Tag Archive: The Wyatt Family

  1. WWE RAW 12/23/13 – RAW is CHRISTMAS. Yay.

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    I’m in a great mood and having a great night.  First the Buffalo Sabres win a game by shooting the puck down the pants of Phoenix Coyotes’ goaltender Mike Smith – literally.  Then my 49ers clinch a playoff spot by defeating the Atlanta Falcons.  Then I got to hang out with Jorge for a few as he dropped off a brand new copy of Kick-Ass on BluRay, replacing my lost DVD copy.  But now, I have to watch RAW.  CHRISTMAS RAW.  These are NEVER good.  EVER.  And the little bit I saw before I left for work isn’t exactly filling me with hope for this particular edition.  So, despite my better judgment, let’s go.


    I watch three hours of this crap so you can read it and pick what you think might be interesting to watch on the DVR later.  I should get paid for this.  It’s a terrible job sometimes.  
