First of all my apologies about how late the show is this week. I’ve been having a rough week and was unable to really record something. The delay meant that something could happen to annoy me though. That something was Corey Graves on NXT commentary. What started out as a bit of a rant about Corey turned in to a full blown rant about WWE commentary in general. As well as praise for the commentary teams on the other shows of course. We look at positives here at Bored Wrestling Fan.


No, seriously, we do. Please stop laughing.



Post by Noyce

Mark Noyce is one of the co-hosts of Bored Wrestling Fan and occasional contributor to the site. He's published a few books on Amazon you can find by searching his name and is looking for voice and written work so contact him via Twitter if you're interested.

All posts by Noyce | Noyce on Twitter

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