Tag Archive: Tag Team Partner

  1. MPX 1-12-13-When Haiden Met Brown

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    It is a new year in the wrestling world. After a week that goes so beyond killer it should be called “zombie,” I needed two things: I went to an SMU basketball game and see Larry Brown coach & I went to my local indy to see my wrestling. It was cold & rainy, but that would not keep me away, nor would it Mother Ruff, my wrestling watching companion.

    Dark match: Dax Daring & Dave Dunnings vs. Regrub & “The Left Hand of God” Matt Andrews w/Kyle Valo

    Dunnings was looking a little trimmer. The crowd loved Dax as always. I believe this is the first time I have heard Matt Andrews described as “The Left Hand of God.” Mother Ruff leaned over to me and asked, “Does his hand still hurt?” I still think that woman needs a wrestling podcast. She would put Colt Cabana to shame. It was a nice, short match. It warmed up the crowd, and Dunnings looked back in good condition.

    Winner: Regrub & Andrews

    We opened up with the actual “live portion” of the night. “The Crowd Killer” James Hawke was getting more of a reaction. But the true measure of a wrestler is not what you get the front row to do. It’s what you get the back row to do. Jiggle-O James Johnson came out first and then was promptly interrupted by Kanoa. There was some good comedy going on, but I’m confused with the direction they’re taking Kanoa. He’s no longer making sense with his promos. He called out Frankie Fisher who came out and they had a stare-down. Then Jerome Daniels came out to join the three-person staredown. I would have loved to see them build up towards a Triple Threat match. Jiggle-O cut a great motivational promo. I think I would like to call up Jiggle-O when I’m at work and hear him give me motivational speeches.

    First match: Tad Wylde (c) vs. Glamour Hammer

    I think Glamour Hammer’s big title shot might have been a little too premature. The outcome of this match was killed for me when Nobe Bryant came out and said he was still looking for a tag team partner. Obviously heel Nobe isn’t going to be feuding with heel Glamour Hammer. Ben Wylde’s outfit looks like something out of my nightmares. He had a hard time keeping both cheeks in the tights and was more embarrassing than anything. That being said, I think that Glamour Hammer is doing some really innovative things and should really be on more radars. As soon as they get some more matches under their belt, they should be ready to start branching out from just MPX. Also to me, one of the highlights of the night was Tadlock doing a springboard moonsault. I found myself being caught up in the match.

    Winner: Tad Wylde

    Nobe Bryant came back in with his new tag team partner-Kenny Steele. This is brilliant for so many reasons. Nobe has so much to teach Kenny, both from a storyline standpoint and from a “behind the scenes” standpoint. With one quick segment, I had a reason to care about Kenny once again.

    Second match: Zero the Antihero vs. Gregory James

    I has streamer duty as did Mother Ruff. She was quite excited that her streamers made it into the ring. The crowd loves Zero as always. There was a “Level up” chant for him. He got to do all his crazy video game spots. Greg is now evil and very deep into his character. He and Zero played a strong “good vs. evil” dynamic. At first I thought it was going to be the usual match where Zero gets killed and sells. Greg gave him more offense than usual. Zero looked pretty good during this match and looked like it wouldn’t be a fluke if he won. I noticed something during this match. The crowd is so invested in Zero that every move, the crowd reacted to, one way or another.

    Winner: Gregory James

    We had a vignette with Kristopher Haiden talking about how Franco D’Angelo had a setback. Haiden was ridiculing him for being old and crippled. Joe Angelo Garcia got in Haiden’s face as D’Angelo was a mentor of sorts. Looks like we’re setting up a Haiden-Garcia feud.

    Third match: Athena vs. Livi La Vida Loca

    Usually I just tell you what I think. But thanks to joining the 21st century and now having a smartphone, I bring you the entire match.


    Now onto my thoughts on the match. Athena was spectacular as always. What I thought was interesting was that the crowd seemed to be favoring Livi. The thing about the MPX crowd is that a lot of them just watch MPX and maybe the WWE and TNA. They don’t know that Athena is one of the best unsigned women on the independent scene. They don’t know that the woman calls herself a goddess but is treated like a goddess wherever she wrestles. They didn’t know that a prestigious wrestling promotion took in more than $50o in a campaign just to fly to her wrestle for them.  They knew Livi. Livi was who they wanted to cheer for. Athena won for chop of the night. She also won what was a match between two athletic gymnast types.

    Winner: Athena

    Fourth match: Li Fang w/Nigel Rabid vs. Kanoa

    This whole segment was all kinds of crazy and confusing. Kanoa made no sense in what he said last night and at one point said just the word “pudding” which prompted “Pudding” chants the rest of the night. I can only guess that he is doing the Perry Saturn thing where he has taken too many chair shots. (Please no return of Moppy.) We did have some pretty good action and lots of stiff kicks. At one point Kanoa began to no-sell. I didn’t like that. People who should be able to no-sell in MPX: Lance Hoyt. That’s it. I think Li was killed in this match. We did have some funny stuff with Nigel. Kanoa should not be invincible, and that’s how he came across. Li looked like a high school football team playing the New England Patriots.

    Winner: Kanoa

    During the intermission, they made a huge announcement: Indy journeyman legend Colt Cabana will be appearing in MPX on Feb. 23. There will definitely be “Mark Out Face” aplenty that night.

    Fifth match: Frankie Fisher vs. Jerome Daniels

    This was one of last year’s hottest feuds. Frankie and Jerome had such great chemistry. When Jerome is out there, he isn’t just a guy wrestling his match. He is one with the crowd and knows exactly what they need. This one told a story. It was about Frankie trying to prove that he had the heart and desire to be strong enough. When Jerome felt the crowd slipping, he reached out to them and got them back emotionally engaged in the story. It was a strong, powerful match that told a great story.

    Winner: Frankie

    One of the best matches I’ve seen both have. And dare I spoil it, but this is an early Match of the Year contender.

    Sixth match: Mike Foxx w/Kyle Davis vs. Steven Kirby in a #1 Contender’s match

    This match was a painful reminder how real wrestling can be. There was some really good intensity here in this match. I’m not sure if it was storyline or not, but Kirby’s knee went out several times. Foxx spent the rest of that match working over the knee. The great thing about Kirby is that he never forgets he’s in front of a live crowd. He kept the crowd engaged and in it. The match ended with some great drama. Foxx had Kirby in a Boston Crab. He had to work it over for about 2 minutes before Kirby tapped out.

    Winner and #1 contender: Foxx

    I am very much looking forward to the Foxx-Barrett Brown match. If they do it right, it could be epic and a passing of the torch, much like Chris Adams did for Foxx more than a decade before.

