Cue the opening

Whilst travelling through the depths of the Attitude era, I noticed something that proves that one of the biggest wrestlers of the modern era, has been living a lie for several years. For those new to the game, Triple H has called himself the King Of Kings for years. He was calling himself that when I was a fan, and I’m quite positive he still does, (I’m sure someone will tell me if he doesn’t these days). However, Triple H is in fact NOT the King Of Kings.

On the June 29, 1998 edition of WWF Raw Is War, a special ‘King Of Kings’ match, between former King Of The Ring winners Triple H and Owen Hart, and current King Of The Ring Ken Shamrock, took place.

As the following video proof shows (It’s just at the start of the Warzone, 7:30 into the first video to get there exactly), it was Ken Shamrock, not Triple H, who won the match. Thus proving that Triple H is not the King Of Kings, and has been living a lie since whichever WrestleMania he was, where he faced John Cena.

And that’s a random wrestling fact that you wouldn’t of known about.


  1. Ken Shamrock would have made a scary barbarian overlord. Imagine him in the Conan get-up.

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