Tag Archive: Swine Flu

  1. Wednesday, Wednesday, Happy Days. Wednesday, Wednesday, Happy Days.


    Wednesday. The only day in the week where there is zero wrestling on your TV. Monday Nights are RAW, Tuesdays have ECW. Thursdays make an iMPACT. Friday nights have SmackDown! Saturday Nights are ROH and Sundays are for Pay-Per-View. Where does that leave Wednesday? Luckily, at BoredWrestlingFan, yours truly has completed your weekly wrestling fix.

    WWE Judgment Day

    Judgment Day is this Sunday according to WWE programming. Didnt they just have a PPV last month? Anyways, it’s time to sort out just who will win. But first, check out the awesome video for the PPV!

    CM Punk vs Umaga

    Remember what I said last month about CM Punk’s match at Backlash and how he only gets matches because the WWE thinks the fans want to see him? This is another one of those matches. This match means absolutely nothing to anyone, except for Umaga, because he’s actually getting used on a PPV. Punk win, just because the event is held in his hometown of Chicago. I have nothing more to say about this, because I dont care.

    Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho – Intercontinental Championship

    Promo Video

    Tough one. Submission match. Crossface vs Walls of Jericho. Can Jericho win the IC belt from Benoit, or will Benoit retain? I’m gonna say Benoit, but it’s tough for me to decide either way … wait … it’s not Benoit in the match, it’s Rey Mysterio vs Jericho? The IC title’s on the line. What is this? The year 2000? Jericho wins. Someone boot that little Mexican back over the border where he belongs. Oh, and I hope het gets swine flu.

    Christian vs Jack Swagger – ECW Championship

    Christian wins. I suppose I’d better add something else here. Here we go, the greatest RAW match of all time according to yours truly. Part One.

    John Cena vs the Big Show

    Like I said in last week’s column. John Cena needs to learn to sell injures a lot more. He was thrown into a spotlight by the Show at Backlash and this past week, he was in a match against the Miz. 15 Days after being thrown in a spotlight, John Cena wrestled. That is just ridiculous. However, I’ve seen  this match before. Infact, it happened at a Judgment Day, several years ago …

    Shane McMahon John Cena vs Big Show

    Edge vs Jeff Hardy – World Heavyweight Championship

    Been here. Seen it before. See? StingEdge vs Vampiro

    Randy Orton vs Batista – WWE Championship

    This past week on RAW, Batista refused the chance to join a group including Randy Orton. I dont see why he refused,  I mean, it wouldnt be the first time Batista has joined in the same group as Randy Orton. Maybe Randy should’ve offered 100,000 as well.

    Two former Evolution members go head to head with the gold on the line. Both were World Champion during Evolution. Both beat Triple H for their first title reigns. Batista has a penis for a head and Randy Orton has a penis for a stablemate, as well as Ted DiBiase. Randy wins, but let’s just hope that this match doesnt go the same way as this one

    and now, here’s Part Two!


    They have a PPV coming up too, it’s called Sacrifice and the main event is for the TNA Title. Champion Mick Foley defends against Kurt Angle and Sting, in a match that is sure to push the young talent that TNA say they are doing.

    However, each man must Sacrifice something in order to compete and if they get pinned, then they lose what they sacrifice to the person that pinned them. Sounds simple, doesnt it? I know, a real shocker coming from TNA. So, your question now is, just what exactly is everyone Sacrifing? Well, let me tell you …

    If they lose …

    If Mick Foley gets pinned, he loses the TNA Heavyweight Title
    If Kurt Angle gets pinned, he gives up leadership of The Main Event Mafia
    If Sting gets pinned, he has vowed to never wrestle again

    Also on the card, is as follows:

    Booker T vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles

    Who cares? I believe AJ became Champ, so he could be the first TNA Grand Slam Champion.
    Champion Angelina Love vs. Awesome Kong

    I hope Kong eats her. I really do. Cannibalism on PPV will make me want to watch TNA more.

    Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe

    The teacher versus the student. Remember when Nash mentored Joe? Big Kev mustn’t be a good tutor, because Joe has found himself a new tutor. Speaking of this match, Scott Hall won’t be getting involved, let Joe tell you.

    Check back for the complete lineup


    The winners get a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Title *cough* Beer Money win *cough*

    Well, thats it. Stay tuned next week, when I, will hopefully provide not only my weekly Wednesday column, but also, a special May 19th column, in honour of Kane.