    Main event: Barrett Brown (c) vs. Kristopher Haiden

    If I’ve said this before, I apologize. But these two remind me of wrestlers with similar body shapes who always had good chemistry-Rey Misterio Jr. and Kurt Angle. Both guys on paper don’t look like they should gel but they somehow do. Barrett is over like crazy with the crowd and Haiden is equally hated. I just sat back and watched these two guys do their thing. It was a strong title defense that made Barrett look strong yet Haiden lost nothing.

    Winner: Barrett

    After the match, The Following came out to attack Barrett. Joe Garcia came out to take care of Haiden. A bunch of the boys from the back came out to do a pull-apart with Barrett & Gregory James.

    All in all… It was a tough night health-wise. There was one severe injury and I’m sure there were probably a few others. Jerome-Frankie was great. Kirby-Foxx, Zero-Greg, Livi-Athena, Barrett-Haiden were all pretty good. There were a few segments I could have done without. There is some really strong build-up. I am excited about the direction they are taking with the title.

    Here’s to hoping 2013 will be a banner year.

    To follow me on Twitter, click here. For Facebook, click here.

  2. RYTMANS RAW REVIEW 10/15/2012

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    We open with a recap of last week’s main event, Punk vs. Vince. The match ends with Punk running into the stands and Vince demanding that Punk choose either Cena or Ryback to face at Hell in the Cell, or Vince will choose for him.
    The show begins with the Show – Big Show to be exact. He complains about the “joke” debate he had with Sheamus, demands we watch the recap of him blocking a Brogue Kick, (we do,) and challenges Daniel Bryan to face him in a match, to avenge his 45 second world title reign.

    Backstage, R-Truth tells “Little Jimmy” to pay close attention to the monitor. Bryan refuses to go out. RAW GM AJ Lee orders him to go, Kane-his tag team partner-laughs at the thought of having Bryan’s back. Bryan shouts “NO!” Santino and Ryder shout “YES!” Bryan shouts “NO!” R-Truth shouts “YES!” Bryan shouts “NO,” to Little Jimmy, everyone shouts “YES!” Bryan walks to the ring, and rips up a young fan’s paper “goat face” mask.
     BIG SHOW VS WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPION(S) DANIEL BRYAN – Competitive match that goes more than 45 seconds. Bryan hits multiple high-spots however this ends with a choke-slam and a three-count for the Big Show. After the match, Kane comes out to gloat – at first, but when Show teases a WMD, Kane jumps in and protects Bryan.
    After a break, we have Paul Heyman in the ring with a covered easel. He introduces our WWE champion for the past 330 days, C.M. Punk. Punk refers to J.R. as “good ol’ bucket head,” and makes it clear he doesn’t care who it is…
    “Disrespect me, I put you down.” – C.M. Punk
    Punk goes on to reference last week’s show where “typical Vince,” tried to make the show all about himself (author’s note: as opposed to?) and how Punk slapped him in the face, and how two Superstars – Cena and Ryback – had to save him. He then shows us the Hell in the Cell poster, depicting him as the Devil. Punk claims to be an angel compared to any of us, and while he feels angels and devils “don’t exist,” he is willing to play “make believe” with us “for five minutes,” and refers to Cena and Ryback as “the devil you know,” (Cena) vs. “The devil you don’t know” (Ryback.) Punk teases the reveal of his choice by going over to the easel, then decides we need to learn to be patient, and decides he needs more time. This brings out Vince McMahon to tell him he “blew it,” and by the end of the night, there will be a contract signing where Vince will choose Punk’s challenger.
    “Your fate, at Hell in the Cell, is now in my hands, respect that”- Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
    Now you’re probably wondering “isn’t this the same thing Punk was going to do? Make us wait for the big reveal?” You’re missing the point.
    This way, we’re waiting for VINCE to make the announcement.
    After all, why would we want to focus on the WWE champion all night?
    We go to a promo for the Susan G. Komen foundation and breast cancer awareness month, with Layla telling us about losing her mom to breast cancer. If this is true (and I am NOT calling Layla a liar, I’m speaking in terms of work/shoot,) then I have a whole new respect for Layla.
    Back from break, we have a recap of Randy Orton surprising Alberto Del Rio on Smackdown last Friday.
    ALBERTO DEL RIO VS BRODUS CLAY – Del Rio’s aggressiveness completely negates any advantage Clay’s size/strength might give him. Despite some hard shots, Del Rio’s agility and attack on the left arm gets him the victory w/the arm breaker.
    Backstage: Punk is NOT happy with this turn of events. He sends Heyman to challenge Vince to a rematch from last week. Heyman goes, reluctantly.
    Santino Morella and Zack Ryder head to the ring as we go to break.
    PRIME TIME PLAYERS VS CO-BRO (SANTINO/RYDER) – Match is in progress as we come back from break. The match breaks down into a quick spot-fest with Titus O’Neal hitting a D-Lo Brown style power-bomb/spin-buster and getting the tree-count for the PTP.
    After the match, Santino gets a beat down from Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre, now in matching outfits, and officially known as “3MB.”
    After a break, we get a recap of Vince’s ultimatum to Punk.
    Vicki Guerro asks us to “EXCUSE” her, so she can introduce Dolph Ziggler. Dolph cuts a promo on Ryback and demands a shot at Punk. David Otunga comes out, cuts a promo on Ziggler and Vicki, and demands a shot at punk. AJ Lee comes out, and puts them in a handicap match against Ryback.
    RYBACK VS SHO-TUNGA (DOLPH ZIGGLER/DAVID OTUNGA) – Ziggler bails on his partner, and Ryback shell-shocks Otunga for the win.
    What was supposed to happen?
    Backstage; Vince is on the phone when he’s interrupted by “a plague of locusts.” Paul Heyman – plague in question – proposes a rematch with Punk where, if Punk “should happen” to win, he gets to pick his opponent for HitC. Vince counter-offers with the idea of HEYMAN facing Vince in the ring for Punk’s option to choose. Heyman starts whining and Vince shouts him out of the office, because that wouldn’t have been interesting.
    Elsewhere backstage; Matt Stryker requests an apology from team “Hell No,” for their attack on him last Friday on Smackdown, he makes the mistake of using the word “crazy,” and AJ puts him in a match w/Kane.
    After the break, we see video of Cena being named honorary captain of the NY Jets football team. I’m sure that won’t come back to haunt anyone.
    U.S. CHAMPION ANTONIO CESARO VS JUSTIN GABRIEL – Cesaro is getting the reverse booking of Ryback, getting hard fought wins while making his opponents look good. Gabriel gets in a lot of offense, including a sic 450 off the top, but it ends with Cesaro hitting the “Neutralizer” for the three-count.
    After the break, we see Matt Stryker in the ring, and Kane makes his entrance w/pyro.
    WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPION(S) KANE VS MATT STRYKER – Stryker tries to talk his way out of this match, Kane agrees to “hug it out” w/him. Kan doesn’t let go however, and after a vicious shaking, Stryker takes a choke-slam. Kane decides to “interview” an unconscious Stryker and loudly declares “I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!”
    We get a recap of the lousy Larry King segment from last week and a promo for “MizTV” after the break.
    We come back to the MizTV segment. I’ll cut to the chase. Miz insults Kofi, Kofi challenges him to a match, Miz says Kofi will never be more than his catch phrase, Kofi jumps Miz and trashes the set.  According to the announce team, AJ has confirmed the match.

