Welcome to the War for another week.

Tune in after the jump, that’s if, you can make it past the opening video.

First things first, it seems that while I’m gone, TNA President Dixie Carter, thinks it’s ok, to allow Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, to join TNA. Sure, Hulk Hogan is a household name in the wrestling business, and will tune more people into Spike TV on Thursday nights, but am I the only one who sees this, as a desperate plea, from someone who fired everyone who knew how to run a wrestling business, and did not know anybody else who could, besides these two? Having these two in charge, especially since what happened to the last place they were in charge of, seems a very, very risky move. Putting Captain Vegetable in charge would’ve been a safer bet.

The boycott of WWE programming is still on. Blame Jeremy Piven.

Has anyone noticed, that when you hit the ‘about’ section of this very website, it shows the writing staff of this very website. However, it only includes four of the staff that appear each week. There’s JT, Drow, THarvey and a former United States Senator. But no Jason, who does the ECW reviews, and, most importantly, there is no ME! I am apparently not worthy enough of being credited as a writer or a contributor of this website. This is an abomination. In retaliation, go to this guy’s house, and bombard it with eggs.

I have too many wrestling figures still in their boxes. Everyone from several Triple H’s to the Miz, to a figure of ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund, they are all stashed away in a wardrobe, because there is literally no room to put them. My scale size Wrestlemania I wrestling ring is on top of said wardrobe, with the parts that hold it up removed, so that it fits properly. As I see the array of loose wrestling figures, the only one that’s broken, is the Diesel one. Isn’t it Ironic, don’t ya think?

Speaking of Alanis Morissette, if you don’t own the Jagged Little Pill album, then you don’t own every great album in the world.

Bret Hart’s book is a good read, although I’m only like an eighth of the way through. You can read it with one hand in your pocket if you wish, although the only person that would do that, is of course, Alanis.

I seem to be talking an awful lot about Alanis Morissette this week ain’t I?

For those who haven’t unlocked all the achievements for the Smackdown! vs. RAW 2010 video game deserve shooting. It’s that easy to get there. Speaking of video games, there have been some famous names trying to sell you games over time. Starting from way back with the game system I grew up loving, the Atari 2600, to the systems of today. Can you think of any game commercials that have involved celebrities? I promise you, that by the time you finish looking through my column, you will learn that Alan Alda and Fergie were in the same commercial for the Atari Home Computer, and much, much more.

Finally, I don’t agree with this guy’s top ten, but I do agree with his #1

Well, that’s all for this week, tune into BoredWrestlingFan.com for your weekly wrestling fix. This has been the one they call Your Legend Killer reminding you that the penis will always come back down to size.


  1. I could've sworn you were in the about section. I distinctly remember it saying something about a brick being thrown through the windows at BWF headquarters. Anyways, if you're in Niagara Falls, yes, please do egg the address that comes up on that link. It's not me.

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