Tag Archive: Team Elimination

  1. Late Edition: TNA Impact A Thankgiving Episode

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    After being comatose on Turkey and such, I go into IMPACT Wrestling with a heavy stomach and an even heavier heart. The show starts off with the replay of James Storm’s attack. And his subsequent search for the culprit and his reveal as Kurt Angle.  Well the show actually begins with Angle coming to the ring to what may be actual boos and not piped in heat. He cuts a promo. This of course prompts James Storm to come out and say his piece. The promo was decent Storm looked to be stumbling over some words but he presented his point. This of course leads to Storm having enough talking and now wants to fight. Which prompts heel Angle to put on the brakes and all he wants to do  is talk like a gentlemen. But if it’s a fight Storm wants he gladly provides it with Immortal w/ Daniels.

    Bully Ray, Jeff Jarrett w/ Daniels to be exact. Angle taunts Storm who proceeds to punch Kurt in the face before rolling out of the ring before anyone can touch him. Shortly after Fourtune runs out w/ Mr. Anderson and RVD. More precisely its AJ Styles, Anderson and RVD. Brawl ensues. Storm comes back in and fights Angle.  After a lengthy brawl Immortal actually retreats with Bully Ray leading the charge. Tenay announces a 8 man, 2 team elimination match main event. Team Angle vs Team Storm. And no neither Storm or Angle are wrestling due to injury so the other two men are Jeff Hardy for Team Storm and World Champion Bobby Roode for Team Angle.

    Rudy Charles and Eric Young come to the Zone with a cooler. EY asks Charles to unveil the annual Turkey Suit.

    Replay of Sting making Matt Morgan and Crimson into a tag team, and there win against Mexican America. What could this mean?

    Rematch of last weeks match. Next up Morgan/Crimson (C) vs Mexican America for the TNA Tag Titles.

    * To cut it short here,  Anarquia in similar fashion to last week is beat like a red headed step child. To the point that Hernandez is never brought into the match. And is double choke slammed for the 1,2,3. Crimson and Morgan retain.

    Backstage EY, Rudy Charles have a confrontation with Robbie E and Rob T about a match up for who wears the turkey suit. If Robbie E refuses he will be stripped of the Television title. After Robbie E and Rob T storm off, Eric Young reveals to Senior Official Rudy Charles that he made the Sting/ title stripping up.

    Karen and Traci march their way to the ring.

    The Terrible 4 (sorry Traci but…) make their way to the ring. Karen, Gail, Madison and aforementioned Traci. Karen calls out all the knockouts minus Mickie, Sarita, Rosita (since the two latinas do not exist on the roster. besides being valets) and Toxxin (because….) So basically Tara, Tessmacher, Velvet, Winter and Love. She bashes male viewers for being disgusting and that because of that there will be a knockout lingerie match. The funniest part was when she was down talking the five women for pretending to be wrestlers she was looking dead at Tara, their faces were an inch apart. Later on in the back Velvet, Tara and Tessmacher with interviewer Christy Hemme are gripping about how they thought this was a different company where athleticism mattered over showing skin. And that folks is where Pintnoir goes in to rant mode.

    These five women are flabbergasted that they have to wrestle in a lingerie match, citing without calling out WWE about mistreatment. The women in question are Tessmacher who is a former or current Hooters girl, Velvet who along with Love would come to the ring in basically a bra and panties  and Tara who just 3 three weeks ago was going all faux lesbian with Tessmacher. Don’t get me wrong about how TNA handled this their heavy handed way of telling the fans that because we wanted to see skin you will get it but we will also chastise you for making this happen because of tweets, emails and what not. Bullshi….. they have just realized that these five women do not have anything really to do.

    End rant.

    Now the match has been changed to a Thanksgiving Thong Thunder match. And will be added to TNA tradition right next to the turkey suit match.

    Rant. no energy left.

    Long story short it becomes a pose off between Velvet, Tara and Tessmacher (faces) against Madison, Winter and Love (heels). The pose off last for a few minutes before the heels attack from behind. (also noted even with less clothes on Madison still draws no reaction.) During the ruckus Earl Hebner looks as lost as Hugh Hefner at a women rights rally. Madison eventually goes for the title belt to use on Velvet when Earl is distracted, Mickie comes out takes the belt guillotines Rayne on the top rope which leads her over for the facebuster giving Velvet the win.