    Back from break, we get a recap of the Big Show catching Sheamus by the foot and tossing him out of the ring last week.

    WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION SHEAMUS VS WADE BARRETT – Hard fought brawl with the pace slowly building while the tide turns back and forth. After the first few minutes, Big Show comes out to ringside as we go to commercial.

    Back from the break, Sheamus and Barrett trade heavy shots and take turns tossing each other around, until Show pulls down the top rope, and Sheamus goes over and out to the floor. Sheamus gets the DQ, and gets in a Brogue kick to Barrett before sending Show out the ring w/a clothesline.

    After a recap of the Vince/Punk face off, we get Vince in the back with Cena. Vince asks Cena about what his doctor said, Cena says it doesn’t matter, and tells Vince it’s up to him.

    Divas Champion Eve comes out to the ring as we go to break.
    DIVAS CHAMPION EVE TORRES VS LAYLA (DIVAS CHAMPIONSHIP) – We get a quick recap of how Eve got the title shot at Night Of Champions after Kaitlyn (who Layla was supposed to face) was injured by a “mysterious attacker.” Match is better than you’d expect with the exception of a few unconvincing kicks by Layla, and ends with the ref counting three on Layla despite her foot being on the ropes. Eve knocks it off after the three-count but before the ref sees it.

    We go to a spot with Stephanie McMahon speaking about the WWE’s partnership with NothingButNets.com, a charity for underprivileged youth.

    Backstage; Kane is laughing at Bryan’s misfortune after facing Big Show. Bryan dares Kane to face Big Show next week.
    Rhodes Scholars come out for their tag match, after the break.

    We come back with 3MB rushing the stage at a nearby bar. They act like they’re going to play but security throws them out.

    RHODES SCHOLARS (CODY RHODES/DAMIEN SANDOW) VS PRIMO/EPICO W/ROSA – We are told the tag team tournament finals will be next week, when Cody and Damien face Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. This is a solid but standard tag with Rhodes and Sandow getting the win.

    INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION THE MIZ VS KOFI KINGSTON – Quick hard fought match ends with Miz taking a SCARY “trouble in paradise” kick to the face. Kofi gets a three-count and Miz gets an open head wound.

    We get an announcement of the Rolling Stones PPV concert sponsored by WWE.

    The show ends with the HitC contract signing. Punk goes off on Vince but Cena interrupts him, and actually hypes the crow into a “FEED ME MORE” chant. The show ends with Vince giving Ryback the shot and Ryback giving Punk the shell-shock.

  3. Impact Review- 12/29/2011 A Special Matt B. Wrestle Review

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    Hi folks this is Matt B. here to go over Impact for Thursday. Why? You say. We’ll tonight features a Knockout Title Match..wait for it…as the Main Event of the show. So I got down and dirty and beat Pintnoir to the punch since he’s busy with family and what not. So not only will we see The Women’s Sufferage Movement move forward to the 21th century, (because well there still behind Chikara when it comes to featuring powerhouse female talent.) JoshiMania anyone. Welcome to Impact Dec. 29th

    We recap with the firing of the Jarretts and the ascension of Madison Rayne as Karen Jarretts successor. Cutting back to the Impact Zone in struts Rayne and her co tag team partner and current Knockout title holder Gail Kim. She quickly calls out Tara and Tessmacher.

    “Lets get this over with before we catch any diseases that you two have.”-Rayne

    “I’ll take the diseases.”-Random fan

    Touche sir, Touche.

    Madison fires TNT for what happened last week (For a peek look at pintnoirs review from last week.) Sting’s music hits and Madison looks to be sweating bullets until out steps Steve Borden. The slightly off kilter alter ego of Sting. With Rayne’s assurance that she has everything under control, Steve chimes in that she has no power.

    “Madison, it ain’t over till I say its over.” -Steve

    “(screeching) “Its over”-Madison Rayne

    Steve proceeds to mock Madison and her screeching ways. And informs Gail Kim that she has a match tonight against Mickie James. Roll the obligatory walk on the ramp from the challenger.

    Steiner and Abyss have a pep talk in the back. Abyss tells Scott that they are partners.

    Wild Card Tag Team Tournament is next. AJ and Kazarian (The Man on the Back of the Milk Carton) vs Steiner and Abyss

    A really well worked match. Especially from Where’s waldo Kazarian who proceeds to hit Abyss with a barrage of back elbow, drop kicks and finishes with a swinging ddt to take the monster down. Eventually all is revealed when Abyss calls in Steiner and Black hole slams him. Making sure to pull Kaz on top for the win. Afterwards Bully Ray comes down to the ring accusing Abyss of being a bully.

    “Your the bully, Abyss” – Bully Ray

    Abyss wants Ray at Genesis in a Monsters Ball match. If Ray wins Abyss will rejoin Immortal no questions asked.

    You have to love Immortal’s recruitment practices. Speaking of Immortal, Ric Flair is backstage with Gunner both are in front of an ambulance. Flair proceeds to sell Gunner as a badass and Gunner quotes himself “killer”

    Best of Three series Zema Ion vs Tony Nese w/ Austin Aries on guest commentary

    Did I forget that its a contract on a pole match. Yes its a contract on a pole match. King of the Mountain, Steel Asylum, and Destination X matches are too confusing for audiences so lets dumb it down to a contract on a pole match? Thank you Vince Russo, Hogan, and Bischoff. That was for Pintnoir.

    This time Zema doesn’t come out with a spray can but a knitted scarf? while Nese comes out looking rather propless again for the second week in a row.

    Maybe when its your turn.

    I wonder who is going to win.

    Zema Ion pulls off the victory after dumping Nese out of the ring onto the railing. Lack of commentary from Aries makes me wonder what he thinks.

    Douglas Williams former  TV Title Holder and two time tag team champion. Now he is jobbing for Gunner who is now a “Killer”. Match is short to prove a point. Gunner pushes referee young Hebner resulting in his disqualifacation. Gunner redoes his greatest hits when he DDT’s Williams whom I assume is going to Ohio Valley Wrestling on the bare concrete.

