Tag Archive: Super Bowl

  1. Dear WWE (or, “Why New York City can go fuck itself”)


    Dear WWE,

    Thank you for finally bringing WrestleMania back to the Northeast.  It’s been 9 long years.  I appreciate the fact that I can actually realistically hope to go to WrestleMania next year without spending too much on traveling to the host city.  That said, however, I’m a little bit baffled at your choice of stadium.  We’re all impressed with the new state-of-the-art Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, which is of course home to the New York Jets, and Super Bowl Champion New York Giants, but perhaps that level of impressiveness has proven to be deceitful.  You see, for years I had assumed that Buffalo would never get a WrestleMania for the sheer fact that we have an outdoor stadium in a place where, even on April 7th, the weather isn’t all that great.  Apparently, I was mistaken.

    I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that New York State is more than just that little island there right off the coast of New Jersey.  I can see how you would get confused, however, since our own state capital, Albany, apparently doesn’t know that either. My complaint isn’t that you’re bringing WrestleMania back home to the New York City area, it’s that you’re doing it in an outdoor venue in a cold-weather climate, and that I’m sure Buffalo wasn’t even a consideration.  You guys are here twice a year, let’s face it, you know just as well as we do that Buffalo’s economy could certainly use the $62 Million boost more than New York City and East Rutherford.

    We’ve got passionate wrestling fans here.  We sell out every Pay Per View you bring our way.  And we do big events right.  Just ask the Pittsburgh Penguins, who were here as part of the NHL’s first ever Winter Classic.  If you are unfamiliar with the NHL, that’s the National Hockey League.  You know, the sport The Goon played.  I know you just did a huge press conference for WrestleMania XXIX in Jersey, and they can have it, that’s fine, but if it goes off without a hitch, I highly ask that you please consider bringing WrestleMania to Buffalo.  We could use the economic boost much more than the cities you’ve been bringing WrestleMania to lately, and our fans would make sure you didn’t regret the decision for a moment.



  2. Why I hate: Backlash


    This is the second part in a series on WWE Pay Per View events.  If you haven’t read it already, check out the first part,  “Why I hate:  No Way Out”.

    Last week, I introduced this series of articles with a brief history of WWE Pay Per View, and discussed my reasons against Feburary’s No Way Out event (which, coincidentally, is one week from today).  This week, we’ll take a look at the Backlash event, which will have it’s 10th annual event on April 26th.

    I present my arguments against WWE Backlash, after the jump! (more…)

  3. Halftime Heat!

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    DISCLAIMER:  I did not upload this video.  This footage is Copyright World Wrestling Entertainment, and will be removed at their request.

    That said, since it’s Super Bowl Sunday, we’re going to revisit the classic Empty Arena match between The Rock and Mankind from a decade ago.