Tag Archive: Team 3D

  1. Beer Money whips everybody – iMPACT 7/17/08

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    I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it – I’m a huge fan of Robert Roode and James Storm as a tag team.  Which is why I actually enjoyed last night’s episode of iMPACT.  Despite all the crap that happened in the main event at Victory Road, iMPACT focused more on Beer Money than any other performers.  They went around whipping virtually everybody, including wrestlers, security guards, and fans.  Meanwhile, Samoa Joe is letting Booker T keep the TNA Championship belt, while Team 3D and Kurt Angle swear that Sting is on their side.

    Results and what will probably be some not-so-in-depth analysis after the jump!

  2. When AJ Styles Attacks – iMPACT, 6/19/08

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    In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve only seen half of last night’s iMPACT.  Not the first half.  Not the second half.  The middle half.  I woke up late again, this time around 9:30, got straight out of bed and tuned into Spike TV.  Then left around 10:30.  So I literally only watched half of iMPACT, and I suppose I should really only opine on what I managed to catch.  However, taking liberties with his wording from the message boards on WorldWrestlingInsanity.com, I’ll be using Fritz Stephey’s real-time iMPACT coverage to form my assessment of the show.  Fritz actually said I could use his column, but then this article wouldn’t be a BWF exclusive like everything else on here, now would it?

    Anyways, I’m going to skip the opening rant about stupid things on the show, mostly because I didn’t really watch enough of it to form a decent opinion.  So a quick review, and thoughts on the show, after the jump!