    Robert Roode and his family comments play out. Roode struts to the ring and calls out his best friend from the tapes. Tracy Kalesky former Lacrosse player, wrestling plant, confronts Roode and says that he doesnt’ recognize his best friend. You know because six years ago when he was part of team (heel) Canada and later Robert Roode, money man with secertary Ms Brooks he was a nice guy. Even when Beer Money first formed they were a heel team. But I digress, he attacks his friend until Jeff Hardy runs out for the rescue.

    ODB and EY have a meeting backstage about strategy. Which should of went something like this, “I leave you in the ring OD and since Spike TV doesn’t allow male on female violence we can just stall until you can kick whoever in the balls like last week.” “Good plan Eric, I love you and that Canadian redbeard”

    But instead Eric says rapid tags to stay fresh while the other team tires out. So what we end up having is a unimpressive match where Samoa Joe looks ready to walk. Magnus attempts at flirting or as I call it sexual harassment which ODB returns in kind. This is before she socks him one. And they start some mock makeout slash wrestling. This of course infuriates Eric who disrobes and wrestles Magnus. After some stilted wrestling Magnus runs in and throws ODB into the ring post that Eric is standing on causing him to ball bust. Joe runs in with the muscle buster for the win.

    So much for Male on Female violence huh Spike.

    Kurt Angle vs RVD-a cautious match turns into a real good set up until you realise it will advance story and Kurt is super kicked leaving RVD disqualified so Rob loses but still looks good and then it cuts to a promo that seemed to be taped sometime later that is played immediatedly after where Kurt and RVD seem disappointed their match ended the way it did. This plays even though Kurt is layed out in the ring.

    On to the Main Event. Jeremy Borash does the announcing. The best part is where Jeremy says. “This is for the Knockouts “Ladies” Championship”

    he couldn't let progress ride.

    Just incase you didn’t know. The man event is fast and furious between Gail Kim and Mickie James. Reversals and top rope manuevers, even the filtering in of crowd noise contrasted with no reaction from crowd. Mickie no sold the noise when she did her “come on” scream to get the crowd back into the match. Then after what appears to almost be a clear finish a women in a goblin mask runs in and does the Rayne drop to Mickie, allowing Gail to pin her for he win.

    Next week Pintnoir will be back but for now I’m Matt B. Wrestle, signing off.

  4. Regrub’s Match from 8/13/11 – MPX “To Be Kings 2011” Wrestling Event!

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    Out in the Heartlands, there is a different kind of Wrestling going on. It isn’t the fancy, staged kind of wrestling you see on National Television. It is the “Old School” kind of Wrestling! It is Wrestling FROM THE HEART.Heartland Wrestlers fight like they have No Tomorrow! Remember “Andre the Great” and “The Sheik” ? These are the Heroes of Yesteryear. This is how we Fight in the Heartland. This is how we FIGHT at MPX! We are Fighters! We are Spartans!

    My name is Regrub. I challenge my opponents in rings across Texas! I’m not your glossy kind of TV Wrestler. I’m real! I’m tough! I fight in Death Defying Matches! I’m here to report on some my matches:
    Today, I’m writing about: My match from 8/13/11 at MPX Wrestling. The Event was titled “To Be Kings 2011.” We had some amazing wrestlers and matches. I had two matches.

    1st Match:
    We had a Tag match: Luchifer (formerly Lucha Lucha) and Regrub vs James Hawke & Seph.
    Luchifer and I slaughtered them. Seph started off with a cartwheel driver – pump handled move. (his own version) One of the big reasons this was such a challenging match is because Seph and Lucha were once partners. What was to our benefit was that Lucha was able to distract Seph so I could take advantage and take Seph down. In short, I pinned James Hawke and Destroyed him in Seconds!
    Behind the scenes: For those “in the know”, I have to silently admit—there was “cheese” involved! I accidently took out the REF (bumped him). However, we were not without a Good REF for long. Thanks to my good friend – Kyle Valo… he was able to FIND a backup REF — Ryan Gauge. He came in to REF and he officiated well.
    MATCH: ReGrub and Luchifer of Team Kyle Won!
    2nd Match:
    It was sort of an odd pairing. We had Random Tag Partners. The little guy, PAYDAY, had the 350 pound “WASP” as a partner. My tag team partner was Luchifer again. I was really, really disappointed in WASP. He “supposedly” was a member of my team, Team Kyle. All WASP had to do was lay there so I could make the pin fall. Then, as a form of loyalty and partnership, I could help WASP win the MPX champion until further notice.

    But WASP decided to choose his own agenda. He decided he would rather WIN that night… BEAT ME, his Team Member! He was supposed to be a Member of Team Kyle! What a turncoat! He Betrayed our TEAM! Team KYLE.
    I tried to help Team Kyle. I Tried to destroy WASP for betraying us.
    The Damned REF didn’t cooperate. The REF from match 1 came back and took over for the Good Ref, REF Ryan Guage. That hurt us. He was unbelievably UNFAIR! What a turn of events!
    Luchifer and I continued as hard as we could. We tried so hard to destroy WASP. However, WASP managed to tag PAYDAY. I did manage to tag Luchifer before tagging myself back in.
    However, in the end, PAYDAY slipped out of my hands (he must have rubbed some type of oil on himself) while WASP made the attack against me – AT THE SAME TIME! Ultimately, PAYDAY pinned me with WASP’s help. Even my friend Luchifer couldn’t help.
    MATCH: The Traitor WASP & PAYDAY deceivingly WON!
    But don’t worry, REGRUB will find a way to Avenge!!! Heh! Heh! Heh!

    Read More on Regrubs Blog: http://regrubswrestlingforum.blogspot.com

  5. iMPACT: 03/10/11


    Last week TNA shot their proverbial load all over my television screen like they’d been free-basing Charlie Sheen all night. What will they have in store for us this week? Did they actually have anything planned for the show other than the Jersey Shore’s Angelina having a match? Do they even remember they have a PPV on Sunday? Doubtful. But there’s only one terrible way to find out.

  6. Power Poll 9/29/10: Well, he urn-ed it!

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    Thank you, thank you, thank you to Jason Mann of Wrestlespective for using one of my favorite old Bobby Heenan jokes for the title of this week’s Power Poll.  Ready?  Here we go!

    Power Poll 9/29/10: Well, he urn-ed it!

