Tag Archive: Showcase

  1. Discount Bin Review: Wrestlemania 9 (DVD)

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    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! This comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

    Everyone knows of my passion for all things professional wrestling. I’ve watched the good, the bad, and I can put a positive spin on pretty much anything. Wrestlemania is of course, the biggest WWF/E show of the year; the grandest stage of them all, the showcase of the immortals, blah, blah, blah. Well back in April of 1993, the WWF was in the middle of a pretty low period in terms of popularity. Hulkamania was fading fast and there was a severe lack of popular, established talent to fill that void. Bret Hart had been inserted as the top face champion and while popular, I don’t think he was the muscle bound, high intensity, all-American super-hero that Vince thought they needed at the top. Personally I loved Bret Hart – the hardworking ring-technician, a victorious underdog in a roster full of puffed up giants and grunts. Proving everyone who thought you had to be a brick shithouse to be successful wrong. At least that’s what I thought.

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  2. Discount Bin Reviews: Wrestlemania 18 (Live Show/DVD)


    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues!

    In the annals of Wrestlemania history, Wrestlemania 18 in particular holds a very dear place in my heart. The reason is simple: I WAS THERE. Among the 68,237 people that packed the Skydome I experienced Rock vs Hogan first hand, helpless against a wave of mass nostalgia. But I’ll get to that match later. We had floor seats, just left of the main hard camera view toward the back. Good seats but maybe not great seats. But that didn’t matter; I was in attendance at the Showcase of the Immortals, the Granddaddy of them all, Wrestlemania!

    The following comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

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  3. A Celebration of Professional Wrestling Begins This Saturday!

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    Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages… it’s time for a Celebration of Professional Wrestling. That’s right folks! The showcase of the immortals, WRESTLEMANIA, is just over a week away! In a conjoint assembly of marks, smarks, and fans alike, Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online staff have united to create a week long tribute to the art and performance that is professional wrestling. And while much of the content will be WWE related, this is not limited to the one promotion. It’s an acknowledgement to all federations and organizations, big or small.