Tag Archive: Thinking Music

  1. WWE RAW results 7/20/09

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    Alright, this should be fun!  I’m reviewing the show on a brand new laptop, and I woke up 5 minutes before the damned show started, starving but not wanting to let you guys down, since I missed my last two assignments here on BWF.  Well, we’re getting back to normal this week, sort of.  I’m back to do all my reviews, Legend Killer will be around on Wednesday with a new article (and he’s also working on something new for VinceRussoWatchesHisBeardGrow.com), and we’ll have Random Randomness on… Friday?!?  JT is going on vacation at the end of the week, so he’s going to drop in with his column a couple days early.  Anyways, I digress, put on your cheap sunglasses, it’s time for RAW with guest hosts ZZ Top!