    1. Randy Orton (Last week: 1)

    The Viper has set a record for most weeks at number one on the Power Poll – which, given the short time frame that the poll has been around, isn’t nearly as impressive as it sounds.  Still, the WWE Champion manages to hang on to the top spot this week with his dismantling of Chris Jericho on RAW.  (My vote: 2)

    2. Kane (3)

    The World Heavyweight Champion moves up a spot this week to number two after destroying Chris Masters and calling out his brother The Undertaker on SmackDown.  (My vote: 7)

    3. Undertaker (NR)

    Speaking of The Undertaker, the power of the urn returns to him in the form of Paul Bearer at his side.  Finally shifting the balance of power to his half of the dark side, the Phenom jumps from obscurity to the number 3 spot on the Power Poll (My vote:  4)

    4. John Cena (5)

    Let the instant replay in professional wrestling debate begin!  The anonymous General Manager of RAW restarted Cena’s match with Edge after the Rated R Superstar pinned Cena with his foot under the bottom rope, leading to an STF victory for Cena.  The GM, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky… (My vote: NR)

    5. Daniel Bryan (2)

    The United States Champion may have bit off more than he can chew when he inadvertently hit tag team partner John Morrison following their loss on Monday.  He now finds himself in a triple threat match with former WWE Tag Team Champions at Hell In A Cell.  (My vote:  NR)

    6. The Miz (4)

    He’s The Miz, and he pinned Bryan Daniel clean this past Monday on RAW.  The second part of the US Championship triple threat at Hell in a Cell, Mr. Money In The Bank drops two spots this week.  (My vote:  9)

    7. Sheamus (10)

    The former WWE Champion must’ve done something to redeem himself this week, since he’s moved back up three slots to number seven.  Destroying The Great Khali, even if it was with chairs, will do that, fella!  (My vote: 5)

    8. Wade Barrett (8)

    The leader of the Nexus coached the team of Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel to victory over Evan Bourne and Mark Henry, then joined in on the post match beatdown of Bourne.  He faces John Cena at Hell In A Cell – can he win and prevent Nexus from disbanding?  (My vote:  NR)

    9. CM Punk (NR)

    With an out of nowhere victory over former Straight Edge Society running buddy Luke Gallows, CM Punk returns to the Power Poll.  (My vote:  3)

    10. Edge (NR)

    After having a pinfall victory overturned by the anonymous General Manager, the Rated R Superstar finally had enough and destroyed the GM’s computer.  Maybe now we’ll finally find out who the GM is.  (My vote: 1)

    Dropped out:
    Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison

    Also voted on by me: Alberto Del Rio (6), The Pope (8), and John Morrison (10)

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these wondeful sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comFuture EndeavorsHit the RopesNoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project WonderboyRingside RantsSmark Out Moment, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com,WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at)gmail.com.

  7. RAW 9.27.10


    Hello, everyone!  Terribly sorry about not getting a review up for last week’s RAW, but things were really hectic.  Anyway, I’m back tonight, and you can bet there’s gonna be a review up this week!

    If you didn’t know it by now, Randy Orton is the new WWE Champion following Night of Champions!  And at Hell in a Cell this Sunday, he’s got his hands full with Sheamus in a one on one rematch for the WWE Champion.  But, this week?  He’s got his hands full with Chris Jericho as they compete.  And if Chris wins?  Well, if Chris wins, Randy Orton will give Chris a title opportunity whenever he wants it.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: The Miz didn’t tap out at Night of Champions, and Daniel Bryan pays for his win last week on RAW.>


    Miz and Alex Riley get to the ring tonight, and Miz says that Daniel Bryan challenged him and Alex Riley to a tag team match.  Didn’t Bryan learn his lesson last week?  Bryan’s like the guy who wins a hundred million dollars in the lottery and thinks he’s gonna win every time he plays.  What happens every Monday night? Bryan gets embarrassed by The Miz.  And on tonight’s episode, he’s bringing a tag team partner to join in on the fun.  So, come one, come all, and join in on the beatdown!

    Daniel Bryan’s music plays, and Miz asks if that’s really his music.  Then, he asks who Daniel’s tag team partner is, and if he even has any friends.  Miz is interrupted in his catchphrase yet again by John Morrison’s music.

    United States Champion Daniel Bryan and John Morrison vs Mr. Money in the Bank The Miz and Alex Riley

    Bryan and Riley start out, with Bryan getting the momentum early.  He goes for an early cover, but Riley kicks out.  Bryan tags in Morrison, but Riley attacks back.  Morrison gets the advantage, however, and Riley drops him into the top rope.  Riley keeps the advantage over Morrison as Miz is in the ring.  Miz then drops Morrison right into the bottom rope.  Miz gets covered, but kicks out.  Miz manhandles Morrison, then backs up to have Riley come up.  Riley stomps on Morrison in the corner before the ref pulls him out.  Riley then drops Morrison and goes for a cover, but Morrison kicks out.  Miz gets tagged in, and hits a swinging corner clothesline on Morrison before going for a cover, only for Morrison to kick out.  Morrison goes for a tag, but when he jumps up, Miz catches him.  Miz misses a clothesline and dives for Bryan, but Miz grabs his leg and goes to pull him back, only to get a kick in the face.  Morrison finally tags Bryan in, and Miz misses a clothesline as Bryan takes out Riley and hits a dropkick on Miz.  He goes for a cover, but Miz kicks out at two.  Bryan goes for the Labelle Lock but Miz counters with Skull Crushing Finale.  Miz pins him for the cover.

    The Miz and Alex Riley win via pinfall.

    Miz attacks Bryan after the match, but Morrison comes to his rescue, and Bryan takes out both Morrison and the Miz.  Morrison pulls Bryan off of Miz, but Bryan attacks Morrison.  Morrison attacks Bryan, then Miz goes back to attacking Bryan, and then Morrison jumps on them both.

    “I’ve decided that this Sunday, at Hell in a Cell, for the first time ever, Daniel Bryan will defend the United States Championship against both John Morrison and The Miz.  But it will be defended in a match that I just invented: A Triple Threat Submissions Count Anywhere Match.”


    @legendkiller515 since when was hell in the cell an important pay per view #wwe #raw #bwf

    @ _MFS_ Can King please read the emails? Cole already talks WAY too much #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @KeepItFiveStar Damn Tamina. What’d the O-Zone Layer do to you?

    @kickoutblog KILL THE WABBIT! KILL THE WABBIT! KILL THE WABBIT! #danielfudd

    @bethsharae Yep, Miz and Riley will win this one. I’m already calling it. Morrison has once like once or twice against Miz since they broke up. #Raw

    Divas Battle Royal for the Number One Contender for the Unified Diva’s Championship

    I see Melina, the Bellas, Eve, Gail, Jillian, Maryse, Alicia, Tamina, and Natalya.  Then LayCool comes on out to sit ringside.  I’m not even going to try to keep up with this cluster fuck.

    Natalya wins.

    Good to finally see Natalya get her chance.  Anywho, didn’t pay attention to the match.  I hate Divas Battle Royals.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Legendary comes out tomorrow. John Cena’s been everywhere promoting it.>

    Later tonight, Edge has The General Manager on The Cutting Edge.


    @kickoutblog Finally, a talented female athlete challenging for the Divas Title, are my eyes deceiving me?