    Backstage Karen yells at the six women for wearing too much clothes and promises next week to supply the lingerie herself.

    Jeff Hardy comes out with wearing a hoodie and a mask. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone only for it to be revealed as Jeff Jarrett. Hardy comes out and attacks Jarrett after he cuts a promo on how Hardy is a degenerate. Immortal comes out and beats on Hardy before Fortune comes to clear the ring.  But before it ends Jarrett throws Hardy against the steel steps injuring him.

    The Turkey suit match commences. After introductions, Robbie E attacks EY outside the ring and even beats up on the suit for cheap laughs. EY eventually gets the upper hand until Rob T hands Robbie a spool kite handle???? which he uses to smack EY in the face for the win. When Rudy Charles counts the three and raises Robbie’s hand revealing the weapon the match is restarted. After a spiked piledriver Eric Young wins but Robbie E is out could so Rob T has to wear the costume  he is so enraged he chases Eric out of the ring.

    8 Man Elimination Match is next.

    Brief walks with both teams talking strategy. Roode enters after everyone else with the belt. Talks on commentary for a while while the two teams fight minus him and Hardy who is kayfabed injured. Eventually he comes to the ring when Anderson is down and gets the pin. He wrestles Styles only to get himself disqualified. Daniels rolls up RVD. This of course leaves AJ by himself against Jarret, Ray and Daniels he soon gets the upper hand leaving all four men laid out. Hardy’s music hits and he comes to the ring tags Styles and systematically eliminates Daniels and Jarret before being stopped by Ray with a boot to the face. He kicks out after 2 tags in AJ who goes for a spring board clothesline for the three. Roode sneak attacks both Jeff and AJ, standing over Styles with the belt with the movie music playing in the background.

    For what it was it was decent nothing new just an episode for fans to have something to watch while they digest. —pintnoir out.

  2. Tna Final Resolution

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    Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us to the PPV and the opening match is for the TNA Tag Team Titles.

    TNA Tag Team Championships
    The British Invasion (c’s) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

    With Shelley out of the ring, The British Invasion used it to their advantage to double team. They hit a double team finisher off the top rope for the three count.

    Winners & STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The British Invasion

    Up next is Tara vs. ODB for the TNA Knockouts Title.

    TNA Knockouts Championship
    ODB (c) vs. Tara

    Quick match for this one. Tara rolled up ODB to win the match.

    Winner & NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara

    Following the match, Christy Hemme interviewed the new champion. Tara thanked the crowd.

    Adam Martin now here taking over for Roy Nemer for the rest of the recap.

    “Feast or Fired”
    Three winners will earn title shots, one person will be fired

    Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir ended up winning the match to get the four briefcases.

    Winners: Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir

    Kevin Nash’s briefcase revealed a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championships. Samoa Joe’s briefcase revealed a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. We came down to the final two – “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir. Terry gets the TNA X Divison Championship title shot, while Sheik Abdul Bashir is fired.

    Eight Man Tag Team Elimination
    Team 3D, Rhino & Jesse Neal vs. Matt Morgan, Hernandez, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero & Suicide

    Rhino was eliminated when he was rolled up by Hernandez. Matt Morgan, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero and Suicide joined the match after time expired to even things up. Hernandez took out Jesse Neal with a sick steel chair shot and the referee disqualifed him. Team 3D eliminated Suicide. Were told later that Jesse Neal was disqualified as well. Team 3D eliminated Dinero. It is now down to Matt Morgan against Team 3D. Morgan eliminated Brother Devon. It is now down to Morgan vs. Brother Ray. Morgan got the pinfall over Ray with a Carbon Footprint into a steel chair.

    Winner: Matt Morgan

    We get a video package promoting the history between Scott Steiner and Bobby Lashley in the last two months.

