Hello everyone, I just figured I’d come in and give my opinion of what went on this week on WWE and TNA programming this week (because you all want to know).   So be kind (it’s my birthday this week) and let’s take a look.

RAW is 800:

Jericho wins the title back from Batista, awesome.  I hate Batista, he needs to become psycho heel or anther program NOT involving any title.

DX wins in their 954762318th “One Night Only” reunion, I’m shocked.

No Honk-a-Meter this week, WTF??? 3 hours, Kung Fu Naki gets air time but not the Honk-a-Meter.

Mike Adamle quits, WTF??? This better lead to something, I actually enjoyed him as GM.

Shane O Mac announced that it will be Cena vs. Jericho at the Survivor series.  So John Cena is Jericho’s next victim.  Oops did I just write that.

All in all, for a big show, it was very meh nothing too spectacular.


Finlay becomes #1 contender for the ECW title.  I’ve got no problem with it, he deserves it.  I know the guy’s never gonna be WWE or World champion, but I can see him with an ECW title reign.

Like Joe said, that was pretty much it.  What happened to ECW running past the hour mark?


Well, I do remember having it on my TV, I didn’t really pay much attention to it.  I only showed up for the for the TRIUMVIRATE OF TN-AWESOMENESS and that was it.  Apparently there’s a ppv happening tonight.  I won’t be watching mostly because it’s not named “Wrestlemania” (that’s the only one I buy). 

So getting back on track, the Main Event Mafia beat the Young Lions (not named Joe, Christian, or AJ).  Oh wait even Joe and Christian were beat by them, great.  All I can say is TNA- Cross The Line.

KONG MAD, KONG SMASH!!  Nuff said.

That’s about it, I was too drunk by the end of the program to really know what was going on, so I can’t really give an opinion on the show as a whole. (JT – Cross The Line)


MVP’s VIP lounge get’s interrupted by the F***IN Khali Kiss cam, come on wwe.  MVP is awesome and it’s a shame to involve him in this garbage.  Then Viki Guerrero goes on and says how great the Khali Kiss cam is and how it is the highest rated segment on Smackdown. JT’s opinion, yeah right. 

The Hurripop’s are awesome.  I can’t wait for his return.

I don’t know what happened but I hated R-Truth in TNA, but I think he’s awesome in WWE (as long as they don’t show the retarded dancing on my TV).   

Ezikiel Jackson killed Jimmy Wang Yang, sorry Jimmy thanks for coming.

I actually watched the Diva segment and I think my IQ dropped 5 points.

Psycho Jeff Hardy, hmmmm interesting.  I just hope they don’t turn him heel.

Big Show wants Undertaker it put him in a casket at Surivor Series.  Yeah like Big Show has any chance at the ppv that gave us the Undertaker to begin with.

Diva match, fast forward button. 

Apparently Brie Bella has a clone.  Primo thinks it’s Cool.  I don’t.

More psycho Jeff Hardy, causing Koslov to beat Undertaker by DQ.  Methinks it’ll be Hardy vs Koslov vs HHH at Survivor Series.

As the DVR cuts it off again (damn DVR), we find out that next week we get Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker in an Exterme Rules match, cool.

All in all, I have to say that Smackdown was pretty good this week, by far the best program of the 4.

Alright I think I’ve taken up enough of your time, so thakns for reading and see you next tme.  Oh by the way Happy Birthday to ThinkSoJoE, whose birthday (along with mine) is on Thursday!


  1. I’m actually trying to post this comment from my cell phone. Let’s see how that works out. I actually just wanted to suggest setting your DVR to record until 10:05 on Fridays. That’s what I usually do.

  2. I’m actually trying to post this comment from my cell phone. Let’s see how that works out. I actually just wanted to suggest setting your DVR to record until 10:05 on Fridays. That’s what I usually do.

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