    @_MFS_ Okay, so they surprised me there, a Diva with actual fucking talent actually won, good job for once #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @Niki_Sushi Yeah…. Officially fucking sick of LayCool. Michelle needs to go the hell away so Layla – who has talent – can shine. Skank. #BWF #RAW

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Eve Torres and R-Truth defeated Maryse and Ted DiBiase.  Mystery message on the Titantron.>

    Maryse is backstage with Ted, upset that Eve cost her the battle royal.  Ted says he doesn’t care about the battle royal, and that she cost them the match last week.  Someone knocks on the door and slips an envelope under the door.  Maryse opens it and it reads, “Next week, you will be mine.”

    It’s a shameful thing, lobster head!! TOO MANY LIMES, TOO MANY LIMES!

    Sheamus says that we may have heard of some kind of Irish tale about two princes who had to race to get the throne of Ireland.  The first prince to put his hand on the kingdom became the new king.  As it came to a close, the younger of the two princes knew he was about to lose, so he cut off his hand and threw it at the castle.  It made him the king of Ireland.  Sheamus says he’s willing to cut off his own hand to win back the WWE Title. I don’t think that’s a good idea.  Orton has underestimated Sheamus, and Sheamus should talk to Triple H because Sheamus ended Triple H’s career.  In that cell, Sheamus is going to have the time of his life.  But, right now, he wants to call out any WWE Superstar with a set of tires to face him.  But, if they do, not only will they find out why he’s a future three-time WWE Champion, but why he’s also the fiery red hand of the WWE.


    @Niki_Sushi I’m waiting for i- there it was. Fella. And I quote: VINTAGE SHEAMUS!

    @TKeep123 Mysterious “I WILL HAVE YOU” message….gotta be from GoldDust! #WWE #RAW

    @ThingsColeSays Does “fiery red hand of WWE” mean Sheamus has herpes of the hand or something? Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!

    @_MFS_ Sheamus, cutting off hands is not PG #WWE #RAW #BWF

    We come back, and Sheamus says that it’s not a surprise that no one back there is man enough to take him on.  Then, of course, the Great Khali comes out.

    Sheamus vs The Great Khali

    Khali slaps Sheamus’ chest, and Sheamus proceeds to beat Khali to the ground.  Sheamus then kicks Khali in the head and out of the ring.  Outside the ring, he proceeds to beat Khali up as the ref counts.  He takes the top off the announce table and beats Khali with it, then stealing Jerry’s chair, and then Cole’s chair.  The bell has rung at this point, but Sheamus just keeps throwing chairs.

    The Great Khali wins via disqualification.

    Sheamus then gets Khali up, but Khali pushes him into the turn buckle, but gets a Brogue Kick for his troubles.  He goes to get up, but gets another Brogue Kick.

    Up next, Edge has the RAW General Manager on the Cutting Edge!


    @KeepItFiveStar Every week I hope The Great Khali finally made that trip back to India. And every week I’m disappointed.

    @bethsharae Dang Sheamus! One bonus of being so white, any amount of Red just glows. #Raw

    @TKeep123 WOW!!! The hand print on Sheamus’ chest is amazing!!! #WWE #RAW

    @kickoutblog If I had Khali’s hand tattooed on my chest, I’d be pissed too

    You think you know me…

    The whole podium is in the ring.  If Cole reads the whole thing, I’m going to spaz… Really hard.  I kind of wish Cole would get punched in the face.  I’d take Josh Matthews over him.

    Edge says that tonight is a first.  The RAW GM is the guest.  Edge does appreciate the GM agreeing to show up on the show.  The computer will generate a voice (thank God), to keep this person’s identity a secret.  Edge asks why he is such a spineless coward.  The GM asks why Edge is such a moron.  The GM remains anonymous to protect his identity.  If people knew who he was, it’d change everything.  Edge says that’s the worst voice ever.  He thought he was Stone Cold, the Rock, Shawn Michaels, Bob Barker, or Lindsay Lohan after another bender.  The only thing Edge knows is that whoever he is, he is a big fat liar.  The GM says seriously, Edge, you hurt his feelings.  Why do you have to hate, yo.  He tried to make peace with him, but he wants confrontation.  Why does Edge despise the GM?  Edge asks why the GM despises him, and then asks why he’s arguing with a  computer.  Edge says that’s it.  He’s gonna go ask Chris Jericho exactly who the GM is.  The GM says Jericho is bluffing, but the GM knows a lot of things… Like Edge’s opponent.  Right now.

    Insert Stephen Hawking laughter.

    Edge says that he doesn’t have an opponent, and he’s done talking to an overgrown Speak ‘N Spell, and he’s out.  The GM says that he does have a match tonight, because the GM has scheduled a match between Edge and this man…



    @HitTheRopes Edge, when you start arguing with a computer, you know it’s time to leave Raw. Come back to Smackdown, yo

    @ThingsColeSays Edge is right. The state of Raw these days.

    @KeepItFiveStar Is the GM JTG? JTGM?

    @Grotessk The RAW GM is T-Pain.

    @_MFS_ It’s okay Edge, I argue with my computer at work all day too #WWE #RAW #BWF

    John Cena vs Edge

    Nexus is watching backstage.  Big surprise.

    Anyway, Cena gets the early advantage, but Edge punches that out of him.  Cena hits Edge with a drop toe-hold, but Edge kicks him out of the ring.  Cena starts to try to get back in the ring, but Edge hits a baseball slide and kicks him right back out.  Edge Irish whips Cena into the steel steps, then rolls into the ring to break the count.  I missed what happened, but I saw Cena go for an Attitude Adjustment, and Edge counter.  Edge goes for a cover, but Cena kicks out.  Edge keeps the advantage, punching his face as the ref tries to get him to back up.  Cena begins to fight back, ducking a clothesline, hitting a flying shoulder tackle before Edge stops him.  Edge goes for a cover, but Cena kicks out at two.  Edge gets Cena in a corner, then Irish whips him across the ring.  Edge goes for a suplex, but Cena counters it with one of his own.  Cena gets up and goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Edge counters again and goes for a cover, only for Cena to kick out again.  The crowd starts a “Let’s Go Cena, Let’s Go Edge” chant as Cena wakes up and starts fighting back a little more.  Cena gets up on the second rope and tries to get an Attitude Adjustment again, but Edge jumps down and hits a spear on Cena by the ropes, covering him.  Cena’s leg was under the rope, however, and Edge thinks he just won cleanly.  But, the GM hates him, so here’s the email!

    Edge wins via pinfall.

    “You need to play by the rules.  John Cena’s foot was clearly under the bottom rope.  See for yourself.  Therefore, this match will continue.”

    Told ya.

