WWE RAW 12/10/13 – The Slammy Awards
2 CommentsWhile I believe Mark did an excellent job filling in for me last week, an event the caliber of the Slammys needs something special. And as such, I’ve gone out and gotten a Slammy Award winner to write the RAW review this week – me! Yes, it is I, the Slammy Award Winning ThinkSoJoE taking the helm once again as RAW presents the 2013 Slammy Awards! Earlier today, yours truly won one of the WWE.com Slammys. Don’t believe me? Look!

I was there! Slammy Award Winner, baby!
Anyways, I digress. Let’s roll!
I watch 30 minutes of RAW, then leave for work, then review the rest of RAW in real-time as I watch it. Except for when I fast-forward. Then it’s not really “real-time,” I guess. In any event, this review is being written by a Slammy Award Winner. The SmackDown review can’t say that. The RAW review can. So that makes the RAW review better! Of course, since it’s a popularity contest, I’ll probably lose the BWF Award. I give them a place to talk wrestling and they like that G guy better than me. Bastards.