Tag Archive: scam?

  1. Kamala Warns Sympathetic Wrestling Fans About Charities.

    1 Comment

    Kamala is on Youtube discussing the charities that claim to be in place to help out older wrestlers and their health issues. Kamala has undergone two amputations of his feet, and has been unable to work as a result. Not just as a wrestler, but outside of the business as well. I am not going to editorialize here. Rather, I suggest you watch the video. He does call out most notably Dawn Marie’s Wrestling Rescue.

    I do not know anything but what is shown is this video, however, I think it’s important as always to consider where you send any charitable donations. I’m poor too.

    Until we hear otherwise, this is just one side of the story. Take some time to listen to a rare Kamala videocast on the topic.

    [youtube IfYze8JTxm0]