    Edge then runs back and starts punching Cena in the head.  Edge goes for the Spear again, but Cena counters with the STF.  Edge almost gets to the rope, but Cena pulls him back to the center of the ring.  Edge taps.

    John Cena wins via submission.

    Edge climbs out of the ring and starts slowly toward the computer.

    “Edge, you lost fair and square.  Don’t look at me like that.  Just walk away.”

    Edge stops, and looks at the computer again, only for the computer to ask him what he’s doing.  The computer says that Edge has the crazy eyes and he’s warning him.  Then, Edge knocks over the podium, and breaks the laptop in half, then beats it with a chair, then with his head.  Obviously, Edge is pissed.


    @ThingsColeSays THAT’S WHY YOU HOOK BOTH LEGS, BOYS AND GIRLS. There’s a lesson to be learned here.

    @bethsharae ….There is not instant replay in wrestling! Go away General Manager! #WWE #Raw

    @HitTheRopes LOL, the Raw GM was injured. The #WWE had to find a way to write him out of the storyline.

    @kickoutblog “Edge… you have the crazy eyes” might be my favorite WWE line since “malignant fist.”


    @TKeep123 Edge lays the RAW SMACKDOWN on the computer GM laptop. Edge 1 : GM 0 #WWE #RAW

    @_MFS_ Yay! Dead computer! Man I wish I could do that to the crappy computers where I work! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @TeamNakedBaby Edge just killed Stephen Hawking 😀

    Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater vs Mark Henry and Evan Bourne

    Evan and Heath start out, Heath getting a good grip on Bourne pretty early.  He already tags in Gabriel, who goes for a cover only for Bourne to kick out.  Gabriel tags Slater back in and Slater hits a knee drop on Bourne and goes for a cover.  Slater keeps momentum over Bourne, until he misses a clothesline and Bourne hits a high knee to Slater’s face.  Slater tags in Gabriel, and Henry comes in off the tag too.  Henry proceeds to deliver some hard hits to Gabriel, and downs Slater when he tries to help, then drops Gabriel on his stomach.  Henry tags in Bourne, who is then taken out by Gabriel, after Slater takes out Henry.  Gabriel climbs to the top rope now, and attempts the 450 Splash on Bourne, who manages to avoid it.  Bourne goes to the top, and hits Air Bourne.  He goes for the cover and Slater rolls them over so Gabriel pins Bourne.

    Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel win via pinfall.

    Nexus launches Mark Henry into the steel steps and then climb into the ring to get Evan.  Otunga delivers a clothesline to Bourne, Tarver punches him hard, Slater just takes him down with some move (his trunks are sparkly and distracting), and then Barrett lifts him up, hitting Wasteland on Bourne.  Tarver and Barrett move Bourne, and Gabriel hits a successful 450 Splash.

    Barrett gets a mic and says that Nexus has said from the very beginning that you’re either Nexus, or you’re against us.  After Hell in a Cell, Cena will no longer be “against us”, because when Barrett beats him, he will become property of Nexus.  It’s not like they need him, but Cena’s going to serve a purpose.  Cena’s going to take them to the upper something, and help them demoralize the entire WWE.  Just to show Cena that being a part of the Nexus isn’t all bad, they’ve decided that they’re going to take a little trip.  Otunga takes the mic and says that they’re invading Smackdown Friday.  Unlike RAW, they’re giving all the superstars on Smackdown a fair warning.  Tarver takes the mic and says the bad news is that they are the bad news.  None of you can stop them.


    @kickoutblog Please, please, please let us get some high flying insanity with Bourne and Gabriel.

    @TKeep123 Mark Henry becomes the World’s Strongest Yard Dart at the hands of Nexus! #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @HitTheRopes Anybody else find Wade Barrett’s face eerily similar to that of a rat?

    Next week, Johnny Knoxville is the guest star.  Remembering how bad it was last time, this’ll be fun.

    The Hart Dynasty with Natalya vs The WWE Tag Team Champions Drew McIntyre and Dashing Cody Rhodes for the WWE Tag Team Championship

    I admit that I like typing Dashing in front of Cody Rhodes’ name.  And that’s all I’ll say about that.  Promise.

    Tyson and Rhodes start out.  Rhodes sends Kidd out to the apron, but Kidd jumps right back in and goes for a cover, only for Rhodes to kick out.  Rhodes tags in McIntyre, and they hurl Kidd into the turnbuckle.  McIntyre gets Kidd up by his head and tags in Rhodes.  Rhodes hits Kidd, tags in McIntyre, and then Irish whips him right into McIntyre’s clothesline.  McIntyre goes for a move, but Kidd kicks him in the head.  McIntyre tags in Rhodes and Smith is tagged in too.  Smith hits Rhodes with some hard this, and then knees him in the face.  Rhodes is then dominated to the ground, Smith going for a cover only for McIntyre to interfere and then get knocked out of the ring.  The Hart Dynasty go for the Hart Attack, but McIntyre pushes Kidd off early.  Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes for the win.

    Drew McIntyre and Dashing Cody Rhodes win via pinfall.

    Smith asks why Kidd hit him from behind, and the two argue with Natalya trying to get them to stop.  Smith walks away after shoving Kidd.

    Up next, Chris Jericho will take on WWE Champion Randy Orton.


    @kickoutblog Uh Cole, all wrestlers shave their legs.

    @seraphalexiel Everytime they play Cody’s song instead of Drew’s, someone kicks a puppy around. Stop puppy violence

    @TKeep123 I wonder if Cody and Drew take turns shaving each other!…. Those boys be smooth! #WWE #RAW

    @HitTheRopes Just what #WWE needs to do: break up an ACTUAL tag team. smh

    @Niki_Sushi You know you hit hard when Drew McIntyre does a Gollum Crawl to the ropes. #BWF #RAW

    Cena and Truth backstage.  Truth says no matter what happens on Sunday, truth is, he always has Cena’s back.  Cena says he knows what’s at stake, and he’s going to take Nexus out one by one.  Truth tells him to be careful, and Cena says that he’s always careful.  Truth says he’s one of the most reckless people he knows.  Cena says he is, but Nexus, since they’re going to the premiere of Smackdown on Friday, maybe he should be there, and if they run into each other, then Hell in a Cell starts early.

    Break the walls down!

    Chris says that when he wins this match tonight, he will be the number one contender, and will go on to win the WWE Championship, do you understand what he is saying to you right now?  He’ll be the first to admit that Orton is a dangerous man, but he’s  not scared.  He’s changed from the fresh upstart he was when he first started to a deranged lunatic who has done whatever he could to become champion.  He is a viper.  He thinks, strikes, and acts like a snake, whenever he wants when he hits the RKO.  But, much like Randy used to call himself the Legend Killer, Chris is going to call himself the Viper Killer, and will strike the head of the snake right here, and Orton will join the ranks of Hall of Famers and Legends who have been beaten by him.  The list starts and continues, but a commercial interrupts.


