Tag Archive: Tag Team Champs

  1. Raw is Pre Wrestlemania-3-26-12

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    There are fewer bigger nights than this. Wrestlemania is the event that all events are measured by. This is the WWE’s second-to-last chance to get us to want to buy Wrestlemania.

    We begin with a tag match, Orton/Sheamus vs. Bryan/Kane. This match (shoot, this whole Raw) had one purpose-to get us to buy Wrestlemania. I like that they kept opponents separate. Heel Daniel Bryan was pretty impressive for me. I also like his commitment. There is no hesitation from him. The crowd seemed to be really hot and into a lot of the match. Commentary was also very strong. AJ got involved in the match and Bryan/Kane won. What a great first match.

    They did a really fun segment/match with Johnny Ace coming out first. Then he introduced his flag-bearer Vickie Guerrero and his team captain David Otunga. Booker T introduced Teddy Long’s flag-bearer Hornswoggle and team captain Santino Marella. As with all good David Otunga matches, it was short. As the match ended Miz did the beatdown and was announced as a member of Team Johnny.

    Eve killed Kelly Kelly. In other news, Beth Phoenix looked really hot in that dress. I was wrong. Kelly Kelly is now Super Cena with breasts.

    Christian walks out solidifying that he and Jack Swagger have a bad haircut contest. Then out comes Punk to reveal Jericho on the screen. He revealed that Punk was illegitimate. Then Christian attacked him which sent my wife into a tirade about his hair. My wife even liked the match enough to tell me. What a beatdown. Punk has snapped!

    Ah, yes. Nothing says focused for Wrestlemania quite like Brodus Clay. Curt Hawkins is on his way to your local Lions Club to put over Johnny Attitude. In his defense, Hawkins sold well.

    Big Show killed Primo. Remember when tag team champs weren’t jobbers? Cody Rhodes cut a really good promo.

    The Bellas demolish dialogue. So Zack Ryder’s gimmick is that he says stupid things to women. At least they had a focus for Wrestlemania.

    Great Khali fought Mark Henry in a match no one wanted to see. It was short and very painless. They had a face off and Booker T came to Teddy’s rescue. So Booker gets his Wrestlemania payday.

    Rock and Cena had their final stand-off. Rock sounded like he needed to work on his material in front of a live crowd. His monologue was awful. Then he was met by Cena. Rock has always put over talent. Shoot, he lost to Hurricane once. Now he has put Cena over verbally.

    It ended up being a really good Raw. They were focused and everything (except for Clay) seemed to be building towards a Wrestlemania. I’m ready for Wrestlemania. Bring it on.

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  2. Random Randomness


    With experiencing both an earthquake and Irene’s wrath in the same week, it’s amazing to see how one can deal with things granted i only felt about 20 seconds of the earthquake and were getting the end of Irene but still it counts doesn’t it.  While those weren’t the only things going on, let me take a look at some other things that went on during the week: (more…)

  3. WWE Superstars Review

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    What the deuce?!  It’s me, tharvey1, again with a review of the latest WWE Superstars.   I think this show belongs in the Random Randomness weekly column, but I guess it might be too random for even that.  Anywho…off we go!

    Match 1:  Its a he…Santino!  He has a message for Chavo.  He says that chavo must be so lonely now that his Aunt Vickie has gone wee wee wee all the way home.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Chavo then makes his way to the ring.

    This match is one of the very few matches that makes sense for this show.  Santino is very funny in the ring.  At one point, Chavo attempted to throw Santino into the corner and Santino did a cartwheel to avoid it.  Santino blocks the third of the Three Amigos and turns it into a Jackhammer.  He then gets greedy and goes for a frog splash, but catches a boot to the face.  Chavo pins Santino 1..2..3.

    Match 2:  Woo Woo Woo!  Zack Ryder against a random jobber (Mike Williams).  This must be a nice change of pace for Ryder, as he is usually the random jobber.

    I hate those half pants that Ryder wears.  Woo Woo Woo….you know it!  It’s just a matter of time until he is future endeavored.  Okie dokie.  Ryder wins with his Zack Attack.  His entrance music should be Friends Forever by Zack Attack.

    Match 3:  The lovely, beautiful Maria is the guest referee between Eve and Layla.

    Maria is the most important part of this match.  Eve hits a cartwheel backflip splash onto Layla for the victory.  That looked really nice too.  Other than that, it was your standard diva match.  After the match, Maria convinces Eve and Layla to shake hands.  OK???

    Main Event time:  The All-American American Jack Swagger and the Hart Dynasty against Captain Charisma and the Tag Team Champs, The Colons

    David Hart Smith starts the match with Carlito.  There are alot of quick tags to start the match.  I would not mind seeing the Hart Dynasty and the Colons for the Tag Titles…of course we probably won’t see that, as Legacy will most likely win the titles.  Carlito hits the backstabber on Tyson Kidd for the win. 

    This show was actually pretty good and made sense for the stories that are going on at the moment.  Very different than the random mess that has been thrown out there in past shows.  Remember that RAW is commercial free on Monday.  See ya next week!