Tag Archive: Train

  1. BWF Radio 16

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    That’s right, we’re back, and more well produced than ever!  ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G discuss this week in professional wrestling, including the effectiveness of The Rock and John Cena’s promos leading up to their showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII, the Undertaker changing dates, A-Train’s rumored return, and much, much more.  Right click and save the link below to listen, and hit the jump for links to some of the links referenced in this week’s show

    BWF Radio Episode 16


  2. Random Randomness


    Welcome all to another edition of what I do here on this site and as the days get longer it can only mean one thing, Wrestlemania is near.  What did you think I was gonna say spring?  We don’t really get that here since it can snow here some years as late as Mothers day, we just kinda transition from winter into summer so for me to say that spring is coming just wouldn’t fit, but without further ado, I have wrestling to talk about so lets get this train a rolling: (more…)