    @bethsharae Did R-Truth just call Cena “Crunk”? #raw

    @KeepItFiveStar “U da moss reckless. Moss gettin crunk person. I KNOW!” – R-Truth (What??)

    @kickoutblog I write the most gettin’ crunk Raw reviews. And that’s the truth

    @HitTheRopes Every time R-Truth sets foot in front of a #WWE camera I feel the black race is set back decades “Most getting crunk person…” #facepalm


    @CawCawBang Word of the day is Crunk

    @_MFS_ Ummm interrupting someone who can actually cut a promo with commercials? Not cool #WWE, not cool at all #RAW #BWF

    We come back to Jericho’s list continuing, still.  By the way, gonna plug here.  Got Jericho’s DVD in the mail today, and it is amazing.  Worth every penny.  Trust me. Get it!

    I hear voices in my head…

    Anyway, the list is interrupted by Randy’s entrance.

    Chris Jericho vs WWE Champion Randy Orton

    Jericho starts off the match with a strong kick to Orton’s stomach.  He gets Orton in the corner and delivers some solid hits before Irish whipping Orton across the ring only to run into a clothesline.  Orton hits back at Jericho, however, dropping his knee into Jericho’s face.  He hits an uppercut on Jericho, who’s hanging out of the ring on the apron, and then climbs back in.  Jericho hits a slap on Orton to get him out of his face, and then kicks Orton right in the shoulder.  He taunts Orton, calling him a stupid man, his new favorite insult, before Orton starts hitting back again.  Orton Irish whips Jericho, who holds onto the ropes, and then is clotheslined out of the ring.  Orton walks out with him and Irish whips Jericho, who reverses, and whips Orton into the barrier.


    @HitTheRopes ARMBAR!!!!! #wwe

    @Niki_Sushi Wow…. was @IAmJericho seriously listing people off that whole time? Elephant memory he has. #BWF #RAW

    @Lagana Has WWE mentioned and promoted more TNA people tonight then TNA usually does?

    @WellYoureWrong …MOSS COVERED THREE HANDLED FAMILY GREDUNZA #1004opponents #wwe

    @legendkiller515 damn jericho is naming everyone he beat. #classic #wwe #raw #bwf

    We come back to Orton stomping on Jericho, and Sheamus walks out from behind the curtain to watch the match.  Orton sees him and pauses his methodical beat down of Jericho’s legs to stare at him.  Jericho gets to his feet and goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks and Jericho hits and insagari before hitting Orton’s neck against the bottom rope after a failed cover.  Orton gets up and attempts the RKO, but Jericho counters into a backslide, only for Orton to kick out.  Jericho goes for another cover after a dropkick, but Orton kicks out.  Jericho gets Orton in a headlock.  Orton fights out of it, and runs right into a dropkick.  Jericho goes for a cover, but Orton kicks out at two again.  Jericho drops his knee in Orton’s face, and then goes for another cover, only for Orton to kick out again.  Jericho gets Orton in a submission, but Orton fights out, delivering a back breaker to Jericho.  Orton gets up and watches Jericho, taking him down with clotheslines, and a scoop slam.  He then backs Jericho into the corner and Irish whips him.  Jericho puts his foot in Orton’s face when Orton runs at him, and then misses a Lionsault.  Orton hits the backbreaker and goes for the RKO, only for Jericho to drop him.  Jericho hits the Lionsault this time and goes for a cover, only for Orton to kick out.  Jericho gets up and kicks Orton in the stomach, but Orton goes for the DDT from the second rope.  Jericho counters it and locks in the Walls of Jericho.  Orton reaches for the bottom rope, however, but Jericho pulls him back to the center of the ring.  Orton reverses it and knocks Jericho out of the ring.  Jericho goes right back in, and then this the DDT from the second rope.

    Block of test is huge, so here’s a break.

    Orton drops down to his knees, and Sheamus misses a clothesline on Orton and the ref calls for the bell.  Orton then hits the DDT from the second rope on Sheamus.  Orton starts to go for a punt, but Jericho hits the Code Breaker on Orton instead.  Jericho grabs a chair and climbs back in the ring, telling Orton to get up.  Jericho says he’s gonna knock Orton’s head off, but Jericho misses with the chair and Orton hits the RKO on Jericho.  Orton then punts Jericho in the head.  Sheamus looks terrified that he actually did it, however.

    Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.  One wild RAW.  Decent lead up to Hell in a Cell, I think, so we’ll see what happens!  ‘Til next week!

  8. WWE Superstars Results

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    Hola!  Como estas?  That’s the extent of my Spanish.  Let’s delve into this thing.

    Match 1:  JTG vs Caylen Croft of Dudebuster fame w/Trent Baretta

    I hate JTG’s straight hair.  It’s time for him to go back to the braids.  Speaking of JTG, has anyone seen Shad Gaspard lately?  The Dudebusters suck…plain and simple.  They won’t last long.  Speaking of not lasting long, has anyone seen Shad Gaspard lately?  JTG hits the Shout Out for the victory.  He grabs some kiddies and celebrates in the ring with them. 

    Match 2:  Luke Gallows w/ Serena vs Chris Masters

    I like Masters, but he will never rise above being a lower mid-card performer.  It’s rather unfortunate, because he is better than what most people think.  Gallows should be further along than he is.  Wrestling at house shows and every so often on Superstars is not indicative of progress.  It’s almost time to break up the S.E.S if the only one getting over is CM Punk.  He can do what he’s doing on his own.  I digress.  Luke Gallows gets the win with the Gallows Pole. 

    Match 3:  Jillian vs Brie Bella

    I HATE Diva’s wrestling!  I will say that the Bella’s are smoking hot though.  Nikki and Brie switch places at the end of the match when the referee was distracted.  Nikki rolls up Jillian for the win.  The official winner of the match is Brie Bella.

    Main Event:  R-Truth vs William Regal

    The WWE really dropped the ball with R-Truth.  He held the US Title for about 3 weeks and then drops it and is sent directly to Superstars duty.  The guy is super over and super talented, but he just can’t catch a break.  Regal should find a tag team partner (Kozlov doesn’t count) and go after the Unified Tag Titles.  RTruth gets the win with the Lie Detector.

    That’s it for this week.  Catch ya later.

  9. ROH Report, 3/8/10

    1 Comment

    Greetings, everyone! This is a new one. Since I now get HDNet, thanks to my move, I am officially the only BWF staffer who can review Ring of Honor’s Monday night show. As they ARE the only hour of pro wrestling on Monday nights, I’m quite happy to do so. Our fearless leader, ThinkSoJoE, will continue to provide you with excellent coverage of “Smackdown” on Friday nights. (more…)