    Last Man Standing
    Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

    Scott Steiner was favoring his leg early one after taking a T-Bone Suplex from Lashley. Lots of brawling on the outside. They brawled back to the ring, Steiner tossed Lashley up on the top turnbuckle and Steiner dropped him in a facebuster off the corner. Referee started the count and Lashley was up at 9. Steiner with an overhead suplex on Lashley off the top turnbuckle. Referee starts the count again and Lashley is up at 8. Lashley fights back with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and running powerslam on Steiner. Referee starts the count and Steiner is up at 9. Steiner with a Frankensteiner off the top rope on Lashley! Steiner grabbed a steel pipe, Kristal Lashley ran down taking it away from Steiner, tossed it in the ring, Lashley hit a Spear and then took out Steiner with the pipe. Referee started the count and Steiner could not answer the 10 count.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    Tenay and Taz hype up the next match of Abyss & Mick Foley vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie.

    Before the match, Mick Foley declared this a “Foley’s Funhouse Rules” match where anything goes.

    Mick Foley & Abyss vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie

    Abyss with a big body splash on Raven and Stevie in the corner. Foley dropped a big elbow over the chest of Stevie who was in the tree of woe in the corner. Foley and Raven brawled to the back as Abyss and Stevie remained in the ring. Abyss and Stevie brawled to the outside near a new area they built for the announce table that connects to the entrance ramp. Abyss setup a table and attempted to powerbomb Stevie off the ramp, but Raven broke it up hitting Abyss over the back with a kendo stick. Raven started choking Abyss with it as well. Raven and Stevie started double teaming Abyss at ringside. Raven pulled out some gasoline, but Foley broke it up coming down the ramp with a shopping cart full of weapons taking out Raven and Stevie. Foley hit Stevie and Raven with his barbed wire bat. Foley with a piledriver on Raven in the ring and then a double arm DDT on Stevie. Raven threw powder in Foley’s face when he had the sock ready. Foley and Abyss both get mandible claws on Raven and Stevie. Raven breaks that up and hits an Evenflow DDT on Abyss for a close two count. On the outside, Foley wrapped barbed wire around Stevie and put him on a table. Foley walks up the ramp, jumps off and connects with a flying elbow through the table on Stevie. In the ring, Abyss catches Raven with a Blackhole Slam for the pinfall.

    Winners: Mick Foley & Abyss

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe who earned a briefcase with a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Joe said the biggest perk is that he can wait as long as he wants to cash in his title shot adding he can do it tonight or even on January 4 during the biggest Impact in TNA history.

    Three Degrees of Pain
    Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

    First Fall: This is a normal singles bout. Lots of hold exchanges early on between the two. Angle continued to go hold for hold with Wolfe. Wolfe worked on the wrists of Angle getting many nearfalls. Wolfe with a few big side headlock takedowns on Angle. Angle with some offense and powerbombs Wolfe right into the corner turnbuckle. Wolfe works over the left arm of Wolfe. Angle with a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Angle and Wolfe responds with a flying hammerlock. Angle with a series of german suplexes on Wolfe releasing on the fifth. Angle kicks out of a Tower of London from Wolfe. Angle with an Angle SUplex and Wolfe gets a shoulder up. Angle misses a moonsault and Wolfe connects with a big lariat. Wolfe with another Tower of London and gets the pinfall.

    Winner of Fall #1: Desmond Wolfe

    Second Fall: This is now submission rules. Wolfe jumps on the back of Angle and pulls back on Angle’s shoulder. Angle rolls out and gets a Figure Four applied on Wolfe. Wolfe breaks free and gets an arm scissor armbar submission on Angle. Angle rolls outs and Wolfe continues to work on Angle’s left arm. Angle powers up to his feet, but Wolfe takes him back down with an arm drag into a wristlock. Angle breaks free and gets an Ankle Lock applied. Wolfe taps out.

    Winner of Fall #2: Kurt Angle

    Third Fall: The Six Sides of Steel is now legal in this final fall. Angle with a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Wolfe from the top turnbuckle. Angle then sends Wolfe face first into the side of the cage and follows that up with a big clothesline. Wolfe is busted open at this point. Angle attempts a Frog Splash, but Wolfe brings his knees up. Angle ends up catching Wolfe on the shin and Wolfe screams out in pain. A bloody Wolfe yells at the referee to open up the cage door. Wolfe starts crawling out and Angle brings him back in dropping down to apply an Ankle Lock. Wolfe starts tapping, but you can’t win the match that way. Angle keeps it applied and Wolfe looks to pass out from the pain. Angle breaks the hold and starts climbing out the cage. Wolfe comes to, sees Angle climbing out, tries climbing out through the door, but Angle drops down first to get the win.

