bonifide handicap wrestler that the WWE fans would genuinely go for

    Ring of Honor-a show in Dallas… please

    Sara Del Rey, Cherry Bomb, Eric Ryan, Rickey Shane Page, Façade, Marion Fontaine, Tim Donst, Johnny Gargano, Aeroform, Portia Perez, Mad Man Pondo, Sugar Dunkerton-a match in the Dallas area

  2. ROH Report, 3/8/10

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    Greetings, everyone! This is a new one. Since I now get HDNet, thanks to my move, I am officially the only BWF staffer who can review Ring of Honor’s Monday night show. As they ARE the only hour of pro wrestling on Monday nights, I’m quite happy to do so. Our fearless leader, ThinkSoJoE, will continue to provide you with excellent coverage of “Smackdown” on Friday nights. (more…)