    Winner of Fall #3: Kurt Angle
    Winner of Three Degrees of Pain: Kurt Angle (2-1)

    We then see highlights of each of the three falls.

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Mick Foley. Foley said despite his big win tonight, he has other matters to address and that is Hulk Hogan. He promises that Hogan will answer his questions on January 4, live on Impact.

    A video package runs highlighting the events between AJ Styles and Daniels leading into tonight’s main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    TNA World Heavyweight Championship
    AJ Styles (c) vs. Daniels

    Jeremy Borash did the ring introductions for the challenger Daniels and champion AJ Styles.

    Styles and Daniels had an intense stare down as the bell rang. Daniels catches Styles with a big slap early on to upset Styles. Daniels locks up the left arm of Styles in his knees and Styles screams out in pain. Styles fires back choking Daniels with his legs. Daniels continues to roll through offense attempts by Styles. Styles catches Daniels with a big dropkick as Daniels shot off the ropes. Quick head scissors takedown by Styles on Daniels followed by a quick snap suplex. Styles with a big flip dive over the top rope taking out Daniels on the outside who slid out. Styles with a big wind up lariat on Daniels. Daniels comes back with a monkey flip sending Styles into the corner turnbuckle with force. Daniels grabs two steel chairs and sets them up. Daniels sits Styles down on one, goes to hit Styles, the referee pulls that chair away and with the referee’s back turned Daniels slams Styles over the one that was setup. Daniels tosses Styles back in and gets a close two count. Styles comes back with another head scissors takedown.

    Daniels with a forearm to the back when Styles attempted a springboard off the top turnbuckle. Daniels grabs Styles looking to hit a back superplex, but Daniels drops Styles back first off the top of the turnbuckle! Very nasty landing for Styles there. Daniels with a springboard moonsault over Styles right into a Crossface. Styles grabs onto the bottom rope to break it up. Styles with a big hammerlock back suplex on Daniels. Another nasty spot saw Daniels attempt a springboard huracanrana from the ring, but Styles held on and powerbombed Daniels on the floor. Styles with a backbreaker across the knee on Daniels. Styles fires back with a big springboard inverted DDT on Daniels that gets a close two count. Daniels crotches Styles up on the top rope. Daniels climbs up on the ropes and superplexes Styles back into the middle of the ring. Daniels puts Styles up on the top turnbuckle and catches Styles with a huge right hand. Daniels huracanrana’s Styles off the top rope and connects with a Shining Wizard for a two count. Daniels has a huge knot on his head. Styles fights back hitting a huge brainbuster on Daniels.

    Styles with a springboard clothesline on Daniels, cover and Daniels gets his boot on the bottom rope. Styles with a Pele Kick on Daniels, attempts the Styles Clash, but Daniels reaches and hooks himself in the ropes. Styles starts kicking Daniels in the back to break it up. Styles catches Daniels with a big kick to the back of the head, but Daniels holds on to the referee to counter a german suplex attempt. Daniels knocks out Styles and connects with a huge BME (Best Moonsault Ever), covers and gets a very close two count. Daniels can’t believe it and starts hitting some stiff right hands. Styles catapults Daniels into the corner, Daniels falls back, Styles rolls through, hits the Styles Clash and Daniels finds a way to kick out. Daniels gets Styles up on the top turnbuckle, looks to attempt a huracanrana, but Styles holds on and hits a Styles Clash on Daniels from the corner. Styles turns over and gets the pinfall.

    Winner & STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles

  3. Why I hate: WWE No Mercy

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    This article is part 8 of a series on WWE Pay Per View events.  See also:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7.

    We’re almost done with our series on WWE Pay Per View events.  We’ve already discussed seven out of the 10 events outside of “The Big Four,” and after this week’s article on No Mercy, we’ll have just two events left to talk about.

    I present my reasons against WWE No Mercy, after the jump! (more…)

  4. Why I hate: WWE Unforgiven

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    This article is part 7 of a series on WWE Pay Per View events.  See also:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.

    For a secondary Pay Per View, Unforgiven has seen it’s share of big matches. It even got a cool new match associated with it last year, the Championship Scramble.  Still, it’s not making the cut of my reimagined WWE Pay Per View Calendar.

    I present my arguments against WWE Unforgiven, after the  jump! (more…)